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Everything posted by Dram

  1. Looks interesting, might try this one out.
  2. Try this: bc_lamp //testing new materials { metal noselfshadow qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/metal/flat/steel_scratched01 diffusemap textures/darkmod/metal/flat/solid_rust01 { blend specularmap map _white rgb 0.25 } { blend bumpmap map heightmap(models/darkmod/props/textures/bc_lamp_h, 4) } } BTW, why do you want a different material to show up in the editor (qer_editorimage) as the diffuse? I just checked both textures and they do work correctly, even in the editor, so at least we know it is not them.
  3. @hatching-a-plan: Have you seen the new ingame video of "the way to Blackheart Manor"? If so then pretty much everything you see there was done in-editor with patches
  4. Much, much better. I think it is pretty perfect for a trained guard patrol walk We will need to make some lazier walks though, for the lazy bastard guards that oDDity likes to refer to as "slouching fuckers"
  5. VERY nice Arcturus Looks very convincing
  6. Indeed, just change it to flesh
  7. Dram

    Moveable Boat

    I have an idea to counter the problem of water drawing through it and it's not polygon offset as that wouldn't work right. I noticed modelDepthHack while reading through the sdk code, so i'll try that out.
  8. Very nice The only thing I can see wrong is that he kicks his feet forward a bit too far and perhaps too quickly? Otherwise those feet are gigantic, but that's model related so never mind that.
  9. Dram

    Moveable Boat

    It may be a better idea to use an AF for this as then you could have an inside to the boat rather then having it a platform. With the AF you can just put bones on each side to act as the collision for the walls of the boat and have the constraints set to really high.
  10. Dram

    roq effects

    Wierd Yeah the glow is really good if the flame is actually there, but I don't know wtf is going on there. I'll have a look into it. The roq material is meant to be referenced in video.mtr, so maybe that's changed?
  11. It is a good idea indeed. The feature set is not complete yet however, so it would be a bad idea to make videos of features atm, but later on it would be quite desirable I can imagine.
  12. Dram

    roq effects

    Ok, on SVN is now test/candles. It contains 2 moveable candlesticks and 1 wall candle. I've noticed several problems with the roq, (one as someone mentioned the roq stopped playing back after a reload etc) I'll play around with this later.
  13. Dram

    roq effects

    Well this effect should be faster then using 60 particles for the flame, but of course there are the problems of alignment etc. If it could be coded, I could make 2 videos of the candle - one where it is being blown around and one where it is upright - this would be loaded dynamically if the candle is being moved etc and maybe even randomly a bit too. I can make the video play at different intervals etc, using shaderparms, so for one candle you set it to animate at a different rate then another etc. Yeah the video compression added those horizontal line unfortunately. I'll see if I can fix that. Hmm actually I don't know of any other maps that use this. I'll make a quick test map. BRB
  14. Dram

    roq effects

    Forgot the most important thing - mandatory screenshot
  15. Dram

    roq effects

    I just uploaded a change to my glared candleflame. I (in RL) recorded a candle flame and made it into an roq, which the particle uses as its effect. This makes the candleflame look very realistic, as it also slightly jumps around etc. You can check it out in any map which uses this, for example the wall candles in my blackheart manor. I just have to tweak the particle file a little more as the particle does not disappear straight away after being put out (I forgot to change the lifetime again) Anyways, I'm going to do a similar thing for things like wall torches etc or where it is appropriate, if it looks good. So please try it out and give me some feedback people
  16. Hey nightshifter, Welcome to the Dark Mod forums I'm glad you enjoyed the vid. Yes, please show us some screenies, I think anyone who had enough patience with Dromed will have more then enough for Dark Radiant
  17. Well the rope arrow should stick into flesh, but not deploy imo, it looks damned stupid the way it breaks on a person's arm.
  18. That system should be able to run D3. Maybe not on the highest settings, but I played it on a similar system to that a while back - athlon XP 2600+, 512mb RAM, 6600GT
  19. Many textures that are preloaded already use _white so precaching it is not a problem. Also, it is an engine texture so imo it would be 1 pixel, though I don't know for sure of course. I don't think it would really impact performance, all it does is add a modulate layer (which is basically a filter so should be really cheap), and a specular layer (which is calculated by default afaik anyway). It's actually a float not a boolean, but that is still quite cheap. We'll have to performance test this I guess, but I doubt it will have any effect.
  20. Basically yes. It is the same way I did the editor-configurable light-rays. So basically, let's say I want to make a cave look wet (like in the last shot) then all I do is make it a func_static and add the key/val pairs: "shaderParm5" "1". 0 is dry, 1 is wet, so anything in between is a bit wet etc. As for the editor reference, you could just make it check the material file for a commented out line something line "//wetness" or something. I think one of the nicest applications of this would be character and object wetness, where if you submerge them they become wet and slowly dry off afterwards. This part could be done from the SDK, as setting shaderparms in the sdk is no problem either.
  21. ...and HERE is an example of it's use in action (just a quick 3 minute made cave) So what is everyone's opinion's on doing "wetness" this way as opposed to new material entries?
  22. Excellent - just tested and if there are more specular maps then one it just basically adds them, so basically all that would need to be done to apply this to all existing textures is just paste the "wetness" code into each material entry and it can be used straight away.
  23. Ok, after applying a modulate layer (to slightly change the colour of the diffuse): Again, the values are the same. I have also applied a cap though, so above 1 it does not show wet (to avoid ugliness). Here is the new code: { if ( ( parm5 > 0 ) && ( parm5 < 1.01 ) ) blend specularmap map _white rgb 0.25 * parm5 } { if ( ( parm5 > 0 ) && ( parm5 < 1.01 ) ) blend modulate map _white red 1 - ( parm5 * 0.2 ) green 1 - ( parm5 * 0.3 ) blue 1 - ( parm5 * 0.4 ) }
  24. I was just playing around with material files and have thought of an excellent way of doing wet textures for every material that could have it. This would be set by the mapper in the map and would mean that instead of having 2 materials - one for dray and one for wet, we could just have the one material and be able to set a shaderparm to make it wet. The other advantage of using a shaderparm for this is that you can through a map script make a room etc look gradually more dry or more wet, not to mention other effects, such as making a dry basin appear wet when it starts getting filled with water etc. You can also make it (through script) gradually get more and more wet, simply by incrementing the shaderparm. I have used the in-engine texture (_white) for the wetness texture. This means it is applicable to all textures we currently have, and all it requires is to add it to the material file. I can do that if noone else wants to. Here is a screenie of it in D3: Here is the code in the material file: { if ( parm5 > 0 ) blend specularmap map _white rgb 0.25 * parm5 } By setting shaderparm5 you can control the wetness. Of course, it defaults to 0 (not wet), and by 1 it appears wet. In the image above the settings are (from left to right): 0 (dry), 0.25, 0.5, 1 (wet), and 2 (too much) Anyways, I'll tweak it further and see what I can get. Of course, if this is implemented, it will not break anything, but textures with already existing speculars will need tweaking to work properly. The other only limitation is that this wetness property cannot be applied to worldspawn, so any surfaces using it would have to be part of an entity, such as func_static. Hehehe, just imagine a wet AI or even better, the player weapons when you crawl out of a river and are drying off
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