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Broken Sword 4


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I have a bad feeling about this. There is next to no media presentation of BS4, developers don't seem to be confident about the game, and those few screenshots I have seen look worse than BS3 - the locations look somehow empty and low quality. The word "budget" comes to mind.


Oh well, let's hope this will be a good game afterall. I really loved the previous BS games :blush:

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You gonna get it on September the 15th buddy?


I don't usually buy games when they first come out, but wait until i can buy them cheaper later on. I did buy The Sleeping Dragon at full price though. I'm more sensible with my money now so i doubt i'll be buying it right away. It depends really. I might, i might not. If i see it lying on a shop shelf, i might not be able to resist!


I love the Broken Sword series. There's just something about them. :rolleyes:

Edited by Sluggs
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I got Sleeping Dragon and played 3/4's of the way through but got bored. Unlike 1&2 which I did all the way through. The goat problem was a pain :D I hope this one is going to be fun.

ZylonBane's confession about himself:

"What can I say, I'm a jerk. A three times all American Jerk, from Jerksville, Kentucky. Yee Haw"

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