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Everything posted by raymeld

  1. Help I've lost the plot ! Can I still finish from here , or won't i complete some objective because of noclipping. If that's the case I'll have to surrender and leave it here !!O.K now answered it myself and finished. Thought
  2. Missed That's why I intend to play it slowly ( and properly ) next time. Very replayable. Thanks again.
  3. Now this mission I really loved ! From the slowly reducing candle at startup to Brilliant , brilliant mission which I intend to play again Top marks Springheel , wish I could have got into some of those doors , maybe this mission could be expanded on in the future?
  4. Interesting , must remember to try that , tried the usual closing all doors trick to no avail.
  5. Well thanks for that , it certainly clarifies it for me. Nice to know it wasn't something I could have tweaked . I don't need extra ram for anything else I use the computer for so don't intend to increase it at this time , anyway you've six gigs and still had issues with the mission. Especially too as other missions have played well. Was looking forward to meeting that robot too , oh well !!
  6. No one picked up on this post. Did anyone else experience the same problem or is is just me and my computer ? Does this sort of mission need a higher end computer ? I've two gigs of ram , does this type of mission need more ? Do I have to tweek my system to play it ? Other missions recently have played o.k.Just trying to be constructive.
  7. I had to abandon this mission Everything slowed almost to a halt to the extent I couldn't pick the chest locks and even had a job to press the button to summon the lift. When I went to the middle floor the game was just as slow there like moving through treacle. So , a bit disappointed in this one and I think I'll leave it there. I did like the start though with the balloon once I got started. The frame rate was very good early on , so I can't understand why it slowed up so at the point it did. May be my computer , but earlier missions have played o.k including the others recently posted by other members. I didn't appear tobe using up all my ram and the processor wasn't overstretched. It would be churlish to atempt to rate it as my experience has been limited , but I was enjoying it up to the freeze up.
  8. Thanks for all the trouble you've taken on my behalf Aprilsister. After that kindness it wouldn't be right if I didn't give it another chance. You are right of course my gamma was too low , it didn't help not seeing the ladder , and I'll adjust as you've suggested. Also I think trying to 'climb' the wall as it were hasn't helped. Maybe as you say stand back a bit.
  9. Yes , sorry to be a bit grouchy about this one , it's just I got a bit frustrated not being able to even start no matter what I do. For an idiot like me a ladder all the way down might be easier!? Guess I'm more into the Bikerdude and Sotha missions you can get straight on with.
  10. Have adjusted my video settings to lighter now Are there supposed to be hand holds on the wall or something / or am I missing some equipment to get me started ? Has to be one of the most frustrating Thief missions for me I'm afraid and I'm not going to waste any more time on it as I've spent an hour trying to get up the shaft , the only fun I've had is shooting the two rats?! Would like to give it a total crap rating but that wouldn't be fair , sorry to be so negative but.... Very , very frustrating when you can't get started , seems like others are playing a different mission to me. p.s can some kind person tell me the 'normal' gamma and brightness settings on DM so I can reset mine for another mission.
  11. Thank you for your kind reply Will adjust and try again. I won't give up , but I get a bit impatient at times because I have a pain problem with the hands which spoils my concentration a bit and I therefore try to do things in a rush ! Thanks again Thiefette.
  12. Can't even get started ! Am I supposed to have an air balloon or somesuch in the inventory to get me up the shaft at the start? For some reason too the water stops me getting up the tunnel where the rats are because i can't get onto firm ground. tried to shoot a rope arrow up too. Must be getting too old for these puzzles ! Think I'll leave it for now then as no replies , must be something obvious but it's getting boring trying to get out of the cellar or whatever it is , I'll move on to another mission.
  13. Thanks ! Trust me to be on the wrong track.
  14. Just spent half an hour of my life ( sad old man that I am ) thanks for any help.
  15. Thanks Chiron and Glyph Seeker ! I got there and completed fairly quickly after Chiron's reply. What didn't help though was that I was trying to interact the skull with the mouse button rather than using R as per your helpful post GS. I 'd done this on all the pools I'd found !? Doesn't help being too old and a little thick I guess , made the mission more frustrating due to my own errors !! anyway , thanks again for all your efforts Bikerdude.
  16. So , can someone online put me out of my misery regarding the pool then?
  17. 'Finished' , but too many doors for me ! Thanks though Bikerdude for a fun mission. Never did lift the curse on the skull , out of interest can someone walk me through where the pool etc is , it was driving me insane looking for it what with all those doors but I'd be interested to know! ? Thanks
  18. So how do you actually start the mission , there seem to be barriers to stop you going in any direction ?
  19. Thank you Melan. Completed the mission the 'proper' way first by and finished it in 47 minutes. Then for a bit of fun I also completed the mission mob handed by picking off the guards with arrows and . So I had double the fun on what was a short mission ! Top marks , very enjoyable.
  20. Many thanks to Bikerdude , Shadowhide and New Horizon for all your great help. Using all that information I'm sure I can improve things when I play again later. Just like to say what a friendly forum this is ! thank's for your help , I'm an old gamer , started first playing Thief in my late fifties so you gan guess how old I am now ! Means I'm not so quick on the uptake as the rest of you sometimes but I get there in the end ! Wonder how many other old 'thieves' there are about ?
  21. Thanks for the advice.Tried but couldn't find a way to do it. Maybe more RAM is required but it seems daft as it's only Melan's missions that don't work for some reason. As I said , other missions work smoothly enough on my system. Sadly may have to dip out on this one.
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