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Everything posted by Nort

  1. You don't think killing a horse (which I am assuming is a domestic one, which posed no threat to you) would make you a killer, or (as the objectives often formulates it) "a monster"? I mean sure, I have horse meat frying in the oven right as we speak, but when you killed that horse, did you do it becaue you were hungry? Was there a campfire nearby? I'm not trying to be mean here. I'm just saying that wasn't that obvious?
  2. Perfect. The "bad internal format" no longer appears in the log either, so I'm assuming that it was a matter of upgrading. Sorry for all the trouble caused by my sheer laziness.
  3. So after my big upgrade of TDM and DR, I noticed something that might be some kind of bug, but might also be just you making lockpicking a lot harder. I've made a custom door, with a custom lock, and made that a mover_door entity, and then I made a small standard pin - a mover_door_handle - which moves about as the lock is being picked. You used to just be able to frob the mover_door and hold still, to pick the lock. ...but it wasn't until I made some minor changes to the door (like changing its name, adding the properties "locked 1", "loss_closed 1" (because it's a prison-bar door), "used_by key_utility", "shouldbeclosed 1", and "should_always_be_locked 1") that I noticed that now the frobable part of the door, is the pin entity! ...so now I have to keep following the pin around with my mouse cursor as it bobs about. It's possible, but I've rigged the whole level so that city watch will catch me in the act if I don't do it fast enough. ...so, is this how lock picking is supposed to work now? ...or what is going on? How do I make the frobable part the door again? ...but if this is actually how it's supposed to work, then I'm fine with that too. It makes picking way more engaging and fun.
  4. I heard they stripped Thief 4 of the material noise mechanic. Huge mistake. At least have that, FFS. There's a whole video I watched lately that listed all that T4 did wrong, but let's focus on how to improve the older series instead: Like I said: Silhouette detection: Game-mechanically have guards cast vision rays that compare the player to the light level of the background, and if the background is lit, then it shouldn't matter how covered in shadow the player is - the guard will still see him. Also, have a wanted system throughout the story: If the player kills, then make him a wanted man, and make the guards more equipped and cautious in the later levels. ...but at the end of the day, just bring more love, dev-guys. The more you genuinely put your love into your work, the more worth it will have. It doesn't have to feature fancy new mechanics - it just needs years of love and care, and that's what eventually solidifies into quality, which not just "customers" will buy, but which you will feel proud of, whether they buy it or not. Don't just make a "product" - craft art!
  5. How does that work for you when you can't copy or paste from it, and it scrolls by faster than you can read? Please bring back the log - I beg of you. You might have missed it, but in the previous post I said that I've now updated to the current stable versions (The Dark Mod 2.10.0, and Dark Radiant 2.14.0), and that the error then "went away", but that I can't be sure of that until I study a complete console log, which this version doesn't even seem to write anymore. Perhaps you know a way to enable the qconsole log?
  6. ...or more canonically the one true Master Builder.
  7. ...and if this some kind of graphics card related bug, my card is an nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. ...and it has never happened with any other window - it's only the Surface Inspector window that does this. It's like every window uses its own code in this editor.
  8. I take back "every time". It's more like 30% of the time. You open the inspector, and then I think you select a brush in the 3D view, and then you immediately close the inspector window by hitting its X button. In the attached image, the inspector window took up the lower right corner of the window.
  9. There is this euphoric moment, when you've spent over two hours doing skybox brushwork, expanding it more and more to engulf one building after another, having it fit perfectly against every detail of every trim of their far facades (since they're not yet detail entities), sneaking into a slim crevice of together-blending, neon-blinding caulk, to find a slim 4 unit wide gap which you almost missed, and after looking at this huge puzzle of brushwork, in which you hope not a single brush overlaps another, but all touch edge to edge, and corner to corner, you going into The Dark Mod, and you type "dmap", and it compiles without a single leak on the first try. That's such a huge sigh of relief, and such an assurance of your craftsmanship.
  10. You know, I always hear "Garret this" and "Garret that", and while I don't hate the character at all, I actually think that a third person took away from the Thief series somewhat. I think the series should just state "YOU, player, whoever you are, are a thief in this world. You don't know shit - there's no opening cinematic explaining a plot - but you will find out as you explore this city and listening to guards, et cetera.". I think "zoomers" call this approach "Dark Souls"? ...but plenty of older gamers put YOU in the driver's seat, and I think it works quite well in a game where you are not given powerful guns, or put into the role of a champion or a soldier.
  11. I am surprised that you haven't squashed this bug yet, since it's been so persistent for at least a whole year, but this is me formally reporting this bug (for version 2.14.0): Every time you close the Surface Inspector window, the 3D view freezes, except for a small area underneath where the Surface Inspector window once was. To get it updating again, you must either hold right-click to move one of the orthographic views a bit, or minimize and maximize Dark Radiant.
  12. I felt that I needed some practice before I sank my teeth into my main map (which I won't reveal), and so I did a test map. This test map in turn turned into my apartment, which is a good tip for anyone wanting to map, but doesn't know what to map: Just make your apartment, or some other area you know well, and put a Dark Mod spin on it. If you release your map, you don't even need to tell anyone that it's your apartment, or your neighborhood, they're running around in. ...and alongside that, I've just finished writing a 23 page manual on basic mapping with Dark Radiant, so that I don't have to watch through Springheel's video tutorials yet again. I know just how unstable YouTube accounts can be - I've given up on trying to make accounts on that platform altogether now - so don't count on anyone's tutorials being around on the internet ten years from now. Write them down!
  13. I find that wanting to be liked by other people, will often just get you into trouble - sometimes really serious trouble. Often it won't even end up with you being liked. I have sort of given up morals. I still have them, but I just don't bother with people enough to reflect on them anymore. That makes me a social outcast, and I prefer it that way. At the end of the day, I will have contributed to the death of a living animal or two, and so will everybody else who isn't a vegan, and in the face of that, is any form of living really moral? There are no prayers or therapy that you can resort to, that will bring the things you've killed, and continuously kill on a daily basis, back to life. Virtually nobody is "moral". The little things that we do between fellow human predators, can't make up for anything. We're just kidding ourselves. We're all evil. We're born evil. Some of us are just more evil than others and prey on their own kind, which again, are predators, and so would that really be evil? ...so to me, "morals" don't really make any sort of sense. It's just dogma told by religions and similar institutions. Sorry if this upsets you.
  14. That would be a tall order. My mission folder contains a total of 85 files, my /maps/ folder alone, contains 74 files, of which you could possibly be needing the six files with the name "TextureHunt.*". However, the update I just did, seems to have fixed the "bad format" console spam. This doesn't mean that the error itself has been fixed - you devs could have just removed it from the console (like you were planning to do). Further, this version of TDM doesn't even seem to write a console log anymore! Is there a way to enable it? ...because these logs seem to contain more details about errors and warnings, and I often copy them into other documents. ...so unless I find something about the error still occuring in a console log, I guess you won't be needing any files at all.
  15. I just installed The Dark Mod (version 2.10) and Dark Radiant fresh (uninstalling, removing the folders, and then downloading the installers), and I noticed that the install still installs an empty "\fms\saintlucia\" folder, next to the proper "\fms\stlucia\" folder. That's all.
  16. Because I only have 24 hours in a day, and even bathroom breaks is far down on my list of priorities. A whole installation of something? "Woah! Slow down." Update I am uninstalling the old (one year old) version now, and I've noticed that while there's an "updater" program, I've heard that that updater is unreliable. Dark Radiant could be uninstalled from the Windows programs list, but there's no entry there for The Dark Mod, so I'm just going to delete the Dark Mod folder, and hope that that will count as an uninstall. (Yes, I've backed up all my maps, prefabs and screenshots, and even settings.) What I'm trying to say, is that you should put The Dark Mod up on that Windows uninstall list as well.
  17. Since I am completely unable to get rid of this error, even after having recreated the entire map from scratch, I guess I really can't solve this on my own. This error wasn't always there during the map creation either. Exactly what files do you need, and where do I upload them? It's just going to be a room of six brushes and a player start, and maybe on your version this error won't even show up. (You type "r_showprimitives 1" in the console to make the error show up.)
  18. That's okay - I've decided to do my own research. I've made a test map, and will start deleting half of it until the problem goes away. I'll post my results in a few hours. Thanks.
  19. This is a bit funny, because the sound I'm refering to, is your stock "frob_drawer_close" sounds ("frob_drawer_close01.ogg" and "frob_drawer_close02.ogg"). It's possible that the dev team has already split them up into proper move and closed sounds, in a post-2020 update, but otherwise, consider doing that. "It sounds like a timing issue, like snd_close is happening (and cutting off snd_move) before you want it to. In fact, you don't want snd_close at all. Is that right?" To clarify: Yes. Your Edit 3 solution will also likely work very well as a makeshit solution. Thank you both.
  20. Okay. You're being a bit cryptic here, but my best assumption is that I made a negative scale on a texture at some point, or made a negative rotation of it, which I vaguely remember doing. It sure would help if I had a search function for what I assume is "texture number 34842". (I only know how to find brushes and entities, and I doubt there's 35 000 brushes in my map right now.) There are of course the warnings regarding two normal stock models, which can't find some textures for some reason, and a model I tried to reskin with a texture it didn't want. I could try removing them. Maybe I should upgrade to the latest version after all.
  21. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, without a doubt. I played it perfectly, took out the whole town and everyone everywhere, never got seen, never killed, et cetera. ...and so I get to the final boss, and I save. ...but here's the thing - spoilers: The boss is in a room with two scouting things which require lethal ammunition to take out. ...and sure, MAYBE I could figure out a way to evade all three of them, but I just gave up. I just should have brought a basic gun - ANYTHING lethal - and I didn't know that. ...and so that was years ago and I never finished it, because there's no point in not doing it perfectly, but at the same time the game is far too long to restart all over again. ...and yes, I could have used multiple saveslots. I usually use an obscene amount of saveslots, just for this reason. ...but this time I only used three, and I freaking saved over all of them right before the boss. (Human Revolution isn't a 10/10 game, but why forget 10/10 games?)
  22. I've run into a sound issue while assembling a little dresser prefab. There's a great sound for closing a drawer (an "atdm:mover_door_sliding" entity), but it's the sound of a drawer BEING closed, and should therefor be played during "snd_move", and not "snd_close" (at the beginning of the translation, and not once it has finished). If I have no custom "snd_close" property, this value defaults back to a clunky default sound, and if I instead have a "snd_close" and give it either the value "nosound", "0" or "-", the closing sound cuts out, since now the sound of "nosound" is playing instead. Is there some way to uninherit an inherited property (like for example the "snd_close" property)?
  23. See, I actually don't think that will help. This console spam occurs even at the current version, if I understand https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5223 and "Moving the bug out of the 2.10 roadmap." correctly. ...so while I can't do anything about the spam, if there is a root cause to avoid a "bad internal format" to begin with, I'd like to know what an "internal format" even is. What in my level might be causing it? Brushwork? Portals? Entities? Textures?
  24. Since Ive recently just watched maps being played on YouTube, I don't know much about how the download database is structured right now, but just the functionality to categorize according to description (like mainly Thieving/Horror/Other), along with size and user ratings/downloads, can go a long way to promote creativity. In contrast to a series like System Shock, it doesn't really take a genuis to tell a good Thief story. (It just takes a huge cynic, I guess.) ...and so I have far higher hopes for more creativity to spawn from this community, than I have for it spawning from a fairly random professional game developer studio. What could people with steady dayjobs really tell me about being poor anyway? No, these kinds of stories spring from the shadows. At least that's what I think. ...and even if nothing has yet been released that fits your tastes, the editor is always, always there for you. You know best what you want out of a thief like game, and I can't imagine what that would be, or if I personally would even like it myself. You just have to get active and creative in pleasing yourself. At least that's what I'm doing.
  25. I bet that everyone's excited about this news, considering the potential revivals. ...but as far as Thief goes, I am personally actually quite content with what The Dark Mod already offers me. The only thing that I could imagine would be an improvment to the already existing Thief series, would be some sort of silhouette detection, so that I can't hide in silly places just because I happpen to stand where a shadow falls. The premise of Thief - the exciting part - is a basic "I am a thief. I like to sneak." and any story development beyond that, I'm not that concerned about. I doubt that five more sequels could ever get me engaged more than The Dark Mod's FMs can, simply through the blank slate allowing for more independent world building. As for any improved graphical quality, I don't care about such things. The sneaking mechanics is more involving than admiring textures or models. I guess that, since I'm old, and have played so many games, I like mapping more than I like even playing games too. ...so I'm actually not excited personally. I already have all the icecream I could ever want, contained in one little editor.
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