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SVN: Problem with textures/glass/dull_opaque01 and skybox


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Do you have any errors in console when .glprocs are loaded?


Here is a condump immediately after loading the savegame:




TDM 2.06 #6909 win-x86 May 23 2017 11:55:56
3392 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
12272 MB System Memory
-1 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {27A92072-2210-437B-B0D1-F9DA2E4E7F04} Kaspersky Security Data
Escort Adapter - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: {F0D9A2B9-33A1-442F-B8CD-D14CF84FD666} Broadcom NetLink G
igabit Ethernet -
Found interface: {8AEA426A-A805-4BB7-B8EC-96673923FBC7} DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN
Half-Mini Card - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: {18273C6C-A86B-48B3-9F6C-1E1C62287859} VirtualBox Host-Only Et
hernet Adapter -
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
Found Intel CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 CMOV
tdm using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing.
enabling Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabling Denormals-Are-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
E:\darkmod\fms\lordsnlegacy\lordsnlegacy.pk4 (78 files)
E:\darkmod\tdm_game03.pk4 (2 files)
E:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 (2 files)
E:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 (3 files)
File System Initialized.
----- Initializing Decls -----
WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch
air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:657
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_lights.mtr, line 6103: material 'red_lantern'
previously defined at materials/map_specific.mtr:46
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 232: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_models_natur
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 273: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_leaves_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_model
WARNING:file skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin, line 596: skin 'iron_flat' previously de
fined at skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin:103
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '-'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1562: Expecting '
{' but found 'skins'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1562: Expecting '
{' but found 'bikerdude'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '-'
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 19: Expecting '{' but found '('
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 19: Expecting '{' but found 'mod
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 21: Expecting '{' but found 'tex
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 23: Type without definition at e
nd of file
WARNING:file sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd, line 1909: sound 'tdm_ai_commander_
there_you_are' previously defined at sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd:1407
WARNING:file sound/tdm_guis.sndshd, line 27: sound 'tdm_objectives' previously
defined at sound/lnl.sndshd:1
I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'.
I18N: Found no character remapping for english.
I18N: 1229 strings read from strings/english.lang
I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found.
WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch
Couldn't open journal files
Couldn't exec editor.cfg - file does not exist.
execing default.cfg
Unknown command 'grayman'
Unknown command './devel/release/default.cfg.'
Unknown command 'a'
Unknown command 'new'
Unknown command 'NOT'
Unknown command 'anyone'
Unknown command 'use'
Unknown command 'console'
Unknown command 'next'
Unknown command 'prev'
Unknown command 'previous'
Unknown command 'next'
Unknown command 'crouch'
Unknown command 'Lean'
Unknown command 'lean'
Unknown command 'Readables'
Unknown command 'spyglass'
Unknown command 'compass'
Unknown command 'lantern'
Unknown command 'maps'
Unknown command 'objectives'
Unknown command 'keys'
Unknown command 'lockpicks'
Unknown command 'lean'
Unknown command 'Inventory'
Unknown command 'Mantle'
Unknown command 'creep'
Unknown command 'frob'
Unknown command 'inventory'
execing Darkmod.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'.
I18N: Found no character remapping for english.
I18N: 1229 strings read from strings/english.lang
I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found.
----- Initializing OpenAL -----
Setup OpenAL device and context
OpenAL: found device 'Speakers (Sound Blaster Z)'
OpenAL: found device 'Speakers (Sound Blaster Z)'
OpenAL: found device 'SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)'
OpenAL: using 'OpenAL Soft'
OpenAL vendor: OpenAL Community
OpenAL renderer: OpenAL Soft
OpenAL version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
OpenAL: found EFX extension
OpenAL: found 256 hardware voices
----- Initializing OpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...getting default gamma ramp: success
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...created window @ 64,0 (1296x838)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...PIXELFORMAT 12 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
OpenGL vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer: GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 358.50
Checking portable OpenGL extensions...
v - using GL_ARB_multitexture
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
v - using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
v - using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
v - using GL_ARB_texture_compression
v - using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
v - using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
v - using GL_EXT_texture3D
v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
v - using glStencilOpSeparate
v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
v - using EXT_depth_bounds_test
v - using ARB_pixel_buffer_object
Max vertex attribs: 16
Max env parameters: 256
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
glprogs/test.vfp 8
glprogs/test.vfp 9
glprogs/interaction.vfp 1
glprogs/interaction.vfp 2
glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp 5
glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp 6
glprogs/ambientLight.vfp 10
glprogs/ambientLight.vfp 11
glprogs/shadow.vp 7
glprogs/environment.vfp 3
glprogs/environment.vfp 4
glprogs/test_direct.vfp 12
glprogs/test_direct.vfp 13
glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp 14
glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp 15
glprogs/soft_particle.vfp 16
glprogs/soft_particle.vfp 17
glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp 18
glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp 19
glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp 20
glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp 21
glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp 22
glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp 23
glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp 24
glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp 25
glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp 26
glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp 27
glprogs/cookMath_pass1.vfp 28
glprogs/cookMath_pass1.vfp 29
glprogs/cookMath_pass2.vfp 30
glprogs/cookMath_pass2.vfp 31
glprogs/brightPass_opt.vfp 32
glprogs/brightPass_opt.vfp 33
glprogs/blurx.vfp 34
glprogs/blurx.vfp 35
glprogs/blury.vfp 36
glprogs/blury.vfp 37
glprogs/finalScenePass_opt.vfp 38
glprogs/finalScenePass_opt.vfp 39
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
Font fonts/english/stone in size 12 not found, using size 24 instead.
Searching for DLL in E:\darkmod/gamex86.dllgamex86 - Found DLL in EXE path with
timestamp of 1495555023 - (null)
gamex86 - Found DLL in pak file with timestamp of 1494961510 - (null)
gamex86 - DLL in EXE path is newer, ignoring DLL in pak file
Found Intel CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 CMOV
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing.
Flush-To-Zero mode is already enabled
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
Denormals-Are-Zero mode is already enabled
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
--------- Initializing Game ----------
The Dark Mod 2.06, win-x86, code revision 6903
Build date: May 23 2017
WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 342: entityDef 'atdm:map_of' previousl
y defined at def/custom.def:1
WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 353: entityDef 'ShopItem_map_of' previ
ously defined at def/custom.def:11
WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch
air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:657
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_lights.mtr, line 6103: material 'red_lantern'
previously defined at materials/map_specific.mtr:46
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 232: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_models_natur
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 273: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_leaves_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_model
Initializing event system
...836 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...170 classes, 411312 bytes for event callbacks
Initializing scripts
Compiled 'E:\darkmod\script\tdm_main.script': 82.3 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------
Memory usage:
Strings: 45, 5552 bytes
Statements: 20107, 402140 bytes
Functions: 1254, 127964 bytes
Variables: 91840 bytes
Mem used: 1120620 bytes
Static data: 2277600 bytes
Allocated: 2827116 bytes
Thread size: 7068 bytes
...6 aas types
game initialized.
Parsing material files
Found 0 new mission packages.
Found 16 mods in the FM folder.
Parsed 24 mission declarations.
No 'tdm_mapsequence.txt' file found for the current mod: lordsnlegacy
-------- Initializing Session --------
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
session initialized
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
------------- Warnings ---------------
during The Dark Mod initialization...
WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch
WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 342: entityDef 'atdm:map_of' previousl
y defined at def/custom.def:1
WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 353: entityDef 'ShopItem_map_of' previ
ously defined at def/custom.def:11
WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch
air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:657
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_lights.mtr, line 6103: material 'red_lantern'
previously defined at materials/map_specific.mtr:46
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 232: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_models_natur
WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_nature_trees.mtr, line 273: material 'models/
nature/tree_dm/tree_dm_leaves_autumn' previously defined at materials/tdm_model
WARNING:file skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin, line 596: skin 'iron_flat' previously de
fined at skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin:103
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '-'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1561: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1562: Expecting '
{' but found 'bikerdude'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1562: Expecting '
{' but found 'skins'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '-'
WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 1563: Expecting '
{' but found '--'
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 19: Expecting '{' but found '('
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 19: Expecting '{' but found 'mod
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 21: Expecting '{' but found 'tex
WARNING:file skins/test_darkradiant.skin, line 23: Type without definition at e
nd of file
WARNING:file sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd, line 1909: sound 'tdm_ai_commander_
there_you_are' previously defined at sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd:1407
WARNING:file sound/tdm_guis.sndshd, line 27: sound 'tdm_objectives' previously
defined at sound/lnl.sndshd:1
20 warnings
Couldn't exec autocommands.cfg - file does not exist.
Widescreenmode was set to: 1 (1280x800)
reloading guis/mainmenu.gui.
reloading guis/restart.gui.
reloading guis/msg.gui.
Widescreenmode was set to: 1 (1280x800)
--------- Map Initialization ---------
Map: lordsnlegacy
glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp 89
glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp 90
glprogs/heatHazeWithDepth.vfp 91
glprogs/heatHazeWithDepth.vfp 92
glprogs/heatHaze.vfp 93
glprogs/heatHaze.vfp 94
glprogs/heatHazeWithMaskAndBlur.vfp 95
glprogs/heatHazeWithMaskAndBlur.vfp 96
glprogs/HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp 97
glprogs/HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp 98
------- Game Map Init SaveGame -------
Compiled 'E:\darkmod\maps\lordsnlegacy.script': 1.0 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------
Memory usage:
Strings: 46, 5648 bytes
Statements: 20179, 403580 bytes
Functions: 1258, 128308 bytes
Variables: 92012 bytes
Mem used: 1124196 bytes
Static data: 2277600 bytes
Allocated: 2829276 bytes
Thread size: 7068 bytes
collision data:
1126 models
289019 vertices (6773 KB)
513571 edges (18055 KB)
232890 polygons (16163 KB)
8417 brushes (1152 KB)
28704 nodes (784 KB)
312866 polygon refs (2444 KB)
28619 brush refs (223 KB)
179034 internal edges
25958 sharp edges
0 contained polygons removed
0 polygons merged
45598 KB total memory used
914 msec to load collision data.
map bounds are (3408.0, 9104.0, 2644.0)
max clip sector is (213.0, 284.5, 330.5)
49 KB passage memory used to build PVS
8 msec to calculate PVS
204 areas
490 portals
24 areas visible on average
5 KB PVS data
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas48
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas96
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas32
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas100
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas_rat
[Load AAS]
loading maps/lordsnlegacy.aas_elemental
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
removed 48 degenerate triangles
removed 8 degenerate triangles
removed 48 degenerate triangles
removed 8 degenerate triangles
removed 28 degenerate triangles
removed 28 degenerate triangles
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
removed 24 degenerate triangles
WARNING:Image name "-" is too short
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 10 degenerate triangles
removed 47 degenerate triangles
removed 43 degenerate triangles
removed 54 degenerate triangles
removed 75 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 30 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 1 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 6 degenerate triangles
removed 22 degenerate triangles
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
removed 24 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
removed 24 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 22 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 47 degenerate triangles
removed 30 degenerate triangles
removed 56 degenerate triangles
removed 56 degenerate triangles
removed 30 degenerate triangles
removed 32 degenerate triangles
removed 6 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'xlight_flicker_104.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'light_buzz_01.wav' using default
removed 16 degenerate triangles
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'xlight_flicker_102.wav' using default
removed 8 degenerate triangles
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/sfx/world/musical/frob_instrument_victrola06
.ogg' using default
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
removed 2 degenerate triangles
No running thread for RestoreScriptObject(), creating new one.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui'
----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
0 models purged from previous level, 1935 models kept.
----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad -----
WARNING:Couldn't load image: heightmap( textures/darkmod/decals/webs/web1, 4)
WARNING:Couldn't load image: -
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/chandelier_gas4
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/wall_gas4
WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/citywatch_armour
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve_frill
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve
WARNING:Couldn't load image: tdm_tongue
WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs
WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: layer3s
WARNING:Couldn't load image: nodraw
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/buoy_light01
0 purged from previous
213 kept from previous
1771 new loaded
all images loaded in 36.1 seconds
----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----
300626k referenced
143k purged
53856 msec to load lordsnlegacy
interactionTable generated of size: 134217728 bytes
------------- Warnings ---------------
during lordsnlegacy...
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load image: -
WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs
WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/buoy_light01
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/chandelier_gas4
WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/wall_gas4
WARNING:Couldn't load image: heightmap( textures/darkmod/decals/webs/web1, 4)
WARNING:Couldn't load image: layer3s
WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/citywatch_armour
WARNING:Couldn't load image: nodraw
WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve_frill
WARNING:Couldn't load image: tdm_tongue
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'light_buzz_01.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/sfx/world/musical/frob_instrument_victrola06
.ogg' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'xlight_flicker_102.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'xlight_flicker_104.wav' using default
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
WARNING:Image name "-" is too short
32 warnings
Restarting ambient sound snd_slums'(city_sleeps02) with volume -8.073548
]condump landl
Dumped console text to landl.txt.

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Committed a fix to svn. Window colors are ok for me on a nvidia now. Please test on yours.

It looks like vertex colors for the window model are non-default. Why AMD and Intel ignore them is a mystery (that I don't want to think about).

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Just brought in some kitchen models from another map and placed them around my WIP kitchen.


Now I'm getting objects and visportals going pure white based on where I'm standing in the room.


I'll narrow it down to see if the inclusion of a specific object is causing the problem. I can't imagine it's anything I did wrong; these are just standard objects.



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I've asked Springheel to join this discussion. He removed the 'mirror' keyword from the serving plate a week ago. I put it back with no ensuing joy.


I've no idea what's going on here.




I went back and ran "In the North", where I took the serving plate from. ItN is showing the same white object problem.

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