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Airship Ballet

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Everything posted by Airship Ballet

  1. No way to destroy an IP, really, since anybody can pick it up and do what they want with it. Less of the doom or gloom, more "oh well!". If they insistently cling onto the trademark then anybody can make a spiritual successor provided it has a different name *cough*.
  2. My brother moved to Sweden after I came here, and it's had a nasty impact on his ability to be blunt. Dern Swedish fops.
  3. Facebook has done an awful lot more than run hardware surveys, I think that goes without saying. Nobody's contesting that it's no fun having Steam DRM, but until GOG grows a lot both in terms of catalogue and infrastructure I just use it to easily play old games that require a ton of setup otherwise.
  4. Mhmm. I see that kind of talking all over the internet though. It's so, so easy for people to get carried away when they're typing and end up with some weird tinfoil hat conspiracy. Somehow people with no experience of the game industry's structure suddenly know how it works inside out and have it on good authority that one company--that they've never been a part of--is on a plot for world domination. Like it's a bad thing for a company to want to make money and do better than other companies, and they should feel bad for ever striving to outdo others and bolster their own success.
  5. My formatting's like that on big posts because otherwise the quote boxes would make the post a page long, ain't nobody got time for that. It's perfectly simple to quote if you just copy/paste it and use nameless quote tags.
  6. Definitely true for Finland, gotten me unpleasant responses for being so direct in England.
  7. Off-topic is a scary place It's just where the discussion's gone. We wouldn't get anywhere if we rigidly checked back with the terms of the op title and made sure to stick to it completely.
  8. "This isn't a war; it's an extermination" - Origin/Uplay/OnLive Why's that?
  9. They've already had such a revolutionary impact on the industry that it's startling when I remember it was a crappy niche beta platform I was playing in 2002. Considering everything from their awesome tours of the HQ to all their educational programs and funding as well as charity work and just generally being a huge boost to my faith in humanity, I find it very difficult to think of one bad thing to dig out that would genuinely make someone rationally think they're anything but a good influence.
  10. He's proven otherwise on countless occasions. Unless you can prove ulterior motives and a cartoonish plot for world domination, he's a good guy. Besides, they originally made Steam so that they could patch Counter Strike without days-long disruption to their service, not because they're evil masterminds who live only to mildly inconvenience you.
  11. Uh-huh, there was already that strange tour of an empty 3D Tesco store made for the OR. It's these people's jobs to try out all these new marketing opportunities, and I find it amazing that they're so consistently out of touch, let alone that their position still exists. They'll see it as a goldmine and pass it to marketing to create something with it. You could be fearful of the possibilities in the wrong hands, but really the worst I've ever seen are said out of touch marketing coordinators failing to make the most of the new thing. Zuckerberg, though, ugh. I'll never forget that one video of him being grilled and sweating buckets. Guy's just repulsive, really.
  12. I think Oculus Rift is too ahead of its time. The technology isn't there yet and neither is the support. The hardware will look as crazy to us in a few decades as inventions from the 40s do to us now. We need to focus on the technology surrounding and supporting it rather than trying to commercialize and cap it off so early on. Facebook buying this is hilarious, and I think they bought it for the same reason OR exists in the same place: the desire to be the first man on the VR moon.
  13. I hope for the sake of your fingers that you copied that from somewhere.
  14. Aaaaand now 'buffalo' looks like gibberish to me.
  15. "Koko Kokko kokoo koko kokkoa koko kokolla, koko kokolla kokoo koko kokko koko kokkoa" is an unrealistic yet perfectly acceptable Finnish sentence.
  16. That /a/narchist gif is mesmerizing. Every loop I watch I discover a new layer of loathing I didn't know I was capable of.
  17. Does it not have ghosts?
  18. I think you may be right, given that you've actually done it in your own work =P
  19. I think it was more an accumulation over time that convinced people he wasn't going to change. Hopefully he'll cool off and eventually make a comeback.
  20. I spent a while wondering at the mouse control, but I figure this was done with an on-rails camera added in DR?
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