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Posts posted by JackFarmer

  1. 2 hours ago, lowenz said:

    Talos Principle is in a league of its own ;)

    It's a game with a multilayered, deep interpretation. It's not "cheap" philosophy at all (as Portal 2 is "cheap" psicology 😛 )


    And it shows what CroTeam is capable to realize, Serious Sam apart!

    Will there be something like Talos II in the future? I vaguely recall that it had been announced a few years ago.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Dragofer said:

    Has anyone got an effective method for getting ragdolls into certain poses?

    The key example, the one I'm looking for, would be to have them sitting in a chair in a certain way. By default you're not able to drag them into a chair because there's an invisible force preventing you from lifting them higher than 20cm or so.

    I have a dim recollection that you can disable the above dragging limitation via a console command, giving much more freedom to move the body. Or at least some kind of command that makes life positioning ragdolls easier. Something that temporarily disables physics, gravity?

    The most powerful option for getting specific poses would probably be to use Blender and export as a new model, but I think that'd only be usable for func_static bodies.


    Hello Dragofer,


    You want the hands and the feet to remain at a certain position at map start?


  3. Wow, you have been reverting to this game now on several occasions.

    I am very delighted that you love it and I admire you passion.

    As reported in other posts, I am not good when it comes to similar games. You think I shold try to master DS (PS3) before I try/buy this game?


    P.S. Ansonsten schreib mir eine PM. Hab keinen Bock meine Spieler-Historie hier auszubreiten, außerdem bin ich dir da sowieso Jahrzehnte voraus.....


  4. On 12/22/2019 at 8:48 PM, joebarnin said:

    Jack - I took a quick look at your map/script. It looks like somehow the GiveQuill script is getting called twice in a row (without RemoveQuill getting called between). I couldn't figure out how that can happen, but there must be some way that it does. Here's a workaround: modify your scripts to remove the quill in GiveQuill, just in case it already exists. Also, specify a global variable so that you don't have to name the entity. E.g.:

    entity quill;
    void GiveQuill()
        sys.println("Give Quill");
        // remove quill in case it already exists
        // create quill and attach it to Halfrid's right hand
        quill = sys.spawn("atdm:moveable_quill_prop");
    void RemoveQuill()
        sys.println("Remove Quill");

    That would avoid the problem that Hagatha is running into. I haven't done much testing on this technique, so it's just an idea.


    Hello JB,


    I will get back to you asap.


    Thank you for your help.l


    I  will get back to you on that issue via PM. Thank you for your help !


  5. 23 hours ago, Dragofer said:

    @JackFarmerthat looks to me like the visportals might be having problems with the sealing geometry in that area. What I'd try would be to simplify the caulk tunnel so that you only need 4 brushes, and also make sure the visportal faces aren't partly covered by sealing geometry.

    I have replaced the the caulk brushes in questions with a simplified construction consisting only of four brushes. This works perfectly. Thank you.


    20 hours ago, demagogue said:

    That's one of the most characteristic and consistent bugs in this whole game, and the one (or nearly the one, I think I brought it up on page 2 or 3) that I started this very thread for, the so-called black walls of death. Yeah, it usually means complex brushwork broke the boundary between leafs, like because of a rounding error... Things like tiny slivers, either overlapping, or there's a sliver gap, or weird angles intersecting, or things going off grid. And the culprit brushwork is usually right where the artifact starts so you know where to look. And the easiest way to fix it is usually to just rebuild the architecture around it with simpler, flush, and on-grid brushwork. That's a more descriptive way to just say "yeah, what he said". :D

    Generally speaking you want leaf-sealing BSP brushwork to be flush, on-grid, all 90-degree or anyway not-sliver-angled simple affairs (maybe not always, but when there's no better reason not to, and especially around leaf-border areas where the sealing matters) and leave the slivers and wonky angles and detail-work to non-sealing architecture you convert to func_stats that just overlay on top of the sealing brushwork. Edit: A leaf is the area sealed inside of visPortals if you didn't know, but I think that's an early thing everyone learns.


    Hmmm...yes, I am afraid I will have to check certain areas for that.




  6. 10 hours ago, Hagatha said:

    Love this mission, but I've found a bug.  Once I'm on the first floor, if I open certain doors I get an error message that says ' Multiple instances of Halfrid Quill"  or something like that.  Then game crashes to the Main Menu.


    Too bad.  This is my favourite kind of mission.  Some sneaking, some challenges, some stealing, no killing. Not too much equipment.  

    I am afraid you are the very first to report this problem.

    The mission includes a custom script that allows the character Halfrid to "switch off" the appearance of the quill during his patrol. Have you been able to finish the mission?

  7. What is causing this?


    If the player reaches a certain spot in the connecting tunnel, sound and lights switch off.

    The tunnel itself consists of two "layers" - 

    1. the tunnel itself (a func static)

    2. identical caulk brushes (for sealing)


    At the very beginning I only had the tunnel itself as sealing geometry. After a few days, the problem in the video occured. then I converted the tunnel into fs and added additional caulk brushes. The problem vanished, but returned a few weeks later as described in the video.



  8. On 11/6/2019 at 5:35 AM, Darkness_Falls said:

    Oops, I started researching fire elementals and replying before noticing the elemental discussion above was from four years ago. Sooo, I'll just post anyways in case anyone else was curious: fire elementals now work! Below is a screenshot from JackFarmer's "Hidden Hands: Initiation" mission (2018). As well, SH wrote in 2017: "Hopefully grayman's new fire elemental will see some use." And in 2018, JackFarmer wrote: "Yes, I can confirm (...) These creatures are fully functional...and they shoot on sight!"


    You give me too much credit. :) I think there were at least two missions before HHI with fire elementals @grayman might recall the mission names.


    On 11/20/2019 at 4:28 PM, chakkman said:

    Hah! I loved those in Thief Gold. :) 

    Can you also extinguish them with water arrows?

    Yes, that works as in the original thief games.

    • Like 2
  9. @Dragofer @Jedi_Wannabe @demagogue @AluminumHaste


    Thankr you very much for your positive comments and suggestions. I will check the methods as per Dragofer's and dema's suggestions.

    I forgot to mention that the scene includes the trees from the skybox of Dragofer's fantastic looking DBSR mission. I just removed all of the lights and the moving clouds. (The latter caused problems with the water reflection, though I had to replace it with fake reflection as it did not work anymore as soon as I had placed the hover boat on the water surface).

    Today is my first holiday. I hope that I can push myself to finish the three missing Citadel areas. I wished I could already start with adding AI, puzzles and readables. :(:(:(

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, exe said:



      Hide contents

    one of the keys in bank and the case with 3 stone things that you were supposed to rotate around to get the door open. Was there some clue how those should be placed? I either didn't find it or forgot it totally.


    Yes, there was a clue. The adjacent maze included three shrines showing symbols and items.

    The subsequent mission "Hidden Hands: Vitalic Fever" is already available via the ingame downloader.


  11. 23 hours ago, STiFU said:

    Regarding the atomic catastrophe, you are probably talking about Atomic Heart, which has not yet been released.

    Ah, that's the one. I somehow recall that it's title sounded like an album from Pink Floyd. :)


  12. Just realised that I did not buy one original 2019 game this year for my PS4.

    Last week I bought Batman: Arkham Knight. Looking forward to playing it as I liked the previous two games.

    I looked into Sekiro as well but it seems to use the "Dark Souls combat mechanics" (or whatever the correct term for that might be) and therefore it`s a no go for me as I already failed completing the training level in the original Dark Souls without dying plenty of times.

    @STiFU: What about this "Atomic catastrophe in Russia with mutants" game you've mentioned earlier this year? I just forgot the name. Has it already been released? The screenshots looked very promising.


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