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Everything posted by Flanders

  1. Right, I also forgot to mention that the online documentation is found here and that the script files can be used to find out what a spawnarg does. I'll update the second post.
  2. Should the editor_setKeyValue_thingies have a description? I guess not. In that case tdm_target.def is done 5% now, will do more tomorrow.
  3. The weapon defs are too difficult for me, I don't understand half of it, someone more knowledgeable on this should do this. I'll do tdm_target.def now, that requires only some descriptions in the base entity I think.
  4. I'll start with triggers.def (I like to work from last to first). Therefore I need to make changes to triggers.def and to tdm_base.
  5. I made a help thread so we can actually get this started with. There's a percentage shown of how many of the def files are completed with the descriptions. I'll see what def files I can scratch from the to do list now.
  6. To know what the spawnargs on entities are for mappers need a description that is shown in dark radiant when adding that spawnarg. The problem is that for many entities these descriptions are not added yet, hence this thread. We need volunteers to go through the def files and give a description where they are missing. Above are the def files listed that need to be done. If you are willing to help post here which def file you want to go through and report here when it's done. I'll scratch the finished ones so we know which ones are done. To add a description just add "editor_var spawnargname" "explanation" to the def file. example: "editor_var inherit" "Entitity inherits all properties from this parent entity" These can be used for the different types of spawnargs: * editor_bool - yes/no boolean values * editor_gui - GUI definitions * editor_color - Color values * editor_vector - angles or vectors * editor_float - floating point number * editor_snd - sound shader name etc. Possible values include: var, bool, int, float, model, string, gui, color, and material. If the spawnarg is inherited add the description to the parent entity so that any other entity that inherit the same spawnarg will inherit the description. If the spawnarg is not inherited but can be found on many other entities add the description to a base entity they share (usually atdm:entity_base in tdm_base.def). If you don't know what a spawnarg is for you can look in the script files or just ask. Tels made a script that converts the info in the def files in an easy to use database. You'll need a program like activeperl or strawberryperl to run devel/inspec.pl that generates devel/doc/js/entities.js. The data in entities.js can be shown by opening devel/doc/index.html for more info read this post: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=174474 or more general, the topic where this post is in: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=7360 the online documentation is here (updated frequently): http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/doc/index.html#overview
  7. def/aas.def def/animations_reference.def def/bc_misc.def def/d3_junk.def def/env_simplevehicle.def def/func.def def/misc.def def/moveable.def def/path.def def/portal_sky.def def/tdm_absencemarker.def def/tdm_ai_animal_horse.def def/tdm_ai_animal_rat.def def/tdm_ai_animal_raven.def def/tdm_ai_base.def def/tdm_ai_builder_forger.def def/tdm_ai_builder_guard.def def/tdm_ai_builder_inquisitor.def def/tdm_ai_builder_priest.def def/tdm_ai_citywatch.def def/tdm_ai_citywatch_elite.def def/tdm_ai_elemental_fire.def def/tdm_ai_ghostwoman.def def/tdm_ai_head_base.def def/tdm_ai_heads.def def/tdm_ai_heads_dev.def def/tdm_ai_heads_springheel.def def/tdm_ai_houseguard.def def/tdm_ai_humanoid.def def/tdm_ai_humanoid_undead.def def/tdm_ai_inventor_engineer.def def/tdm_ai_merc_elite.def def/tdm_ai_merc_proguard.def def/tdm_ai_monster_base.def def/tdm_ai_monster_belcher.def def/tdm_ai_monster_spider.def def/tdm_ai_monster_werebeast.def def/tdm_ai_nobleman.def def/tdm_ai_noblewoman.def def/tdm_ai_pagan_female.def def/tdm_ai_steambot_lantern.def def/tdm_ai_thief.def def/tdm_ai_townsfolk_beggar.def def/tdm_ai_townsfolk_commoner.def def/tdm_ai_townsfolk_thug.def def/tdm_ai_undead_revenant.def def/tdm_ai_undead_skeleton.def def/tdm_ai_undead_zombie.def def/tdm_ai_undead_zombie_short.def def/tdm_ai_vocal_sets.def def/tdm_ai_weapons.def def/tdm_ammo.def def/tdm_banners.def def/tdm_base.def def/tdm_bloodmarker.def def/tdm_conversation.def def/tdm_damage.def def/tdm_debugging.def def/tdm_deprecated.def def/tdm_difficulty.def def/tdm_difficulty_default.def def/tdm_frobable.def def/tdm_func.def def/tdm_furniture.def def/tdm_healing.def def/tdm_inventory_loot.def def/tdm_inventory_map.def def/tdm_items.def def/tdm_keys.def def/tdm_lights.def def/tdm_lights_static.def def/tdm_liquid.def def/tdm_loot.def def/tdm_maps_blackheart_manor.def def/tdm_maps_gathers.def def/tdm_maps_saintlucia.def def/tdm_melee.def def/tdm_moveable.def def/tdm_moveable_containers.def def/tdm_moveable_decorative_vases.def def/tdm_moveable_food.def def/tdm_moveable_furniture.def def/tdm_moveable_hangers.def def/tdm_moveable_junk.def def/tdm_moveable_kitchen.def def/tdm_moveable_kitchen_utensils.def def/tdm_moveable_lights.def def/tdm_moveable_loot.def def/tdm_moveable_musical.def def/tdm_moveable_readables.def def/tdm_moveable_rocks.def def/tdm_moveable_tools.def def/tdm_moveable_weapons.def def/tdm_moveable_wearable.def def/tdm_mover_base.def def/tdm_mover_button.def def/tdm_mover_doors.def def/tdm_mover_elevators.def def/tdm_mover_lever.def def/tdm_music.def def/tdm_objects_ragdoll.def def/tdm_player_thief.def def/tdm_playertools.def def/tdm_playertools_flashbomb.def def/tdm_playertools_flashmine.def def/tdm_playertools_lantern.def def/tdm_playertools_lockpicks.def def/tdm_playertools_mine.def def/tdm_projectiles.def def/tdm_prop_items.def def/tdm_prop_wearable_items.def def/tdm_propagated_sounds.def def/tdm_readable.def def/tdm_response_effects.def def/tdm_rope.def def/tdm_shopitems.def def/tdm_soundprop.def def/tdm_target.def def/tdm_team_relations.def def/tdm_weapon_arrow.def def/tdm_weapon_base.def def/tdm_weapon_blackjack.def def/tdm_weapon_broadhead.def def/tdm_weapon_firearrow.def def/tdm_weapon_gasarrow.def def/tdm_weapon_mossarrow.def def/tdm_weapon_noisemaker.def def/tdm_weapon_ropearrow.def def/tdm_weapon_shortsword.def def/tdm_weapon_unarmed.def def/tdm_weapon_vinearrow.def def/tdm_weapon_waterarrow.def def/triggers.def 31 def files fully documented currently at 23%
  8. Nope, that doesn't work either. I did notice that I could walk through ragdolls after I move them around with g_dragentity even with contents set to solid. Maybe id disabled ragdoll movement on impact because of this.
  9. Vertices don't have to be aligned to a grid, however it is always a good idea to snap vertices to a grid. It helps avoiding things like disappearing brushes. If they are snapped to a grid it's easy to snap them to each other. Such a function is not needed imo.
  10. Ok. I uploaded my first attempt to model_src. they're called attack_overhead and attack_thrust. Just as the parry animations I made the raise weapon and release anim in one file. The thrust attack can pause on the 21st frame (when the player holds the attack button), the overhead attack on the 22nd frame.
  11. Also, we could use some more levers and buttons I think. We have very few. In the Outpost the lever and buttons were made out of brushes .
  12. Yes and yes. I'm working on it . Too bad there's no attack animation for a reference in that folder.
  13. 7.0 But I need some instructions for this, should I make one anim for weapon raise and one for releasing it? How long should these be?
  14. Actually I was looking at the player weapon model today and I thought I could make some animations for this, although I don't know how to bring it into doom3. If I make some mb files for this, can someone get them in doom 3?
  15. There are some entities that inherit from a doom 3 entity like moveable_base, those do not inherit from entity_base.
  16. I can do this now, I'll be changing some def files then within an hour or so.
  17. I tried lowering all values for masses, densities and frictions with the af editor but without result. The ragdoll still won't move on impacts.
  18. Flanders

    Main Menu

    The settings menu looks good! One minor thing: I have mwheeldown and mwheelup for next/previous inventory item but the text overlaps, maybe a shorter description for mouse wheel up and down, mwup and mwdown. I can't figure out how this dmargs.txt works. What exactlly should I add to it to set com_allowconsole to 1?
  19. It would be great if this problem can be solved somehow. If not, maybe I can make some ragdoll curtains/banners/cloths with a very low mass so that it does behave as it should. I think TDM could use some of these things, unmoveable curtains are sooo T1 .
  20. I tried setting contents to solid for a ragdoll and its body parts. The player can't walk through it now. But when the player collides with it remains rigid. Is it not possible to make a ragdoll deform when pushed by the player or some object with a collision model?
  21. I'll think about it and experiment with it tomorrow, thanks.
  22. I was wondering if it's possible to make things like banners and curtains deform in a realistic way if the player walks into it. So far I could not find an example of a rag doll that moves if the player collides with it. Does anyone know of a way to do this with doom 3? Also, the maya import plugins for maya 7 and 8 can't be downloaded from the wiki here
  23. sure, let the rgb values depend on a sin table for example.
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