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Everything posted by kingsal

  1. Hey all. I spoke to Biker and @nbohr1more about this but wanted to ask everyone participating. @Ansome@thebigh @xlm @Nico A.@jonri@Petike the Taffer @grodenglaive@Uncertain Title@DeTeEff I had some time free up in October, potentially allowing me to finish Volta 3 for this. Would it be fair to enter this late? The mission's been in the works for a long time. At the end of the day, I just want to celebrate 15 years of TDM with everyone . Either by participating in this, or just releasing Volta 3 later in the month, around Halloween this year.
  2. @ArcturusIts probably a combination of things that contribute to gaps in the lightgem read out and the visual perception of how bright you are. I use light gem adjustments and a lot of ambient lights set to "ai_see" "0" I have my reasons for lighting missions this way, but its it a lot of manual work and prone to error. Its a trade off between light gem accuracy and cool lighting @WellingtoncrabNever though to set ambient_world to ai_see 0. Thats a great little trick.
  3. Wow! That's awesome and might be a good way to quickly make complicated level geometry.
  4. Sorry, Ive been sparse with replies in here but thanks for playing this tiny mission everyone + giving your feedback.
  5. $painter_bribe.setKey("page1_body", $painter_bribe.getKey("bribe_text") + combo); This works by just setting the key directly on the readable. However it gets cut off from the 127 character string limit. Im not sure how to get around that for a readable. I call the readable directly here "painter_bribe" but something just isn't working. $player1.setGuiStringFromKey(overlayHandle, "page1_body", $painter_bribe, "bribe_text"); EDIT: maybe a readables gui file can be called out directly? Or this needs to happen as an action script on opening the readable?
  6. Okay, then it seems this function isn't a good candidate for authors to use for the string limit work around. Will keep searching but might have to give up on this route.
  7. Thanks guys, yeah I can't figure out which overlayHandle to use here. I think all readables use the same one. @stgatilov Would you mind taking a look at the OP? Is the $player1.setGuiStringFromKey working properly, or am I setting it up wrong? Its the only work around I know of for the 127 (I think it is) character limit.
  8. Hello! I've read on the wiki about a work around for the string limit in scripts, however I'm struggling to figure out the setGuiStringFromKey() function. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=GUI_Scripting:_GUI::_Parameters void set_hint_painter() { entity lock_name = $painter_bribe.getEntityKey("associated_lock"); string combo = lock_name.getKey("combination"); //Grab string "bribe_text" from spawn key and combine it with unique combination // Hits the string limit issue $painter_bribe.setKey("page1_body", $painter_bribe.getKey("bribe_text") + combo); // Work around for string but do not know how this is set up $player1.setGuiStringFromKey(overlayHandle, "page1_body", $painter_bribe, "bribe_text"); //sys.println("LOCK CODE on = " + readable.getName() + " is " + combo ); } $painter_bribe is my readable and "bribe_text" is the text string in a spawnarg. Its taking the text and combining it with "combo" which is just a random number. I can't seem to get this to work. I just can't wrap my head around what handle to use or what I am doing wrong here: $player1.setGuiStringFromKey(myhandle, "myGuiParamName", self, "mySpawnArgName") Thanks for any help.
  9. Thats not really on me to fix unless the save mechanic needs to be implement differently in 2.12. @stgatilov or @Obsttortemight know the status of the linux save crash issue.
  10. Thanks @Bergante. Glad you like the mission. @RedEmberI played around with this a bit and its a cool idea! A couple things I found: The card: Having the card drop to the floor could create a lot of issues, it could fall through a mesh, be dropped on a platform that moves, dropped in water or to an inaccessible place. For this to work it would likely need to be something that floats in place and is generally unaffected by the world or accounts for those edge cases somehow. Loot: This is a cool idea to earn saves via loot, but be aware loot varies wildly across missions. 60 percent of loot could be in the last few rooms of a mission. Maybe you get a save token at 25, 50, and 75 percent of the loot collected. Save restrictions: One idea I played around with but never prototyped was a kind of a "potion of recall" so to speak that the player drank and acted as your save. You could then find them in the level or start with a limited amount. Having the saves be an item could be interesting and totally optional via the shop. If you buy the potion of recall you basically activate save restrictions as a challenge mechanic. This isn't something easily done via add ons, but just thought Id share the thought. Doing this via the location could work, but location sizes will vary wildly across missions. Hope this helps!
  11. Thats a cool idea! I like the idea of restricting saves as an optional thing for players. It builds a lot of tension and gives replay value and challenge. Will check this out, thanks and welcome.
  12. I've actually stopped using custom EFX settings and I only use the presets now. Unless you really know what you are doing, its hard to get the effect you want. That being said, an EFX spawnarg pointing to the preset would be nice assuming we can keep it compatible with the current method.
  13. Cvars aren't a bad starting place, especially for fine tuning some of our gameplay elements. However, we would want explicit control over them per pk4. Or put differently, we wouldn't want to loose control of them
  14. I override it so I can tweak the #define ARROW_ZOOMDELAY 3 //VOLTA MOD There's a whole bunch of reasons why I do this, one of which is because it makes shooting the bow easier for most players. I dont really want to get into a debate about if thats better or not but I would suggest you expose the variables in a way that authors can tweak them. I sent you a DM about this exact thing.
  15. Cool yeah that's my bad, the image I'm using on the screen is just too bright. Thats good to know, thanks. Out of curiosity what was your gamma and brightness set to before?
  16. Could be- I am still messing with the UI elements but if the brightness is cranked really high it might blow out that background image too much. Its something I can fix down the road.
  17. Hm can you send me your user config file? Are you using any mods or changing the core files in any way?
  18. Done. @nbohr1moreWould you mind updating this on the server? Its a fairly bad bug, I've updated the OP but here is the link to the new pk4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u279b60l40p29cq/moongate.pk4?dl=0 - I've fixed the issue with players getting places they shouldn't be. - Fixed an exploit with secrets - Fixed a few minor issues @snatcherIve included the stock tdm_playertools_flashbomb.def
  19. Yeah Ill fix this in an update, I swear I put a clip brush there but I guess not
  20. I havent tried in 2.11 yet but I will. Just an update on this. For now I think I fixed it by: - Addressing most of the warning in the log above. Outside common errors like some missing textures and such that are part of the core. - Made sure to give my parallel lights "parallelSky " "1" spawnarg. - Deleted my .aas files and rebuilt them - Dmapped the entire thing Right now I am not getting the load error . It's a very hard problem to nail down because the console isn't giving a specific script name that it's getting hung up on (if that is even the issue similar to Amadeus's problem) AND I am actively working on the mission, creating new errors, fixing other broken things. ect. Its definitely something I fear will pop back up in beta testing though
  21. The room is suppose to be inaccessible, I think you got up somewhere I didn't intent for players to get to. Light hint: Stong hint:
  22. Yeah, it loads about 80 percent there and crashes. Its hard to diagnose because I havent touched the mission in a while and afaik, I havent added anything new to it in a while. This might just be the first time Ive noticed the crash and its just been hiding in the mission.
  23. Thanks for playing and Im glad you went loud, that was the intention or at least to tease players into killing some zombies.. Also I hear ya on the survivor, I had plans to give him some vocal lines and maybe some interactivity but I ran out of time. Maybe someday Ill go back in and update this mission
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