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Everything posted by Azaran

  1. I accessed the study through the , there's something behind them keeping them shut
  2. So I just updated to 2.05, and was going to fire up Tears of St Lucia just to see some of the new stuff, but it won't install. It's there, it says it installs, the game restarts, but after the restart it says there's no mission installed
  3. That worked, thanks!
  4. Ok here's with Chrome: [spoiler]test[/spoiler] Doesn't work either
  5. Ok here's with Chrome: [spoiler]test[/spoiler]
  6. Spoiler codes aren't working for me: [spoiler]test[/spoiler]
  7. Thanks! Yeah I did, but it's not working for some reason EDIT: Ok it worked with BB Code
  8. Really enjoying this, but need help with a couple doors [spoiler]Where is the key to this door? There's also what looks like a secret door downstairs in the pub, but I can't find a lever or button to open it[/spoiler] Sorry, the spoiler function doesn't work for me
  9. At least as of the latest update, the wait time actually matches the progress bar. Before that it didn't, which was really annoying. If that was improved, I'm sure eventually they'll manage to shorten the wait itself
  10. It's tough to pick only 5, but here goes: 1-Deceptive Shadows 2- Flakebridge Monastery 3- St. Alban's Cathedral 4- The Rift 5- In remembrance of him
  11. CPU: Intel dual core i3-3225 3.30 Ghz RAM: 16 GB DDR3 Video Card: Nvidia Geforce GT 640, 2 GB Asus motherboard OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
  12. Turns out it wasn't a hidden stash, but craftily hidden loot all over the place...look everywhere people, seriously
  13. Is there a loot list made for this mission? I've been everywhere, snatched everything I could get my hands on, but I'm still 2300 short. I'm assuming there must be some secret stash somewhere that I overlooked
  14. ok finished, took me 1:45, amazing mission, definitely going in my top 10. I'm not sure what I did though, I'm almost 3000 short on loot, I'll have to go back in there and scour the whole map...
  15. Hi everyone. I posted on TTLG earlier. I got this error on trying to load a quicksave: Here's my save game file: http://www.filedropper.com/quicksave
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