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Status Updates posted by Xolvix

  1. Personal reminder for me to actually get back to TDM and all the missions I missed.

  2. Took a break from TDM until I got my backlog under control. It's been months and it's still not "under control". Damnit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      You intend to make a fan mission yourself? What do you have planned? I know that's like asking the plot of a movie I never watched, so...Just a sneak peek?

    3. Xolvix


      Heh, sorry but until I actually commit to putting pen to paper (so to speak), I don't want to make any promises. That said, my favourite TDM missions are classic infiltrations where you start outside a building, find a way in, complete an objective or two and then escape. Hopefully that's enough of a "sneak peek" as to what I'm thinking of.

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      That sounds good, it's rather simple which I like, I've always found lots of charm in simple, short missions from Thief itself, you know?

  3. I still play classic Doom (albeit with user-made mods and maps rather than the original campaign) on a regular basis. A game from the early 90's which has still got a healthy following in 2022. Pretty amazing.

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I think new levels are great! Some of the mods people have come up with are crazy, like whole new games for better or worse. Blood still getting content made for it is what I'm all about though.

    2. datiswous


      How does classic Doom compares to Quake 1 in your opinion? I haven't played Quake much personally.

    3. Xolvix


      I like both equally well, especially since Quake also has a strong following and plenty of maps/mods. Doom focuses more on masses of enemies (easy to do since they're all sprites), Quake focuses more on intricate levels and navigation, since you can jump now and maps tend to take advantage of the improved movement. Quake's palette is a bit less colorful than Doom but it lends itself to a certain style of map a lot better, grittier and more morbid.

  4. This is another status update. My second in fact. I think I should celebrate.

  5. This is a status update.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Someone should have replied "What is a status update?" with "Baby don't reply to me", to make reference to Haddaway's "What is love?"

    3. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      certified night at the roxbury moment

    4. datiswous



      This is a quote of someone's status update.

      Or is it? 👀

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