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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. I'm sorry i have to criticize a little again. What i have noticed playing a reasonable amount of FM's is, that some map authors seem to implement set guard patrol paths, which means the guard always walks the same way, which is like on the original Thief games, while others seem to implement complex patrol behavior (or is it random?). From a players point of view, and from someone who admittedly likes to knock out guards, a random patrol path (or complex) as can be found in grayman's WS: In the north mission to name an extreme example (in that mission, i felt like, if i waited in a corner in the kitchen, i could have knocked out about half a dozen different people that entered and left the kitchen in any direction, finally, i was stacking unconscious bodies in the toilet...), can be quite a game breaking thing, especially in stealth games, in fact, in any kind of games, you have to expect a certain A.I. behavior, otherwise it will get very difficult, and can break the fun. In this case, it can't be really, that guards patrol all over the place, especially, when you also want to find a safe place to hide bodies. I'm playing Melan & Bikerdude's PD 2 mission atm, and again, i find people who patrol in a really weird way... sometimes, they even stick to the same place, go a metre forward, turn around, go back, and then turn again. What is it with that weird behavior? Is it random, is it programmed? I can imagine that for people who like to ghost, and like a even bigger challenge, it's cool, but for people who blackjack, it's truely a nightmare. There's another issue i had in that mission, and that is, i couldn't enter a room, because the door way was exposed with candle light, and some stationary guard was facing the door, making it impossible to enter. Then i opened the door, shot a noisemaker arrow down the hallway i came from, the guard noticed the noise, came out of the door, and instead of checking the noise source, he came my way, and i tried it 3 times, and the result was always the same. Is there something i'm missing? Shouldn't he check the spot where the noise maker was aimed to? There's really some weird moments you have in this mod, not only gameplay wise, but also, in most missions, there are spots you stick to, when you jump in places, you're not expected to jump. Or some jumps which are designed so that you hardly can do them. Sorry to be so judicial, even though i really like this mod and the missions, there are some things i just feel need to be criticized about it. I can only imagine how much work goes into creating a mission, and nothing is perfect, and there always will be untested areas.
  2. Ooh, i see. Gotta add this mod to the list of favouite games above then.
  3. Hi, i see you're affiliated with Bohemian Interactive, great. Some of my favourite games come from Bohemia. Hidden & Dangerous comes to mind, Mafia and Operation Flashpoint. Nice to see you're also a fan of this mod.
  4. I hope after the Resident Evil 1 remake for PC, Capcom will also do a Resident Evil 2 remake, which i found even better than the first part. Actually quite a bit better.
  5. Nope. Each to its like, but his videos have a certain, strong american entertainment style to them, which i dislike. No offence to the americans here, and to the guy himself, but i just find it exaggerated. I prefer more subtle stuff. Good voice though, kind of made for voice acting.
  6. Worms is not exactly coop. At least if you don't team up, which you can do of course. But a whole lot of fun indeed. I would recommend Worms Armageddon, IMO the best part of the series. Even still patched (and improved in many ways) by some guys from the community, 15 years after its release!
  7. chakkman

    Thief 4

    Good points actually, i take back the request for a cover system then. It's just that it was fun in HR, but it's another game for sure.
  8. chakkman

    Thief 4

    Actually it's pretty useful as an indicator whether you're hid behind something or not. Maybe the "cover" word was a bit misleading. Let's say hide system then. In Deus Ex you're not dodging bullets either when using the system.
  9. chakkman

    Thief 4

    When talking about the sound, the sound of footsteps in the original Thief's (1 & 2) were pretty hilarious anyway, as if Garrett was wearing high heels or anything. That was A. very unrealistic, as the sound of hopping onto metal was so loud that it surely could have hear from 500 metres away, and B. very unrealistic that someone who was into making as small noise as possible was wearing such shoes, In Thief (new one) i would say, the sound of footstep is about right. But it was already improved massively in Deadly Shadows already so. Talking about the effect of movement noises, i don't know if you noticed, but, when you're crouching through ventilation shafts, when you touch the metal walls, nearby guards will notice you, so you have to be carefully that you don't accidentally bang into the shat's walls too, which is pretty cool actually.
  10. chakkman

    Thief 4

    Ok, going through that list i can confirm most of these points. Especially the lack of sound balance is a bit immersion breaking, that's right. I sometimes even wondered where voices were coming from, when i heard them, as if the ppl stood next to me, and i thought it would be in the house nearby. (wanna add though that none of the Thief games were perfect in that regard too though) Also in general, people in the game talk too frequently. It seems as if the dev's wanted to make sure the player realizes there are people around. At the point of the control being taken away from the player: Surely. But that's a general thing with games these days, they're mostly designed like that to make life easy for casual players. Which is sort of weird, as there's more and more experienced players around actually. But the thing they want to prevent i guess is that people take time to get used to the controls, and generally the game. Actually, Thief makes it really easy for you. Play it for an hour, and you're aware of pretty much most of the gameplay aspects. Still, i think it makes some interesting enhancements to the Thiefy gameplay, like aerial takedowns for example. What i miss a bit is a cover system like in Deus EX: HR, i think it would have added to the game well. What i'm often a bit unsure about is whether i move to a shadow or not, it's not 100% visible to see where is shadow and where not, they could have done that better.
  11. chakkman

    Thief 4

    I didn't mean the "hater" thing at all serious, sorry if it came along that way despite the smilie. On the other hand, there's surely some bias around here, i mean, come on, even years before its actual release, this game was already flamed to death judging by some early pictures. Didn't come along the sound issues btw, what are these? Only came along that a guard said the same line doubled, with slight delay, which sounded pretty weird.
  12. chakkman

    Thief 4

    One thing you also can criticize is the lack of challenge the game provides (which is a general thing with games though these days). It just isn't difficult enough, especially if you played something with hardcore difficulty like TDM with certain missions before (which is a bit too hard in places though IMO, especially with the introduced "AI hears blackjacked or AI's falling" feature). Even on Master difficulty it's not very difficult, you can turn certian things off like the focus thingie, but as it's an integer part of the game, that wouldn't make much sense. Also, turning off the loot or object glint could lead to missing a lot of stuff, as there are many objects in the world which could be pickable, or loot too. Nonetheless, as Obsttorte said, there's a lot to like about the game, and if you want to argue that it has nothing to do with the Thief games, then i only can counter argue, it has loads to do with them. Actually Thief is dripping out of every slit of it. Maybe people expected exactly the same thing. I'm very glad that they didn't just make a plain copy, but developed their own mechanics and style. Everything else for me would have been a disapointment. For the next title i'd wish a total open world environment though, where you can explore the city yourself, and take jobs and buy stuff when you want to, not that strict linear approach they got for.
  13. chakkman

    Thief 4

    Fair enough, you're right of course. Still you could consider it a new game, as, as far as i know, there weren't any of the original developers involved (?).
  14. chakkman

    Thief 4

    I think i had a similar discussion about TDS on ttlg once. Anyway, with worse you can't mean the technical side, because of course a 2014 game will be better on the technical side (graphics, sound, UI) than a 10 years plus old game. So if you talk about the gameplay then, it's highly subjective. What you consider as worse, i can consider as better. I wouldn't say it's better than the old Thief games, how can you compare that anyway, you always have to put it in context to the time it was released too, but it's a very good game by today's standards IMO. But then, that's arguing about taste, and makes no sense. Let's just say i really like playing it. And i also like the Thief games. If you don't like it, that's cool, but regarding that it already got ripped in pieces years before it was even released, let's just say i suspect a little bias. Judging from what i read here and over at ttlg, i really thought the game was the biggest crap ever produced, but in fact it's far from it. IMO (how many times did i say "in my opinion" now? )
  15. chakkman

    Thief 4

    The thing with cult games like the Thief series is that people WILL be very picky with them, as there are certian aspects which made them cult games, like the atmosphere, the gameplay, the sound and all that. Now take a reboot like this, and the graphics will be different, the gameplay will be slightly different, the music will be different, Garrett has another voice, and people will pick on all these points. I rather approach as a new game, and with that persepctive, it's pretty damn good actually. At least good enough for me, to get me thrilled. Of course everyone is entitled to disagree with that, fair enough. But IMO, prejudging it by the points i just made won't do it justice. Just like with the reboot of Deus Ex. There are many things which differ to the first part, but still, it has the Deux Ex feeling to it, even though there's many aspects of a modern game to it.
  16. chakkman

    Thief 4

    Played for 7 hours now, still liking it much. Haters gonna hate!
  17. Even Ubuntu lists the 64-bit version now as the default download.
  18. @ lost_soul: Afaik, Linux has the same RAM limitations as any other OS, when you run the 32-bit version. So a max of 3.5 GB can be adressed with the 32-bit version. With anything above that, you should install the 64-bit version. @ Tr00pertj: Ubuntu and Linux Mint aren't really bloated in any version. They come with very few startup applications, and background services compared to Windows. If you have a really slow computer, or if you want a lightning fast system, it makes sense to install the low system requirement desktops like LXDE or XFCE. But every fairly recent (2008 and after) machine should be good enough to run every desktop there is.
  19. If you have never run a Linux distro, i'd rather stick to Ubuntu than to Debian. Admittedly, i never used Debian, but i often read it's rather for the more experienced users, while Ubuntu especially aims on more inexperienced users with it's "Linux for humans" approach. At least i found it to be quite user friendly, and easy to use.
  20. If it fits, then it fits. That's my opinion. I like Windows for what it does as well. Especially it's stable like hell, my new computer with Windows 8 on it didn't crash on me one time, and i have it for like 6 or 7 months now, in daily use. And Windows 7 already was very stable too. Something i can only partly say about the various Linux distros i used. There's always some bugs and niggles in any of them tbh. But well, each to its like, and i surely don't want to start an argument about it now.
  21. What i meant was that the smaller desktops are slowly developed and maintained. XFCE version 4.12 for example was due to be released 1 1/2 years ago, and is still not out.
  22. chakkman

    Thief 4

    I finally installed Thief, and just played it for 2 hours, and actually, i'm pretty surprised how much like it. I would even go as far as to say that it's a pretty good game from what i have seen so far. I like the style, i like the visuals, i like the atmosphere. It all fits pretty well. On one hand, it's a pretty modern game in terms of visual indications, and taking the player by the hand (which is IMO not necessarily a bad thing, considering the complexity of it's nature compared to non demanding action titles for example, and the often distracting visuals in modern games, which could make you miss important aspects of the game), on the other hand, it catches quite a bit of the vibe of the classic Thief games. Not that i want to say that it is like these, actually IMO, it would have been a mistake if they would have strived to make it as close as possible to these, as a game developer, you probably can only lose when going that way, because picky people will always find things which aren't authentic enough. One thing i didn't really like too much was the "Thief challenge" with that wicked chick at the start. That was a bit too much aimed at the younger generation of gamers. Didn't really fit to the more adult general style of the game. Anyway, so much for my first little summary of my impressions, probably too early to make a final call, but so far, it really caught me. Usually i take a break after half an hour, or an hour of playing, if the game doesn't thrill me enough. Didn't happen here, and that's a good sign.
  23. Yeah, i'm only using Ubuntu based distros since years too, and most of the time, they're working fine. Atm i'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon and Ubuntu-Gnome. I started with OpenSuse, but i had some trouble with the paket management, and other things, so i switched to Ubuntu.
  24. It's very much up to personal preference. The advantage of Linux having countless desktop environments, is also it's weak point, as most of the DE's are only slowly developed and maintained. I would choose one of the big ones, KDE, if you want a classic desktop with loads of configuration options (which can be pretty confusing at times though...), Gnome if you want a modern, a bit unusual, if you're not used to it, simple and easy to understand desktop. Or you choose one of the Linux Mint desktops, Cinnamon or Mate, which were developed with the people in mind, who were disapointed with the direction the Gnome and Ubuntu Unity desktops have taken. Talking of Unity, which is the Ubuntu distros default desktop, you could also choose this, like the Gnome desktop, it's aimed at ease of use, and simplicity. I don't like it so much personally though, as the idea of the dash, and it's functionality doesn't really make sense to me. I gave it a couple of tries, but never really got warm with it. As i said, there's loads of other desktops, but usually, they're not well maintained, are spartanic, or have bugs. I'd stick to the big ones. Oh, and on a last note, Distrowatch might be a fun place to look, but their popularity scale isn't one. There's hoards of fanboys who will click once per day for their favourite distros. It's not a serious indicator of which distros are being used the most.
  25. That's a pretty wide spread indeed. Guess it's always the best to check it out yourself, to see if you like it or not.
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