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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. Very cool. I somehow missed this post, but thankfully someone posted it on reddit. Looking forward to playing it. Thanks for all the work on this!
  2. Great mission. I haven't played in over a year and I'm happy I picked this one. I came up a bit short of the loot target though, I'll have to look around some more.
  3. I came across this video the other day, posted on Ars Technica. He talks about when they developed Thief: The Dark Project.
  4. The performance was good, it ran perfectly smoothly with 4x antialiasing and 8x anisotropy (1080Ti, i7-7700k). I also tried 8x AA, but it started to jitter.
  5. I played through the Smiling Cutpurse on the vive yesterday. Looks great and runs so much better than the vorpx hack. A few shadows out of sync between eyes, but 99% of it looked perfect. You definitely need to lock-out the vertical mouse. I think that would be most important to make it comfortable to play while it's still seated mouse/keyboard.
  6. I haven't checked TDM in a while. Exciting work being done here, I look forward to testing it out.
  7. Well I just updated to the new vorpx version, which now allows gamma adjustment and got it working again after some messing about. I uploaded my new vorpx profile for TDM if it is of use to anyone. The game is playable on the vive now, but tbh after playing proper made for vr games the past few months, I find it difficult to go back to using this vorpx hack. The experience is really sub-par compared to what is possible with native vr support. I will return to playing TDM on a flat screen as it was designed. Cheers and have a Happy New Year!
  8. Sorry to hear that Bucklebean, I hope your family is doing well. That's awesome you have both rift and vive. I ended up cancelling my rift order and spent the money on a 980Ti instead, but I still wish I had both for testing purposes. I haven't tried TDM since I posted that; actually I haven't played any seated games at all. I'm having too much fund with the roomscale stuff - love those vive controllers. The 2D fov adjuster is interesting. I hadn't played with that much, not sure what it did. Performance is identical to the DK2. Smooth when looking around (due to vorpX fluidsync I guess), but you can see the rest of the game is running at a lower framerate. For the brightness, I'm hoping Reshade updates to support direct mode. Alternatively, if you run vive in extended mode you can adjust the brighness/contrast, but I was having trouble getting vorpX to work properly. Editing a mission to change values should work, that's a good idea Demagogue. I wish I could find the time, I haven't even learned to use DarkRadiant yet. I have too many interests to focus on one thing long enough.
  9. One other thing... there is no way to adjust the brightness and contrast and the stock levels are too bright. Its a shame as it hurts the game ambience.
  10. Now working on the HTC-Vive! I uploaded my vorpX profile if any one wants it (I think it will change your xbox mapping as well though, so be warned). It looks good, much cleaner than DK2. Like before, you need to set a custom resolution in Nvidia. I used 1350x1500 @ 60Hz. It doesn't need to be active, just present for the game to see it. Edit the Darkmod.cfg and change these lines to fix the resolution and screen ratio: seta r_customHeight "1500"seta r_customWidth "1350"seta r_fovRatio "0.9" In the vorpX settings I used: Geometry modeSeparation (3d strength) 0.45 (works for my 58 mm ipd)Letterbox1Zoom 0.92 The left and right screen edges are very slightly cropped. If you turn off the vorpX ambience in edge peek, the cropped edges will be black so it is not noticeable. I tried higher zoom levels to fill the screen, but it causes distortion. Actually, I tried a myriad of resolutions, screen ratios and zoom levels and this was the best I could get it.
  11. and Ralf fixed it and published the update before I could even try this. Amazing.
  12. That's brilliant! I'll try it after work.
  13. A new vorpX version out that supports CV1 (consumer oculus rift). Unfortunately it has broken TDM implementation. Hopefully this is temporary. When launching the game, the screen is just a series of horizontal lines. I can hear it running though. Have you tried it BuckleBean? [edit] Ralf from vorpX thinks its an OpenGL thing - he's going to try to fix it tomorrow.
  14. btw I'm replaying "Tears of St. Lucia" and I just noticed that the skybox displays properly. I assume it is using a different asset as there is no moon.
  15. Excellent, I didn't know that about the doors or the head bob! I'll definitely turn that off. Many thanks.
  16. I might just have a higher tolerance to the framerates than you. Most of the time they are "just good enough" and can vary a lot depending on location. I was just out in the rain (3rd mission of NHAT) and it was a juddery hell - it was great to get inside the mansion!
  17. It must be - it's not in the original clip. Strange.
  18. screenshot is F12 and they are saved in the darkmod folder (wherever you installed the game) ...\darkmod\screenshots\
  19. I managed to get the video capture working: https://youtu.be/BKYVq4jgy5k Turning on mirroring in vorpx was the key as was using Dxtory to record the video. Unfortunately I could not get it to work with any of the free video recorders I tried (Shadowplay or Openbroadcast). FRAPS sort of worked, but it locked the game's framerate to the recording framerate so it isn't ideal: major judder unless you record at 75 fps. Maybe there's a way to turn that off in the paid version I don't know.
  20. I listened to the sound samples for the advanced method and was surprised by the large difference between them. It seems the default is IRC_1005 and it is not nearly the best match for me (thought it already works quite well). The instructions only mention 44100 tables in the advanced method, does that mean it won't work with 48k? Thanks
  21. I just tried it. I'm happy to report that the positional audio works not only when rotating your avatar with your mouse/stick, but also when just turning your head. Very nice! Btw when writing the batch file to test the OpenAL installation, don't forget to rename TheDarkMod.exe to stvoy.exe if you changed that for vorpx. It took me awhile to realize that.
  22. Hi, thanks for the detailed instructions. just one snag I hit, for this instruction: change "#hrtf = false" to "hrtf=true" (remove "#"!) There is no line "#hrtf = false" in the ini file, but there is "#hrtf = auto". I assume that is what I change instead, or should I add a new line? [EDIT] I changed auto to true and that did the trick. This works very well!
  23. thanks, I will definitely try that out.
  24. sorry for the late reply - I thought I had subscribed to this thread. According to Fraps, I'm locked at 75 fps. Gameplay is smooth most of the time, but I have run into the occasional area where there is judder (mostly outdoors). I turned v-sync OFF in the game, but set to ON in the control panel. When I set up the game I had my desktop set at a custom 1280x1440 @75 Hz. Without that I couldn't get the aspect ratio to stick. Oddly enough, I don't need to keep my desktop at this setting to run the game - it was only needed for the initial setup. Coincidentally, I also settled on 0.92 zoom, so we must be doing something right! Also using 1:1 pixel in vorpx and r_fovRatio is 0.889 in the cfg. After a lot of fiddling, I lowered the 3D separation to 0.26. People look the most natural now (at 1.0 everything looked small). This setting seems to be analogous to a slider for IPD, so ymmv (mine is only 58 mm). The actual IPD setting in vorpx doesn't do anything. my specs: Win7x64; 4670k @4.2 GHz; gtx 780Ti; 16 GB ram @2133 Mhz Turning off post processing fixed the lighting anomalies due to bloom and now everything looks fantastic. The only issue left is the skybox - the moon and stars are only about 10 feet away, so don't look up. I played Crucible of Omens all weekend; it is excellent! Looking forward to the consumer Rift as well - should be fun. I'm sure Ralph will be quick to update vorpx.
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