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Posts posted by Frost_Salamander

  1. 35 minutes ago, cvlw said:

    Thanks for the explanations.  I didn't understand that "unshouldering" was essentially spawning a body object. 

    I have a vent where the player could potentially bring a body and then basically get stuck in there.

    I have basically decided to try and prevent a body (shouldered or dragged) from being brought into a tight space.  I will try and weave a good reasoning into the flow of play.

    - trigger which calls script.

    - script checks if body is shouldered or dragged.  If so, then teleport in a func_static entity with nodraw_solid texture in the opening of the tight space which stops both player and dragged body.  Flash a message saying the body can't be brought in.  Plays a rustling sound   If not shouldered or dragged, then teleport the func_static out and let the player pass.

    Seems to overcome the problem.

    Thanks again.



    Instead of the teleport thing you could try func_aas_obstacle, that's basically what it's designed for: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Pathfinding#Dynamic_blocking.2Fclipping_with_func_aas_obstacle

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Apache Fiero said:

    How do you get out the first area? 

    @Apache Fiero: hint:


    You need to get into the Post Office.  There is a hint of where the key was lost in the note on the post office door, which you should have in your inventory.

    outright spoiler:


    The post office key is on the patio behind the Inn, near the table and stools


    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Marbrien said:

    I just came out of TDM completely, restarted and loaded my latest save game, but the safe contents (three gold bars and two purses) do not highlight.  I've tried crouching, leaning forwards, leaning sideways, jumping, but no joy. 

    I'm wondering whether I have a corrupt download.  If I redownload the game and reinstall it, will I lose my save games?

    Maybe try closing and re-opening the safe door?

    I don't know the answer about your save games - maybe try backing them up to make sure first?

  4. 52 minutes ago, Kopfrkingl said:

    Fond of your first FM, I was quite eager to jump into this one. The story had me hooked right away. Pretty great idea on your part - putting the player in the shoes of an infiltrator tasked with unraveling a conspiracy and searching for a missing agent. You really managed to find a good reason to give the player the incentive to steal while playing a character who is not a thief by nature.

    The map is well designed, with plenty of paths one can take to reach another place. As I am fond of tight alleyways and verticality, this was a joy to explore, especially since there is plenty to discover, be it secrets or readables adding to the story. The rain was neat and added to the gloomy atmosphere, another thing I enjoy in FM's. The optional side objectives were a neat addition too. The only difficulty encountered was that at times I had to abandon my current path and hunt for a key to unlock the way forth, but nothing to seriously disturb the flow of the FM. 

    Found 3/5 secrets, so there is still more for me to explore. The secrets are really well hidden and yield nice rewards, I'll get back on the weekend and hopefully find the remaining two.

    Thanks for another wonderful FM!

    Possible bug

      Reveal hidden contents

    After escaping the trap through the exit in the garden, I have decided to explore the map a bit more and eventually went back into the crypt via the secret switch entrance in the church again. This resulted in the conspirators respawning in the main chamber where they originally were. They did not react to my presence and I could knock them all out.


    Thanks - glad you enjoyed it 🙂  And that is indeed a bug, I'll need to get that fixed!

    EDIT: @Kopfrkingl I just quickly tried to reproduce that, and couldn't.  Also, the mechanism used should prevent that from ever happening, and it never seemed to happen in beta testing.  Could you maybe DM me the details of how it happened?  Thanks

    EDIT 2: Nevermind, I figured it out.  Will patch this today.

  5. 19 hours ago, Marbrien said:

    I've only just started this, and it looks great so far.  One small anomaly I encountered was that when loading the mission for the first time the Dark Mod logo (the gear with the light rays behind it) did not just play once as it normally does, it kept playing over and over.  It was only when I pressed Esc that I was able to move on to the briefing screen.  Not a major issue, of course.

    Hmm I'm not sure what's causing that issue with the menu, but thanks for raising it 👍

  6. 1 minute ago, thebigh said:

    Awesome! That's one of the harder ones to find. I liked that whole area because it sort of emerged organically; I hadn't planned to put it in when I was designing the level.

    Yeah some of the best ideas just kind of happen that way, don't they?  I think I found that one because


    there was some coloured light or something nearby, so I figured something must be there


    • Like 1
  7. Just finished this, really enjoyed it.  I found it pretty challenging, but fair.  I thought the builder area/church was really well done.  God knows where the secrets are - I only found one, and just barely got the loot goal on medium (I got 685).  Good use of verticality too, and I like these small but packed maps.  Good stuff 🤘

    Oh and I loved it when


    you go to open that window to the undead area and the window falls out with that loud crash.  I got a good chuckle out of that for some reason 😂


    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:
    • No
    • Not necessarely, although I am not sure whether the engine falls back to the collision model or to the AABB of the model if no frob box is defined. The first would be sub-optimal, but not a big thing either. I think the main purpose is to make small objects like coins easier to frob by providing them with frob boxes that are bigger then the actual model.
    • I would assume that either the prefab author made a typo or didn't know what he was doing ;) Consider it a bug.

    The frob box becoming solid doesn't seem to be limited to this prefab - I just added one to another model and the same thing happened. However, I think it's probably not really an issue, and is only a problem in this case because the frob box is way bigger than it should be.

    I'll raise a bug about the prefab frob box being too large and mention the solid thing in there. If someone thinks that's a bug as well they can look into it.

  9. I have some questions about frob boxes.  In the screen shot below, you can see the frob box for the wall_lever01.pfb prefab.  In my FM, I made the lever non-frobable while you were outside the room it was in because you could frob it through the wall, and I didn't want to reduce the frob_distance.  However, when you make it non-frobable, the frob box becomes solid, and if the player passed by that wall outside the room, it would appear they were being blocked by an invisible entity.  

    I didn't really understand the problem at first so I just moved the lever.  Since then I've played around with the spawnargs and have realised you can just change the frob box size, or get rid of it altogether.

    So questions are:

    • Is the frob box supposed to become solid when the entity is not frobable?  If so, why?
    • This prefab works fine without the frob box, is it really needed?
    • If the frob box is needed, why is it so big?


  10. 29 minutes ago, Dragofer said:

    That said, I don't think anyone's reported knockout fatalities in my FMs - maybe worth comparing your method?

    I didn't do anything weird I don't think. I just used the usual path nodes to make the AI sit and sleep.  Only one person mentioned it, but I tested it myself and sure enough most times damage was dealt to the AI, and maybe 20-30% of the time it was enough to kill them.  I might set up a little test map and share it if anyone's interested in looking into it.  At the end of the day I'm not too bothered by it - it's just something that seems like it probably shouldn't happen though.

  11. I was looking forward to playing this since I realised it was a train mission. Just finished it - great stuff.  Such a refreshing change from what I've been working on 🤪

    Got to about 2600 and change before I had to pull out the old tdm_show_loot (I'm a terrible loot hunter).  I missed an obvious one in a drawer, but not sure I would have got some of the others as they were very close to AI.  Made for the exit after that with a stealth score of 17.

    I liked how in some situations I pretty much had to use my tools (or if I didn't it made it a hell of a lot easier).

    I also got busted by the spotlight on top of the train.  I have shadow maps enabled but didn't notice a volumetric effect - not sure why.

    Anyways - nice job and looking forward to whatever you cook up next! 

  12. I have some AI in my FM that are sleeping.  Some in a chair, some on a bed.  Sometimes they die if you blackjack them.  There are logs in the console saying they are taking 'landing damage'.  In one case it was 252 damage at once.  Other times it was several small amounts like 5, 7, etc.

    Does anyone known what causes this and how best to avoid it?  I've heard things like use moveable chairs and making sure the AI isn't touching them, but I don't want the AI to be sitting on air if you move the chair, or see them floating above the chair/bed just to avoid this.

  13. 1 minute ago, Obsttorte said:

    Do you have an example? I don't think I ever came across something like that.

    Not off hand no. Say you have an abstract class or interface you need to implement and it has a method called 'doSomething()'.  In the implementing class you have to implement the method, but say it doesn't make sense to have it do anything, so you just implement it and have it do nothing.  There could be various reasons for this, like early in a project and it's just not implemented yet, or bad design, or using base classes from a totally different game... 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:

    If this would be the case an error would be promted in the console.

    well I meant more like it's implemented but does nothing just to satisfy interface requirements, like you see in some OO code.  Not sure if that's a thing here or not.

  15. 6 hours ago, cvlw said:

    I have tried $ai.disableClip() and $ai.becomeNonSolid(), but it is still happening.

    Is this because the script events are just not implemented?  I get this sometimes too and wonder if there is a way to tell?  It's just a lot of trial and error it seems.  If that is the case, something in the script reference for each event would be helpful.

  16. 39 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:

    I didn't found anything in the code that checks whether the door is reachable from the lever (or vice versa). Besides the question on how feasable this setup is, are you sure this is the case?

    It's a bit of a guess and no I'm not 100% sure.  I'll try to test it again to see.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Wellingtoncrab said:

    Congrats on the new beta and I look forward to playing it!

    Hare in the Snare is such a great mission I do hope the series continues - but also excited to see something new!

    Well it can only probably happen if @Kerry000 ever resurfaces, as his contributions gave it the character it has.  A good chunk of the map for part 2 is done as well.

    • Like 1
  18. 34 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:

    @Frost_SalamanderI've looked at the code and it appears that the intent is to let the ai use a controller if present, but not the door. Therefore I've tested your map and am not able to reproduce the issue. Here are my observations:

    • ai_no_open causes the ai to not open the door at all (neither directly nor via controller), which is basically what the name implies
    • if not set, the ai will only open the door via the controller, not directly (neither armed nor unarmed). In your test map the unarmed ai tried to reach the controller, couldn't do so because of the locked door and made a very sad face, but it doesn't opened the door directly.
    • you have not monsterclipped the controller, which can lead to the ai beeing unable to open the door with it because it keeps blocking it due to standing too close (unrelated to the issue, but a noteable mention). Overall there are pathfinding issue in the test map, probably due to the strange geometry (haven't checked the aas areas, as I would have to lookup first how the command was and it is not the issue here)

    I have tested both under 2.10 and svn. Maybe you can make a video of your observation so I can see what you mean, just in case I missunderstood you. But so far it appears to be working as intented.


    I couldn't get the commoner to open the door directly either - and I admit I didn't actually test that on this map.  What I was trying to say was if the commoner didn't have a path to the controller he would try to open it directly.  But he does have a path to it in this case which is why it works.  What I missed was that even though the door was locked, technically the path is still there.

    So, I think in real (as in mapping) scenario you'd always have a path between the door and the controller because obviously whoever opened the door would need to be able to travel to it after they handled the controller.  So basically my imagined scenario doesn't make any sense.

    So maybe it's OK?

    If so, a Wiki entry on the doors page warning of this behavior and how to solve it would do the trick I think.  You said it worked for secret doors as well - what did you do there just put the door handling entity on both sides of the door?  In my map I used the func_aas_obstacle and that worked for this.  Not sure what the better solution is.



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