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So I just beat crysis


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Call it cute all you want, Crytek is the leading German Independent developer. They're on their way to perhaps one day be on parallel ground with Blizzard. The first two games they have released have been stellar.


-It is a shame though, that publishing good games doesen't make the producer necessarily succeed in the market. Think about the Looking Glass Studios. Everything they ever made was very good to excellent.


Jagged Alliance games were very good and appreciated (they still are), but still every company that touched the title went bankcrupt (Sir-Tech, Talonsoft).


Nowadays games are way too console-like and oversimplified.

But I guess that's the thing that sells. And money is everyhing.


-The mapper's best friend.

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EA does not own Crytek. Also I doubt they ever will. Crytek is producing the titles for EA and EA is paying them in a deal. Crytek remains independent.


Please. You really think the bigwigs at EA don't have a lot of influence at crytek as regards sequels and franchise etc?

Once you hook up with a massive publisher like EA, you can no longer be called independent.

This industry, like any other, is all about money, not quality.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

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Well, we will see how independet Crytek will remain. Especally with this stupid hype here in germany to destroy the computer gaming industry. :(


Exactly! And we both now what we speak of.


If the TDM would ever be distributed on CD or DVD in Germany, it would be either a 18+ title (e.g. virtually non-distributable) or it would need a costly "age check", which the TDM project simple can't pay for.


As for CryTek being independent, it depends a lot on the contract. Did it specify "Crytek will produce Crisis for EA" or "Crytek will produce X titles and then sell them to EA for a later to specified sum".


The latter is very popular in the music and movie "industry", for instance Pixar vs. Disney and it really screws whoever undersigned the contract to produce X titles, because they *have* to produce them, and then *have* to sell them to the other party, for however little they get paid. Sad.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I'd be willing to bet that EA is holding Crytek by the balls. If Crytek ever hope to create a challenging game both mentally and skillfully, then they'll have to stay away from EA, or if they just care about the money, then they should probably best stay with EA. I'm assuming the latter is a more popular approach these days :(

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