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stgatilov last won the day on September 30

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About stgatilov

  • Birthday 08/26/1989

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  1. Shadow maps is all around me.

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    2. datiswous


      I upgraded my cpu in 2013 and my gpu in 2018. Stencil shadows gives me a huge performance boost usually. Gpu's get outdated more quickly?

    3. Xolvix


      It took me ages to move from stencil shadows to shadow maps. I finally moved for multiple reasons, though it helped I finally upgraded my hardware such that any frame loss from shadow maps was no longer noticeable. I think what actually made me pull the trigger was with some missions actually recommending it for side-benefits like volumetric lighting (e.g. Noble Affairs). But to be honest, I treat stencil shadows as a legacy from Doom 3 and it's a (now very rare) form of shadowing that's quite distinctive, so maybe I didn't want to move because of that. :)

    4. datiswous



      I think what actually made me pull the trigger was with some missions actually recommending it for side-benefits like volumetric lighting (e.g. Noble Affairs).

      Ok, but that benefit is not any more since 2.11

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