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jay pettitt

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Everything posted by jay pettitt

  1. Physics works bitches. I didn't realise there was a medieval bit of New York. Surely several different kinds of oxymoron, no? --edit-- 1 x wiki research later - You crazy, French monastery stealing, Yanks!
  2. Small gaps and everything else. That's the thing though - there are very, very few occaisions where, ya know, standing up is a good idea in TDM. Black Jacking and running away. Elsewise it's always best to be smoll. Even peeking atop wardrobes is almost always more stealthily achieved by crouching on a nearby table. Still, its only a small grumble and probably subjective.
  3. Don't know the multipliers but it's pretty logical: Crouch Creep < Creep < Crouch < Walk < Crouch Run < Run The difference isn't insignificant either. Maybe ~ 1.5 times quicker to walk than crouch or something like that. For all that, crouch 'feels' too advantageous to my mind and it bugs me. If I had a vote, I'd second the OP. It may be that tweaking player feedback somehow would hit the sweet-spot, but pruning squat jog altogether would be more satisfying. Not sure what the feature brings to TDM. It'd also fix the silent and very silly sprint/crouch/bounce exploit.
  4. Not safe for wor... well, just not safe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZgHXAek0No
  5. Not so much inspiration as method: a series of short video pod-casts aimed at kids (like me) that cover some creative writing basics including characterisation and plot making. Ideas and inspiration Characters Plot Setting Redrafting
  6. I'm guessing that's a yes - D3 does it and it might be one of the things that TDM uses to fudge underwater scenes.
  7. Quick, hide the posts where we said Fen was fungus.
  8. You could try tweaking ...\SteamApps\common\dear esther\dearesther\cfg\video.txt
  9. Rock Paper Shotgun on driving sims: part 1 & part 2
  10. It's kinda interesting the different reactions this thing gets. It seems either to be one or other of adoration, loathing or okay but whatever. Which I guess, in a funny sort of way, is the point. There is no story. Only the suggestion that you subconsciously invent one. The what you 'do' in Dear Esther is on the subconscious level rather than the conscious one.
  11. Esther Circa 2008 is a HL2 mod. It uses HL2 assets - so I'd guess you need it installed. Esther 2.0 is stand alone.
  12. It still is free of course. But Esther 2.0 is something else. I don't think you could do that without charging. At least, I don't think it's at all unreasonable to divine an income from work like that. When it started I thought - that's nice, they've switched the beginning for a cut-scene and I stood there on the end of the jetty, starring at the water waiting for it to end. That was shortly before my jaw fell open. To my mind £6.99 is a bottle of wine, or a DVD. I'm okay with that. If the production values of Esther is anything to go by, I'm newly excited about gameB too.
  13. Dammity dammit I'm beginning to feel like a salesperson and I'm slightly bored of saying how utterly, utterly astonishing Dear Esther 2.0 is. But it does need saying. It's not for everyone and it does cost a few bob - if you're the kind of person who finds books or going outside boring, preferring instead the telly; don't bother or try the free HL2 mod of the same name. But otherwise go and do this and then come back and we can talk about how Esther seduced you, how long it took to succumb and whether or not it was the laudanum what did it. Something like this, with Dark Mod-esque object interaction and mantling would be dreamy. Not that it isn't dreamy already. http://youtu.be/D7VJ4lP-05A
  14. A loaf of bread costs 1 small silver bowl. Have you not read the wiki? --edit-- oh, and the point I was trying to make wasn't that I can't do fractions - rather a poor household in the game might 'feel' less poor in terms of the vibe your create and the narrative you spin to the player (even though the math is exactly the same) if they have big piles of cash adorning their tables rather than a single lonely coin. Poor households feel like poor households because there aren't many loot items - not because they're brimming with loot that doesn't do much to bump up your loot total. That's my two pennies worth anyway.
  15. Methinks this is perhaps too literal. At least, that's not how my brain works when I play the game. I look at 1 gold piece and and think - one lonely coin. If a poor household had stacks of gold coins it might bother me, but if they only have one or two coins it kinda computes just fine. It's the sparseness of loot that reinforces the poor household vibe. In fact, I half wonder if a big stack of coins valued at 1 might seem more out of place than a single coin valued at 1 in a counter intuitive sort of way. Maybe if you want to add interest, readables or keys (literal or hypothetical) or moss arrows or something might be more appropriate for poor areas. Most important thing, I reckon, is that loot is distinguishable from junk.
  16. Looks like a health bar but *gasp* no light gem. Colour me intrigued.
  17. They're not. Being in the position of wanting to use someone else's whatevers is the worst place to try and read or understand copyright from. You end up wondering if perhaps I can get away with x or y, but it doesn't work like that. Copyright legislation is about protecting original creative works from being copied - not about allowing copying. Fair use and the other wiggle clauses are intended to provide checks and balances to prevent the owners of copyrighted material from abusing the rights over their work, not to allow hip hop musicians and video game makers to get free samples. Happily though, technology is increasingly accessible - so it really shouldn't be beyond anyone to come up with their own original and or properly licensed sound recordings.
  18. Intentionally re-sampling D3 sounds is copying them. It's not fair use or incidental use. It would be a derivative of that original work, and subject to copyright and licensing and so on. Copyright law is intended to protect original creative works from being copied - not give folk wiggle room to copy other people's stuff. Which obviously sucks if you want to do a big, complicated, free project like TDM and nabbing other people's ready made assets would speed things along - but that's the way it is.
  19. Why make life hard? Turn them into brick walls. Nothing wrong with a fancy brick wall surrounding a garden.
  20. And you have my axe sound recording gizmos. If someone wants to design a TDM zombie, I'll help with some noises.
  21. There is sense in considering stand alone fork. D3 is still £££ in the shops - that's got to be a hurdle TDM doesn't need, it's not like you can just download TDM from the Internet and go. And it may well be possible to minimise the rough edges a fork may introduce to some existing FMs. It's really not a recommendation - but the engine is there and TDMers have expertise & experience. That doesn't mean that it's a good idea or something anyone would actually wake up in the morning and want to do...
  22. If I were you and or minded, I'd ditch the Thief clone themes so you're well clear of eidos, do some crowd funding via kickstarter and aim for an indy release.
  23. D3 is still £15 in the shops. p.s. Incidental use won't help you. That's for things like if you take a photograph and there happens to be a billboard in the background - that would be an incidental copy of the billboard artwork. If you pinch an art asset, even a minor one, then that's just plain old copying. I wouldn't 'go' de minimis either, not least because the site you linked to misunderstands de minimis - it's not about only using a little bit of someone else work, it's about the harm done being so small as to be inconsequential; that's not a call I'd want to make.
  24. Not if you import the date data as date data. Here's a plot for 2005 made by highlighting the 2005 data (highlighting the 2005 bits for column 'A' and 'B' and pressing the 'make me a chart' button. See, gaps
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