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New Horizon

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Everything posted by New Horizon

  1. Climbing gloves won't be appearing in The Dark Mod, but you should still have the opportunity to scale some walls with the appropriate tools. Can't get into specifics, just trust me. We've also discussed the implications of stamina on gameplay. After many weeks of weighing the pros and cons...the cons just outweighed the pros and we decided against it. We have to keep in mind that our goal is to take the existing core gameplay, find ways to improve it, and in doing so make it our own without adding too many additional features. Feature creep is something that has to be taken very seriously when dealing with this type of gameplay.
  2. Looking great! I really like the look of that surface BT.
  3. Very nice work Deep'O. Great to have you back.
  4. Yeah, I think Spar and I discussed that way back in the beginning. We can leave the Hud options customizable through .ini files or .cfg files. Whichever it is. I really like your classic style display though. Feels like home. Dear Lord....I'm showing signs of getting old...."it's comfortable..don't you change that HUD!"
  5. Yeah, it might not be a good idea to combine conflicting elements.
  6. I really like the style of your mockup. It's a minor detail, but I would prefer the weapons in the T1 and 2 positions. Of course, that's not going to be an issue for those turning them off.
  7. I think it should be possible. If I understand this process correctly..it just allows control over how sharp the shinyness of an objects texture is. This could allow for junk to be made to look much more dull and the loot to have a much clearer sheen. If I'm understanding correctly that is.
  8. Mmmm, subtle. I like it. Not like T3 Loot flares.
  9. This could come in handy for the loot textures to control how well they stand out from other objects.
  10. Come now...we can't give away all our secrets just yet. We've only begun.
  11. Hi there woodsy-lord. Thanks for dropping into the forum. We're still very early in development and a lot of what you see is not even ingame yet. At this point in development we really need to focus our resources. Not that your project doesn't sound great, but there is a lot of work left to do before our materials are presentable. Also, we wouldn't want to release the materials before our project is finished. There would be no surprises left for anyone As Fingernail pointed out however, you should take a look for Thief 2D and see if you could perhaps join forces with them. Thanks. N.H.
  12. Thought I would add a little more life into the pic by adding oDDity's noblewoman.
  13. I think it actually looks quite sexy. The texture might need to be altered slightly to rough up the metal but as far as the color goes, I think it looks great! I also think the angle in that mockup pic is damn near bang on as well. It's dark and stealthy looking. Lets do it folks. Lets get that sucker in there.
  14. WOW! TYROT.....this is simply beautiful!
  15. Well, with rope arrows in the previous games were reusable so as a balance they were rare, but if ours are a one time only type of deal FM authors will just make them a little less hard to find. Shouldn't be a bad trade. As far as how it works, I can just as easily accept the rope coming out of a metal arrow as I can a magic arrow. Personally, I'm rather fond of oDDity's idea. It will look the same regardless. So, if they're not reusable it's just a matter of making them a little more abundant. Not a lot, just a little...but that's not really our worry. Almost makes them a little more valuable in that respect...they would have to be used just as wisely.
  16. I have a copy on hand if anyone needs to borrow it.
  17. That's awesome BT. I've been trying to get my hands on the floor plans for a Cathedral here in Charlottetown. Hopefully soon.
  18. I think the pool table could be used, perhaps with some slight modification to make it look a little more in period, roughed up a bit...perhaps replace the green surface with red.
  19. Yes indeed. I remembered seeing similar doors from Thief 2. I think they look great! We're trying to stay much closer to Thief 2 in artistic style. There was a warmth and realism to that style that didn't quite come through in Deadly Shadows.
  20. What is The Dark Mod? We are primarily a group of Thief fans, disappointed there was going to be no editor for Thief: Deadly Shadows. Seeing Doom 3, we all thought it would be an excellent engine to create a Thief Style experience. To be a part of the team, you need to have some familiarity with the Thief games. Although a Thief 3 editor is a possibility now we will continue our work as we feel the D3 engine gives us even more freedom to create a Thief Style. What do I do to join? We're a fan project, so you won't recieve any sort of money for work you do on this project. We do this for love of the game, and to add to our own portfolios. Dedication and a willingness to learn is very important. You must also be able to accept constructive criticism from team members. To apply, first sign up as a member of our forum and then send an email to: recruiting@thedarkmod.com Please include some samples of your work in the email and also a brief description of the skills you are willing to lend to The Dark Mod. Please ensure the work you include is representative of your capabilities. After I have reviewed your application, I will get back to you as quickly as possible. We are currently interested in the following skills: Model Skinners - We have many objects that need to be textured. Animation - We have a lot of character models that need to be animated Coding - AI or Physics Skills a huge plus. Mapping - Familiarity with Doom 3 level editor and Thief series history. Modeling - Characters, Objects Sound - Ambience, sound effects. **Please Note** Vocal Sets are being handled in house. No vocal set submissions please. - New Horizon
  21. Yeah, it's the kind of thing where the whole "magic" deal might come in handy....but I liked the idea of it coming through a ring..but that might be harder to implement than it's worth. Really, it should just be simple...even if that means working the way it did in T1 and 2.
  22. Very nice work VD. The chair and desk are great. The chandelier is wonderful. I've seen similar doors in Thief 2, perhaps if it were roughed up a bit, but the window is a bit too modern. All together though, very nice indeed.
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