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Everything posted by i30817

  1. It's also possible it's a suble parody of annoyed designers/programmers. Awesome crotch rays
  2. Ahah the fanrage in the comments. Hohoho. It pleases me ♫I... ain't no... hologram girl♬
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OnDizZ7UT0 And... lets not forget that Bioware is dev'ing a SW MMORPG - the explosion of cheese should be enough to feed several third world countries for a week.
  4. Surprised the policy is not already to "dissappear" inconvenient threads by default on BSN. When ME3 came out, it was described as a "bermuda triangule of threads", so they obviously do it already.
  5. My observation is that the Doom3 engine can't simply handle the open spaces that Dromed modders crave for thief missions. It's manual optimization process doesn't help either. Resuming, i think it would be nice if the open source hackers focused on that.
  6. Yeah? Oh those optimists.... Read this: http://www.gamasutra..._each_month.php Also lulz: They're going to sell another ending, like they sold a party member. Can hardly wait until this model is in movies and books. I always wanted to kill some characters and have "happily ever-after" endings in some books.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR6-u8OIJTE&feature=player_embedded the new syndicate "remake" really lost a opportunity not making EuroCorp logo look like EA's one. Remember the EA borg shirt?
  8. Look man disregarding the "hard sci-fi" baloney: Link! Wired BSN The money doesn't actually go to Bioware, they're donating it to Child's Play. Still hilarious, though. Also: BioWare considering changing Mass Effect 3 ending Bioware, trolling its fans since 2002 (endings spoilers) You think this... thing was even planned, and if it was (as a transparent money grab; obviously not as artistic vision) isn't a insult to their customers?
  9. Oh, arx fatalis 2 needs to be a reality. But without the free drawing rune system there is no point. Don't you dare steamline the rune system Arcane!
  10. The "mass effect" as i understant would actually cause the universe to implode into a hyper black hole. Also (massive spoiler) Lol Not to mention the "aliens" that could just be dropped into a sitcom with some plastic surgery. The only game i ever played that even remotely approached "hard science fiction" is RAMA, and i've played many many old style games.
  11. My objection to EA specifically is that they seem to really be stepping up the payola. Fuck this shit article for instance: I don't need the memetic pollution of braindead morons calling ME "hard science fiction" even if i will never play it.
  12. rentiers... scum Also: Couldn't care less about bioware though, haven't bought (or played jokers) one of their romance simulators since Neverwinter nights (worst campaign ever). Black listed forever. Have you heard about the Syndicate defilement?
  13. If you really want to see something, try to "crouch jump forward".
  14. Damn, what excuse i have now to bump the bloodlines thread now?
  15. It was probably in planning, but cut. The best way to know would be to ask one of the big 3 at troika: Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky and Jason D. Anderson.
  16. I meant it would be a funny thing to add to a hypothetical little big world mission. Think about a animation that pulls the tapestry. Now increase the tapestry size to little big world levels. Hell, maybe it could be a "elevator" if it opened outwards and touched a surface where the player could climb the (decreasing) gradient before falling off. That would be a funny puzzle.
  17. what about size? I'm imagining a comical situation where a whole wall tapestry is marked thus, and the thief frobs its enourmous highlight corner, leading to a effect like if the ghostly hand of galactus pulled the thing, scatering ai, tables and the player. sigh... little big world
  18. It is a good solution : i'd only caution for warning when Darkradiant opens old maps whose default spawnarg changed; maybe log those warning to a file too. A sort of "hey hey, you better look at this", until it is recompiled from a "old default version" to a "new default version". If the setting is not default, BUT the different versions didn't have a default change, then no new warning (but keep the persistent file).
  19. Actually, i just checked, and he has no humanity checks: { 81 }{ It is not for me - it's for the will of the Sabbat[suh-BAHT]! The Camarilla [cam-err-ILL-uh]is stunted; dead and festering in the womb, good only as pawns of the fathers. Even now, they answer the call of the Ancient and seek to free him from his torpor. }{ It is not for me - it's for the will of the Sabbat[suh-BAHT]! The Camarilla [cam-err-ILL-uh]is stunted; dead and festering in the womb, good only as pawns of the fathers. Even now, they answer the call of the Ancient and seek to free him from his torpor. }{ # }{ }{ G.Andrei_Sabbat = 1 }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { 82 }{ The Ancient? }{ The Ancient? }{ 161 }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ Ancient? } ....
  20. My original post is not on support of slashable banners. I mean, did you ever try to cut cloth, much less tapestries? It's ridiculous.
  21. Someone was looking for that hoary old t2 workaround (slashing tapestries to reveal secrets & passages), and i was thinking why not resolve the issue that lead the original t2 team to use slashes? Make a animation for "holding a tapestry away from the wall" and while it is thus "moved" access the wall - problems: doors that open outward. You could even use it to "hide behind" a tapestry in low light or something like that. http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=3014 I don't think full physics are needed.
  22. It's true. Talk to andrei with low humanity on the first time you meet him in the snuff film house. The tremere dominate options are limited to dominate 1 or 2 (can't recall). But even if you play Ventrue, there are very few uses of dominate anyway.
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