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Controlling where the player starts a mission


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Functionality was broken between 2.10 and 2.12 dev. Currently you need 2.12 beta to make this work.

Here is a test-mission with 4 possible briefing configurations with added Starter Location selection:

  1. text_mainmenu_briefing.gui        -   Standard text-based briefing
  2. nav_mainmenu_briefing.gui        -   Sotha's Advanced text + image based manual navigated briefing
  3. anim_mainmenu_briefing.gui      -   Sotha's Advanced  text + image based auto-animated briefing
  4. vidintro_mainmenu_briefing.gui  -   Only Starter location selection briefing, for when video-briefing is used.

The test-mission is set-up as a 2 mission campaign, where only the briefing for the first mission uses the location selection. This can also be used as a starter base for the functionally used inside your own mission.

To test it, you have to rename one of the above gui files, so that the filename is: mainmenu_briefing.gui

To make it work, you have to unzip the 7-zip archive inside tdm's fms folder. After that, you have to navigate to subfolder gui and unzip the file assetz.7z in it (I had to do this because of filesize restriction).

Would be nice if someone could test it.


Edit: I linked to it on the wiki:




Edited by datiswous
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This opens all sorts of possibilities. I was thinking about games as Gabriel knight and Broken Sword where you navigate from different locations on a map, I always liked this approach, playing the mission in a different order. You can also write a story around it in the text based briefing with images. Or for example a choice of who to work for (let's say there are 2 thief gangs that you can work for or you work for yourself). You can also include multiple missions in one map file.

I thought you could do a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type briefing, with in the end a different mission start based on your chosen path. There could be conversations in it as well, with multiple choice answers in it.

Edited by datiswous
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