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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. Terrific! The beta test thread is up: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22238-beta-testing-the-spider-and-the-finch/
  2. I just finished it. That was a really fun mission! Interesting mapping, I really liked the layout. Cheers!
  3. Glad you're feeling better. Yes, I was surprised to see three new ones out. I'll have to start one tonight.
  4. I can speed run it in 42 minutes on expert, so probably a couple hours for the uninitiated.
  5. It took a while, but I'm very excited to finally make it to this stage! I'm hoping for maybe three volunteers to beta test. Best regards, Groden.
  6. Nice! Congrats on your first FM. Looks like a busy season for TDM.
  7. Congratulations on your first release, I look forward to playing it.
  8. Great idea. I just added this to my upcoming mission. chatGPT helped me with the script. Works like a charm. vector playerPosition; vector riversoundPosition; void sound_follow(entity zone) // have river sound speaker ($river_sound) follow the player along the river when in the yard { playerPosition = $player1.getOrigin(); riversoundPosition = $river_sound.getOrigin(); riversoundPosition_y = playerPosition_y; // river runs north-south, only need to change y $river_sound.setOrigin(riversoundPosition); sys.wait(0.2); thread sound_follow($player1); } void kill_sound_follow(entity zone) // stop river sound following player when they leave the yard { sys.killthread("sound_follow"); }
  9. Thanks, yes it seems to be that way. I may just leave them on for most of the areas and lower the volume a little. I'm just being fussy at this point.
  10. Here's another question (the last for this mission, I'm sure)! I'm using info_location for the ambient sounds, which works quite nicely, but I don't really want the sound to loop endlessly. I tried adding s_looping 0 to one of the info_locations, but the sound still loops there. I also tried that on the global atdm:location_settings, but it still loops. Is it bugged or is it just me?
  11. Thanks. Unfortunately, the failure logic route didn't work either. It says objective complete when she dies, but I don't get a mission failure.
  12. I tried that with "Boolean NOT" checked, since I want the person to not die. I was still able to kill them without failing the mission though.
  13. Seems my brain isn't quite at full capacity today: how do I trigger mission failure if a certain AI dies?
  14. Thanks! Okay, In St. Lucia, a fake key was bound to a vase, then a stim/response used to delete the fake key and put the real key in the players inventory when the vase was frobbed. Not quite the effect I wanted, but it could be useful.
  15. I tried to add a custom collider to a pot so you could, for example, hide a key in it that would fall out if the player tipped the pot upside down. This doesn't seem possible - any collider that isn't a single solid polygon gives me an error on map start. For example, something like this doesn't work: Is this just a limitation of the engine or is there a way to do it? It's not super important, I just thought it would be cool to do.
  16. I'm looking for the decal often used on the floor in front of secret doors. I've searched though textures/darkmod/decals and many other locations, but can't find it. Does anyone know where it's located or can post the texture? Thanks.
  17. Unfortunately it's still an issue on the latest dev build as well (dev16818-10434)
  18. darn, I just noticed this - I thought I had notifications turned on. I'll check out the dev build after the weekend. Thanks!
  19. here's an example with grass and cobblestones with vertex blending. Seems like a bug to me.
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