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Everything posted by Frost_Salamander

  1. ok - won't raise it then. The one thing I do remember though is that the order seemed to affect whether the version appeared in the 'new mission available' popup. Like here: https://drive.proton.me/urls/QN4S59DS8G#XRGDsGiMFJI8
  2. I just noticed that 'Edit Package Info' option for the first time just now. I tried it out, and I think it might be putting stuff in the wrong order in darkmod.txt. @nbohr1more you told me once that the order of the top 3 lines in darkmod.txt should be: Title Description Version in that exact order. Using the utility in DR does this: Title: Test Maps Description: Test maps to play around with Author: Frost_Salamander Version: 0.1 Required TDM Version: 2.11 i.e. it puts 'Author' before version. Is this worth raising a bug report about?
  3. so your 'Map' menu doesn't look like this? Is that the only entry missing?
  4. Who would need to do what for this? Who can access the assets repo? Once we got the files, what needs to happen then? It sounds like a useful suggestion, but not really sure how to progress it...
  5. Possibly maybe longer than even I did by the sounds of it . I'm going to check it out now, it does sound like it would be a bit out of place. EDIT: yep, definitely a poor choice on my part. It will get changed in the next update. Out of curiosity:
  6. HI @tapewolf thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it! Regarding the target location: To solve the Atkinson objective, you need to (spoiler): The Hodgson house - that is mostly just as a thoroughfare: The Johan/Jonas thing - sounds like a typo I will have a look at put in a fix for the next version.
  7. It would be interesting to know if only one of those changes fixed it? I'd have to double-check, but I'm pretty sure I never set 'objective_ent' on these (or have tried it and it made no difference).
  8. Are you sure the entity name of the AI is correct? That's where I always screw up.
  9. Just raise it off the floor a little bit. Not sure what the optimal distance is, but I usually do it about 0.5 - 1 unit. I would say just high enough that you can't tell in-game that it's floating. However I've still seen stuff fall through the floor even if raised up (although it won't happen as often).
  10. A couple of users have pretty consistent crashes with High Expectations. I have also experienced crashes with Windows on my own machine, but very rarely. I have a debug build of 2.11, but I haven't been able to get it to crash under that yet. I've attached the logs that @irisx has provided, and @DavyJones has the exact same issue. The only thing that stood out to me was in the qconsole.log: The ambient 'snd_tunnels' (underground_forelone_loop_z) for location 'location_tunnels' is now playing. Getting threadname failed, reason: No such file or directory (2) --------- Game Map Shutdown ---------- @irisx did you say you also have some trace file? Do any other Linux users have this problem (or not)? The issue seems to occur about 1.5 seconds after the FM starts, or as soon as you start to provide input (move the mouse or start walking, etc). qconsole.log Darkmod.log
  11. Am I correct in thinking that the pier kit (and some other stuff) didn't make it into 2.11? Not complaining, but just wondering what the rationale behind the choices as to what to include and what to exclude was? EDIT: by the way @Wellingtoncrab thanks so much for doing these (and the cobblestones too). It was a pleasure to be able to have these at my disposal when making High Expectations. IMO this is just as important as engine updates (at least for plebs like me who can't do their own assets ).
  12. ok thanks, yeah there is no reason that shouldn't have worked. I've created a new version and sent it off to @irisx and @DavyJones to see if it helped with the Linux crash (I also fixed the missing material warning). If anyone else wants to try it it's here (version 1.1): https://drive.proton.me/urls/K90XY99T8C#knRJbEEliX18 Ideally I'd get the crash sorted before I publish an update, but I'd be surprised if this fixes it.
  13. OK. I think I'm going to create a new release to fix this, using a different mechanism. I can only imagine this is a TDM bug, as it seems to work 99% of the time. @manzanita-crow If you have a save before you entered the hotel you can try again, that worked for @Marbrien. Just double checking, but:
  14. That yelling you hear might be a guard running to help another guard who has spotted you. Either that or it's just the random 'city' noises in the background (although I have no idea what they say ). Anyways, a hint: outright spoiler:
  15. That warning is just because I'm using a custom model (the letters on the buildings in the square) and the material declared in the model itself ('font') doesn't actually exist and it's replaced with a new material using a skin. AFAIK it shouldn't cause a crash. That's not to say something in the map isn't causing it though - just no idea what.
  16. Hmm ok. Sorry about this I'm at a bit of a loss. @nbohr1more any suggestions as to what we can do to troubleshoot this? It looks like we have a fairly reproducible crash on Linux with at least 2 users.
  17. A couple of us have seen crashes. I think @VanishedOne was seeing similar to you on Linux. I don't know what's causing it, or how to debug them . I've made crash dumps available here for anyone that knows what to do with them:
  18. Ok happy to hear it worked this time and thanks for doing all that. So yeah, I don't really have an explanation unfortunately . If you still have the save game, maybe DM it to me and I can try to reproduce on my end.
  19. Could you try re-entering the hotel again the first way, from that same save and see if it happens again?
  20. yeah that's perfectly legitimate. I'm afraid it's a bug, and I don't know why it happened. The spawn script will only run once, so it was triggered and won't run again. The only thing I could suggest is a restart .
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