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revelator last won the day on August 12

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About revelator

  • Birthday 07/17/1968

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  1. yeah it sucks and those who suffer the worst are those left behind. luckily i been free of this addiction in fact i only drink once a year (newyear) not because im a saint but i actually dont like the taste of alcohol that much.
  2. for some types of people aye. still not clear if it is something you can be genetically predisposed for. some strangeness that can come from genetical disposition, i have a very high pain tolerance but an abysmal tolerance to certain pain killers like morphine. which in my case is kinda good as i can keep myself relatively pain free despite having broken my back in two places and damaged the nerves beyond repair. i take 2 x 10 mg contalgin a day where others with my kind of damage need several hundred mg's of it. my family had a few alcoholics in it, one of my moms sisters for one. she eventually stopped but stopping to abrubtly after so many years kills you faster than just drinking and she died .
  3. Ah that sucks would have been an interresting little device for gaming on your TV without having to have a massive PC hooked up to it.
  4. from what i could glean about it, it seems to target qualcomms snapdragon and apples m1 for leadership so it might actually happen. still with so much time before it goes live things can change a lot.
  5. i was only wondering about which kind of gfx the soundwave apu would have in case raspian decided to go with it. could be an experimental arm based apu but kinda makes sense for them to focus on that segment of the market ?.
  6. definatly worth reading some things might seem a bit archaic in them but remember the author wrote them in a time where they did not know which way the technological revolution would turn. Also some eye openers sometimes when some writer who wrote his material decades before we had anything resembling what he describes in the story and which exist today . jules werne -> sub. arthur c clarke -> sattelites (actually aknoledged as the father of the sattelite). star trek -> mobile phones. many many more examples
  7. its something a man of my age and with my disabilities can still manage , helps that i been on the forefront of PC development since there "was" something you could call a PC hehe. only other hobby i had besides reading a lot was mechanics (old motor bikes cars etc) but my back cant handle that sort anymore so i stayed with electronics and PC building. nvidia leaned heavily into specialized hardware (physx cuda DLSS) which has keept them on the leading edge for many years, despite that AMD has had some wins like the first 64 bit consumer cpu which incidently was also faster than what intel had at the time. gfx wise AMD had the grenada chip or R9 290"X" which held its own for a rather long time despite not having either cuda nor physx but plenty of raw undiluted power, which they still do. instead of cuda they used opencl which btw nvidia could also use since it is opensource. for raytracing they used the gfx chips shader processors for handling the calculations (which they can but as seen not as good as the specialized cores nvidia uses). for physx opencl has also been used and works right fine but not as widely adopted as physx. with the much more powerfull cpu's which has come out in later years physx is no longer all that nessesary and nvidia opensourced it. there are rumours that the upcomming fsr 4.0 will use use special tensor cores on the 7000 and 8000 series for raytracing.
  8. after some digging it seems they are working on an arm based apu named soundwave but it is scheduled for release in 2026 so not just around the corner. leaks say it will use rdna 3.5 gfx but details are sparse. hmm the coolipi alu case might actually be able to handle the cooling reqs, it goes as the best cooled raspian case avaliable from tests, all depends on how much heat the gfx section on the apu spits out. but since the soundwave is geared towards the mobile market i suspect it might be able to keep it cool enough.
  9. i wonder raspian could probably get away with an onboard vega chip cooling might be problematic though. also im not sure if any of amd's chips with vega gfx are arm based ?.
  10. yeah the number scheme jumped somewhat after the polaris models eg. vega 56 etc. then onto the 5000 series for the navi models, but has been more consistent since then with the 6000 models taking over and then the 7000 series. polaris was probably the first series who could contend with the old R9 series while using less ressources (the R9 series were power hogs with the 390X sucking upwards of 500 watts) in 4k the R9 series still held its own but like polaris it really did not have the muscle for upcomming game titles.
  11. thorium reactors was actually used heavily in books by the danish sci-fi author niels e nielsen (some of which are from 1950 and earlier, shows how long we have had the ideas.) were they ran everything from the lawnmover and other farming equipment controlled by some rather sofisticated AI constructs (crystaline computers). His books also point out the dangers of nuclear power and usually show humanity trying to survive after some technological apochalypse. notable books (the gates of akeron, the rulers, the wizards sword, tree of knowledge, the dreamers from avalon, the fortress in the sea). Not sure how many have been released in other languages but they are pretty good reads
  12. It is or rather should have been the future (if we could all just get along...), sadly the most impressive technologies usually come from the military and start life as weapons before more peacefull applications are considered .
  13. impressive i long pondered getting one for my tv for streaming and some light gaming.
  14. hehe yeah some of the tech we enjoy today was actually invented many years ago but may not have been applicable at the time. they recently had a breakthrough on the experimental fusion power plant where for the first time they got more power out of it than what was fed into it (enough to boil atleast 60 bottles of water when the power needed to keep the thing running was taken from the calculation). So not a lot but it is getting there. the much much bigger reactor that is scheduled to take over when they reach a certain treshold on the power in to power out ratio should deliver one hell of a boost (it is more than 5 km's long) . from a security standpoint it is also much safer than a nuclear reactor since it cannot blow up or melt down. worst case everyone inside gets vaporized if the containment fails but thats it (not that it is any reconcilliation for the poor people at work if that happens). atm the biggest problem is containment as the temperatures inside the reactor is so high that no known material can withstand it for more than a few seconds. fun fact the warp drive background where scotty takes a ride in the cooling pipe from star trek (the newer one) is actually the experimental nuclear fusion reactor at The National Ignition Facility hehe.
  15. we could hope we get fusion power sometimes soon but lets not cross fingers yet . indoor radar... oh boy funny thing the microwave oven was actually created by an accident on a radar station, the tech on site forgot his coffe inside the faraday cage holding the radar tube and when he looked for it he noticed the coffe was boiling hehe. while phone signals might be lower power microwave i would seriously look at the health risks related to such a device
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