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Everything posted by Vadrosaul

  1. You're right so I took out my thing about ruining the save. I still don't like them though, cause then those certain points become save zones and players may think of only getting between them, and not pay attention in between. I'm probbaly gonna go with unlimited Saves on Easy, a fair number on Medium, a smaller number on Hard, a couple on Expert, and none on Advanced Reality. The player still gets to decide when and where to save.
  2. Each save style has some pro's and con's, and it's up to the FM author to tailor it to the level design. Unlimited Saves mean very little frustration; but also is totally unrealistic and the least challenging. Save points provide more challenge and accomplishment, but players may start to think in terms of Point A - Point B instead of the whole picture. Limited number of saves based on difficulty level gives a larger sense of accomplishment, but then players will be considering their saves instead of enjoying the game. No saves is the most realistic, but can lead to major frustration (dying near the end for example) I disagree. I think it only kills immersion and suspense if you're anal about saving. I only worry about How I play the game if I'm not suceeding, otherwise I enjoy the experience and play as my mood dictates. The only stats I care about are the realistic ones, such as how long I took, how much money I pilphered, and how many people I killed. I doubt Garrett gives a hoot how many people he blackjacked while airborne, or exactly how many pockets he picked. Still nice to have those, but I play on Expert anyways so most of those were max anyways.
  3. Congrats Macsen, you Rock!! B of Law from UBC for me. Was thinking of going for Environmental Tech though.
  4. Vadrosaul

    Episode Iii

    Well since people's thoughts on the movie are all opinions anyways, and it seems to be fairly mixed, the only objective measurement is the box office. It already broke the one day total record, and looks to be headed pass the $100 million mark already. I'm reminded of a line from a recent game: "Do you like this game we play? Well it doesn't matter, cause you've already bought into it" Also something like this doesn't help sink Lucas' ego ship: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_3/ Sorry for playing Devil's Advocate here
  5. I disabled the gem in the modifs I did to the TDS HUD. Sadly I do not know how to in T1or2, but it should require just a quick hack of a GUI file. Personally I like the trend towards limited or no HUD that some games are taking, like Riddick and Call of Cthulhu.
  6. Did anyone else get half-blinded when activating notes to read them?
  7. What legal reasons? Can they actually copyright or trademark a sound?? Just rerecord it and very slightly change it somehow.
  8. Always something I found silly about Thief (MA only I think) was the fact that you could eat yourself back to full health. Unless the food is magical I thought that was just dumb. After a brutal melee I could eat a smorgasboard and be as good as new
  9. Is this an official/unofficial Metal Age expansion game? Where can I get info on it, like how many levels, the general plot without spoilers, etc...
  10. Particularly like the works of Schatten and drewb50. I hope they make more Some of the rest just didn't sound or feel Thief like.
  11. Huh I thought it was something more interesting
  12. Can someone PM me what kurva means? You've got me all curious now
  13. I feel that those were more like rules of thumb as a master thief: "Don't kill anyone unless self defense", "Steal as much as possible" Objectives were more specific: "Steal THIS item", "Find this letter and put it HERE"
  14. They are going to release expansion packs over time so that they still have some consistent incoming revenue. Whether or not they will force players to buy the packs in order to access upgraded servers I don't know. It's still better than a monthly fee, but take it with a grain of salt. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
  15. I'm interested, but I'd need to see a list or somesuch of what functionality is available and what would be coming soon, before I make a map. My idea would be a map along the lines of the Seaside Mansion from TDS (start out in boat moving ashore, crawl into caves with spiders, emerge into shaft ala Cetus level, move up shaft progressibvely, from shaft exit have multiple ways into Mansion, then rob Mansion) Sorry for not using email, but my accounts are swamped right now.
  16. Now that is just stupid. And its the stupid decisions like that which are drumming up all these homicide's blamed on videogames, and the right-wing nuts who startup anti-videogame campaigns.
  17. I'd also like to see guards go on a minimal alert: If they see a moss patch appear in an area that they didn't see it in previosly A torch or lightsource goes out within their field of view Objects like crates and table ornaments moved a fair distance from previous location How possible is this Ishtvan?
  18. And Vampire Bloodlines, although I'm not sure it classified as an FPS
  19. Everyone's talking about Serious Sam 2. I thought they just announced that game. so how could you guys be playing it.
  20. Whats wrong with being a shooter fan? I consider myself a fan of FPS's, and also one of RTS's and RPG's. I'm not sure if you are just making a cheeky comment or simply being close-minded, but it is possible to enjoy various game genres as they are meant to deliver gaming entertainment in different ways. Besides you can break down any game into a mindless automated process no matter what the genre.
  21. Personally I think this is the best forum for Thief or Thief related stuff on the Internet. Ion Storm one was a cesspool, and TTLG is headed that route too. Three cheers for Mindplaces and the great moderators here (Fingernail, New Horizon, pakmannen, Renzatic, sparhawk, Springheel)
  22. Please create some female guard models, as I would have use for them in the FM's I create. The skins really don't matter since I can make my own textures, but a few model varieties would be great. Thats right. The creator creates their work, and any radical changes from someone other than the creator are usually met with resistance from fans. Even changes from the creator are met with resistance sometimes (Lucas & the prequels). I would venture a guess that if the Dark Mod made a Thief campaign with aliens and ray guns, you wouldn't be taken seriously in the Thief community.
  23. Jeez, haven't you considered that he prob has posted in dedicated art forums, but wants as much feedback as possible.
  24. I have a Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB, and experienced the same bad tearing, but instead of turning on Vsync which kills framerate, I just entered into the autoexec.cfg seta r_displayrefresh "85" and the tearing dissapeared. Didn't have any overheating problems, and I just have once case fan.
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