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Everything posted by 7upMan

  1. Yes. See, I stopped playing Thief 2 FMs because the AI was so ridiculously limited. I mean, I could ghost the entire map without getting into real trouble, which is way more difficult in TDM. By the way, I once witnessed a guard re-lighting torches in vanilla Thief 2, iirc. Also, I remember that there are scripts for guard AI in T2 that enables them to switch on electric lights. Anyway, part of the improvements I'm talking about will be the use of shaders to achieve effects like HDR lite for TDM. Think back to when HDR lite came out: the old, already released maps now looked completely different and infinitely better, much more life-like. I'm hoping for changes of this magnitude for T1/T2. Better particles and 32 bit rendering are already a huge step forward, but I guess I'll postpone playing those games until the aforementioned improvements are made.
  2. You misunderstand me. I have very limited time to play games, so I'd like to be sure that the experience is worth it. I know that the Dark engine will never look like, say, Dark Mod, but if it's an improvement like Black Mesa Source over Half-Life 1: Source, then I'll gladly try it out (and I do NOT mean it just graphics-wise). From what I read here, while the graphics (and the overall look & feel) have been improved a bit, the AI has been kept untouched. And as a TDM player, I expect the AI to be at least on the level of TDM. This doesn't seem to have happened yet.
  3. Can someone please make a comparison video with and without the patch? I just bought Thief Gold and T2 (again) on GOG.com, but before I install those games, I'd like to know i it's worth it.
  4. LOL... You definitely had fun on this one. However, in some parts of the video, you sounded like you have a cold. Brightness is okay.
  5. It's definitely the second video. The upper one is way too dark, I can hardly see the dark places, and it's late at night here. So yes, if you could keep the brightness on that level in the future, that would be great.
  6. The game sound is a bit too loud, or your voice a bit too quiet. You might want to play with the controls a bit. On the other hand, for a first Let's Play, this is really well done. However, you need to up the brightness by a lot. I hardly see a thing, even with lowered sun blinds.
  7. Hi guys, everyone who loved the Homeworld games as well as "Nexus: The Jupiter Incident", will love to hear that a Kickstarter campaign was started today for Nexus 2: The Gods Awaken. You will find a video with a presentation of the capaign here. Anyone who has no idea what kind of game Nexus: The Jupiter Incident really was, please have a look at the trailer here. Also, there are several Let's Play's on YouTube. Here is , and one without, focusing completely on gameplay. Nexus 1 still looks breathtakingly beautiful, and I can only recommend it to anyone who is even remotely into space RTS. It is available on GOG.com for 10 US-Dollars, DRM-free of course. Together with the Kickstarter presentation, it clearly shows what to expect from its successor. I hope you guys will like the project and pledge much.
  8. Guys, this is incredible! I can't wait for the first FM to be released that makes use of this new version!
  9. I have a Cherry MY 3000 USB. I'm okay with it, too. Until a few months, I used an ur-ancient Chicony KB-5312R. It has a DIN connector and NO WINDOWS KEYS!!!!! I'd continue to use it, but it has a purely German layout, not the mixed German/Russian I need for work. Also, I must add that in the beginning, the Cherry felt like crap too, but after some use, the keys are wearing in, so to say. Or maybe I'm getting used to it... Edit: Just checked the Chicony website, and the keyboard that comes closest to my old one is this: http://www.chicony.c...l/special-1.htm
  10. Doch, warum nicht. Ich glaube im Norddeutschen Raum findet man solche und ähnliche Namen öfters. Ich find's gut.
  11. Es klingt schon verschärft nach Gustav Gans. Bei uns in der Nachbarschaft wohnt aber die Familie Vogel, also könnte die theoretisch Pate stehen. Wie wäre es mit... "Familie Waldvogel"? Und "Waldvogel-Rubin" klingt ja auch nicht direkt schlecht. Ist natürlich das Gegenteil einer Gans, zumal goose und rubin möglicherweise darauf anspielt, dass das Ding Gänseei-Größe hat...
  12. Wärr Volkstoitschänn sprrächänn nächt von Taubengrrün, sondärrn von Taubärrgrrön! Was ist eigentlich ein Tau-Bär?
  13. Für Singsmarsh wäre ich für nahe an Deinem Vorschlag für "Sangesmarsch", also mit "e". So klingt es einfach runder. Bei Greensdove habe ich zuerst nach weiteren Bedeutungen von "dove" geschaut, aber es scheint sich wirklich nur auf die Taube zu beziehen. Mein Vorschlag wäre daher "Taubengrün" - bei mir in der Nähe gibt es eine Stadt namens Taubenheim.
  14. The Metallica video is just awesome!
  15. Obsttorte, for your "show-off" screenshots (I mean those in post #3693), can you make them in a bigger resolution? They are so tiny that I can hardly see a thing.
  16. Where does the mod end atm? I heard that the Xen part is still missing. Is that all that's left?
  17. Okay, dann nehme ich meinen Vorschlag hiermit zurück. Egal, ich würde sagen, so oder so ist die Übersetzung sehr gelungen.
  18. Obsttorte, ich habe Dir die Flakebridge-Datei geschickt. Es wäre noch überlegenswert, ob man nicht den Namen "Flakebridge" eindeutschen sollte. Habe aber im Moment selbst keinen guten Vorschlag parat.
  19. I dunno about climbing (I'm not that far into the game), but for jumping, you are forced to crouch-jump. Just press jump and crouch at the same time. It's horribly inconvenient, especially since there is no way to map both actions to one key, but it's possible. Same thing when you play Counter-Strike: Source. There you are constantly forced to crouch-jump to get to high(er) places.
  20. Ich gebe mich geschlagen. "Neuhaven" isses jetzt also. Ich weine.
  21. LOL Aber Du hast Recht, auch die Namen von Personen werden so weit es geht eingedeutscht. So wird aus Gregory - Gregor, Matthew - Matthäus / Matthias (je nachdem), Bernard - Bernhard usw. Alles andere würde zu sehr nach ZDF-Eigenproduktion klingen, bei bei irgendwelchen in UK/USA spielenden Filmen deutsche Schauspieler sich mit Mister XXX und Missis ZZZ ansprechen. Aber mal im Ernst, Du hast Dich noch nicht zur Frage geäußert. Was meinst Du denn?
  22. iPhone? What do I need an iPhone for? I have an xPhone! http://youtu.be/r0RqPhr-hdA The video is in German, but it has English subtitles.
  23. You mean, WINE cannot play it? I was quite sure it can play Half-Life 2, which uses the same engine as Black Mesa. EDIT: Apparently, it can.
  24. Yes, that was the whole point. Back Mesa Source was designed to be free to play (not Free2Play) for everyone.
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