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where to change path to fms?


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Right now, I keep my fms in doom3/darkmod/fms. Is there a way to change this directory? Doom 3 is installed on my SSD, and I want to load dark mod maps from my SSD for speed, but I want to keep the missions in a folder on my HDD, because it's bigger (not that there are a lot of bytes of fan missions for dark mod... yet.) This means fms will take longer to install than on my SSD, but that's okay. Is there somewhere I can change the path to the fms folder?

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Right now, I keep my fms in doom3/darkmod/fms. Is there a way to change this directory? Doom 3 is installed on my SSD, and I want to load dark mod maps from my SSD for speed, but I want to keep the missions in a folder on my HDD, because it's bigger (not that there are a lot of bytes of fan missions for dark mod... yet.) This means fms will take longer to install than on my SSD, but that's okay. Is there somewhere I can change the path to the fms folder?


The actual missions that are used by doom3 are copied to "doom3/fm_path" like "doom3/yourfmnamehere". I don't think it would be possible to link all these paths to the SSD. The only way I can imagine this (except under linux, where you might work with a lot of symlinks) is that you install doom3 also on the SSD.


And then you link the "doom3/base" directory with a link back to your HDD (look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link#Microsoft_Windows)


e.g. so:


c:/games/doom3/base (big PK4 files here)
d:/games/doom3/base=>c:/games/doom3/base (symlink)
d:/games/doom3/ (everything else is here)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Sorry, I don't understand. Doom 3 is already installed on my SSD. I believe the following are true (please correct me if I'm wrong):


1) you drag and drop fan missions to the "fan mission folder", which is doom3/darkmod/fms


2) you install fan missions by running the game and selecting 'install mission', which copies a bunch of files from the "fan mission folder" to the doom3 folder (actually to a subfolder of doom3, named for the mission.)


3) you load the fan mission by running the game and selecting 'play mission' (then the load bar starts filling up.)


I don't want to change 2 or 3. I only want to change 1. That is, I want to change the "fan mission folder" from doom3/darkmod/fms to a different folder of my choosing on my HDD. Is there a way to do that?


I'm thinking then I can store all my not-installed missions on the HDD (big), install them from the HDD to the SSD (slower process, but that's okay), and load them from the doom 3 installation on my SSD (still fast.)

Edited by eigenface
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Sorry, I don't understand. Doom 3 is already installed on my SSD. I believe the following are true (please correct me if I'm wrong):


1) you drag and drop fan missions to the "fan mission folder", which is doom3/darkmod/fms


2) you install fan missions by running the game and selecting 'install mission', which copies a bunch of files from the "fan mission folder" to the doom3 folder (actually to a subfolder of doom3, named for the mission.)


3) you load the fan mission by running the game and selecting 'play mission' (then the load bar starts filling up.)


I don't want to change 2 or 3. I only want to change 1. That is, I want to change the "fan mission folder" from doom3/darkmod/fms to a different folder of my choosing on my HDD. Is there a way to do that?


I'm thinking then I can store all my not-installed missions on the HDD (big), install them from the HDD to the SSD (slower process, but that's okay), and load them from the doom 3 installation on my SSD (still fast.)


Yes, you can do that:


* Create a folder on your HDD, name it whatever you want.

* Put all the PK4 files in there (your fan missions)

* (Side note: I am not sure putting the PK4 files *directly* into this folder will work, I think you might need to put individual folders and then put the PK4 files in them, but I could be wrong).

* Then remove the "doom3/darkmod/fms" folder on your SSD, and replace with with a symbolic link from "doom3/darkmod/fms" to "yourhdd:/doom3/darkmod/yournamedfmsfolder".


If you are on linux, use "ln -s /home/ssdpatch/whatever/doom3/darkmod/fms /hddpath/whatever/doom3/darkmod/yournamedfmsfolder". On windows, you need to read the wiki article on how to do this, I don't have windows, so I don't know exactly how you'd do this.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I think that would just speed up installations but not game loads. I think you'd have to install doom on the HDD then darkmod on the SSD then redirect Windows to that if possible. So FMs would get installed to game folders on the HDD and load from there. But you would still get dark mod assets loading from the SSD initially.


If there's room I'd just install doom and darkmod on the HDD and keep the FMs on the SSD then manually move them over one at a time as you play them and delete them when finished, possibly copying back gamesaves if incomplete.

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I've got an SSD and the only place I noticed any significant gains was during boot where the duration was approximately half as long. Games don't benefit quite as much unless they deal with very large data sets, they stream content, or both. GTAIV is a good game to install on an SSD for example.


In the case of TDM the difference isn't noticeable. I may have gained a second or two at best. Overall loading times take about 2 minutes but half that time is spent watching the "please wait" text at which point I'm pretty sure the game is done loading content.

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I've got an SSD and the only place I noticed any significant gains was during boot where the duration was approximately half as long. Games don't benefit quite as much unless they deal with very large data sets, they stream content, or both. GTAIV is a good game to install on an SSD for example.


In the case of TDM the difference isn't noticeable. I may have gained a second or two at best. Overall loading times take about 2 minutes but half that time is spent watching the "please wait" text at which point I'm pretty sure the game is done loading content.


In my case, the HDD still grinds loudly at this point.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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