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best system for a new user with basic needs...


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My dad is about 60 years old. He doesn't know much at all about computers. I once left him with my laptop for a few hours and ended up having to clean a bunch of shit off it like fake AV software afterwards. He wants a basic computer for browsing the web, e-mailing, researching, and maybe typing letters/documents from time to time. He has absolutely ZERO interest in games.


So, I'm trying to work something out. I'm considering giving him my old EEE PC 900 HA, but XP is almost EOL'd, has bad security, and upgrading this to 7 is unreasonable. I'm considering putting Linux on the EEE, but...



I found this new Via system which is extremely cheap. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dNA3yHEl2s

It looks pretty good for a user with basic needs because it is small, energy efficiant, not vulnerable to the latest Windows flaws, etc. Is this a bad idea?


It is also worth pointing out that he lives very far away and I would be unable to fix a Windows machine when it gets nailed by the latest malware.


EDIT: Apparently the shipping for this is very high and some folks are pretty pissed. http://apc.io/blog/2012/05/28/apc-faq-page/


That's a real shame. Why hasn't someone built a cheap ARM desktop for twice the cost of this with a case and some higher specs? I'm sure Intel/Microsoft would love that. :)

Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Best thing I could suggest so at least you can support it remotely -

  • A basic but contemporary PC - as in new but as cheap as you can find.
  • Windows Xp - but only give your dad a non admin account and remove internet explorer, firefox only.
  • Kaspersky AV - with all the settings on so nothing gets through
  • Teamviewer - so you can remote in and install anything he needs.

Why you might say, I have had to do this on more than one occasion just so I don't have the aggro or rebuilding said machine every few months due to infections. And the reason for XP, its been around for ages and is easy to fix remotely.




I could have a look around for a linux based all-in-one pc... where u based again..?

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Those Zotac ZBOXes look pretty neat. They're pretty cheap and they accept DDR3 memory, which is dirt cheap as well. They're tiny and have everything integrated.




Still, an ARM option would be great for the older folks who only care about safe web browsing and basic things.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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I got the idea of putting XP on the netbook, but also sticking a 2 GB SD card with Knoppix in the side with write-protect on. When Windows eventually gets destroyed, you just tell them to slide it out, flip the switch and then boot from it. It would go straight to a GUI and can have persistant storage.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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