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Everything posted by motorsep

  1. You are reading me right - id Tech 5 (at least RAGE iteration, the original undiluted work of idSofware) is a step backward. However, Megatexures v2.0 are quite nice - you get almost no repetitive textures. id Tech 5 seen is Evil Within is quite different engine, with a lot of middleware shoved into it. That one has dynamic lighting, but it's not unified light and shadow model seen in id Tech 4. There isn't anything revolutionary in id Tech 5. Check out Tesseract engine: Perhaps its real-time GI and shadows can be used in TDM.
  2. It doesn't, if done correctly. Almost not a single modern game uses cubemap with 7 FBO bindings for omni lights. It uses atlased cubemap, which only takes 2 FBO bindings. We used that old shadow mapping technique in Storm Engine 2 and it sucks. It's still better than shadow volumes in a sense that shadowing is decoupled from geometry's polycount, but it's much slower than unrolled cubemaps for omni lights
  3. id Tech 5 is basically more advanced id Tech 3 - nothing is dynamic, everything is baked. So there is no real-time soft shadows there. Darkplaces engine has quite a different architecture (and no cascaded shadow maps for parallel lights) and using its code would be problematic in id Tech 4.
  4. So I gave a spin to 2.0.2pre5 and I don't have "select all behind" issue. After watching Bikerdude's video I don't see how madly clicking back and forth the same brushes is a realistic scenario in production. I did get slight lag 3D view when resizing brush in Ortho view, but I never noticed it until it was pointed out. While I understand people wanting to have absolutely bug free app, it's not feasible to achieve, and I think the focus and energy are better spent on more critical bugs/issues and features that increase productivity I have a few questions of my own. I noticed that play button (above 3D view, green triangle) doesn't do anything at all. I see frames counter advancing in 3D view when play is pressed, but nothing happens at all. What is it for anyway? It also doesn't look like ambient lighting works when render lighting preview is activated. I am not sure if it ever worked, I didn't really use lighting render preview much.
  5. @Bikerdude: VISTA_DRIVER_FAULT - I would expect nothing less of Windows Vista :/ Upgrade to Windows 7 if possible.
  6. By the way, is changing guiParms on the GUI entity the only way to pass data from script to GUI ?
  7. Thanks a bunch! I guess I could just run the loop without worrying whether GUI in the view or not. Would the string gets updated on all guis at once or does each GUI have to have unique string/loop?
  8. Well, the idea is to tie time to day/night cycles, so the time on the clock would be fictional anyway. I just figured tying it to the clock would be the easiest, if a function to get time is available already. I am open to suggestions :-)
  9. Is it possible to have a digital clock in a GUI on a map ? Basically looking for 24hrs format hrs:min clock in a windowDef. I recall there gotta be a built-in script function for time, but I don't know how to pass the data from script to GUI (preferably updating GUI either every second or every minute, only when in player's view) Done! (see the last post) Thanks!
  10. Merry Christmas to ya'll !!!
  11. The problem with the models-only approach and tiling textures that it's hard to combine brushes and such models (textures misalignment). The best approach is either "all models" or have some architectural elements as models (modular or not) and continuous surfaces as brushes.
  12. Check this out http://www.slideshare.net/JoelBurgess/gdc2013-kit-buildingfinal, might be useful
  13. Floating point precision is arch dependent (collisions for sure, not too sure about physics), and SIMD intrinsics are not the easiest thing to deal with - it's almost like ASM. Why would you need 64bit engine? Not everyone any time soon will be on 64bit OS. The only advantage is ability to use more RAM. Have you played RAGE, Crysis 3, Dishonored? I doubt TDM has more assets (and more tris) than these games, and yet those games ran in 32bit (or 64bit but 4GB of RAM) just fine. There only way you absolutely need 64bit is that you have so many assets of such complexity, that your game requires 8Gb of RAM.
  14. All SIMD optimizations in the engine are done for 32bit arch. All existing 64bit forks of idTech 4 have no SIMD optimizations (only a generic one) working. The entire physics and collisions systems are not designed for 64bit either.
  15. Actually I simply changed my setup a bit and used $my_func_mover.moveToPos(); turned out much simpler than initially anticipated
  16. Thanks, I'll try digesting it after work I can't use idMove script events on non-func_mover entity. And since what I am doing is totally free form (entity follows player with delay), func_mover is a no-go.
  17. Currently I got system that snaps a particular entity from location A to location B. So it's an instant movement. What I need is the following. I need to move entity from A to B, not snap it, over the course of time. So instead of an instant snap, it will move from A to B in 2 sec (for example). My guess it that I need to advance coordinate in SetWorldOrigin(I think that's what I use currently to change location of the entity) in a loop, but I am having brain fart and can't put it all together. I am thinking it could be SetWorldOrigin( currentOrigin ) where currentOrigin = ( destinationB - currentOrigin ) / granularity. vector currentOrigin = sourceA; vector granularity = '100 100 100' ; delta = ( destinationB - currentOrigin ) / granularity; loop begins SetWorldOrigin( currentOrigin ); currentOrigin = currentOrigin + delta; loop ends Something like that? I assume time should be in the condition of the loop? If so, how to I plug it in and have it updated? What if time runs out, but entity is still in between source and destination ? How would I make it where entity will move from A to B in the given time, guaranteed ? Thanks! EDIT: Should I do something like the following ? currentTime = time; while (currentTime <= 2sec) { ... code in the loop from above ... currentTime = currentTime + timeIncrement; } and timeIncrement probably would be 2 sec / ( (B - A) / 2 sec ) ?
  18. SS2 stands for Steel Storm 2, which was the working title of Phaeton - a game I am working on :-)
  19. Heh, that's nice to know, lowenz Thanks. Btw, we fixed reloadGUIs and reloadImages today. Shadowmaps breaks no longer, and GUI iteration is a breeze on the game side now. Just need to fix reloading of images/materials in the editor and it will be all set. EDIT: Here is the video of this goodness:
  20. Yeah, and that has no info about what I need.
  21. Apparently func_mover can only begin moving from the beginning of the spline and on stop, it gets reset to its starting position. I am making something that has to be controlled from a GUI panel, and I need for func_mover to stop on the spline where I want, continue moving from that position, and not reset to the start position (which should be some bool spawn arg in the entity's def). How can I fix that? (unless func_mover already does it by default and I just have no clue what I am doing ) Thanks.
  22. Use MSVC 2013 Community Edition on Windows, and gcc on Linux. It only makes sense to use native tools for each platform, especially that they are free! o.O P.S. MSVC 2013 Community Edition is almost exactly the same as MSVC 2013 Pro, but free.
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