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Everything posted by Arcturus

  1. You can't have two mirrors in the same location that are not on the same plane. Otherwise yes, there will be problems.
  2. What do you mean it doesn't work? Of course it does. Here's a skin I had been using:
  3. You can make a skin file for the player models which swaps all materials with nodraw. But perhaps someone knows faster way.
  4. I opened fire effect. The heat haze effect is not displayed in DR at all and in stead obscures other particles making hard to see what happens. Smoke seems to be different than in game. And when I tried to save changes DR crashed, but that used to happen in in-game editor too.
  5. You said: Editing particles ingame was WYSIWYG.
  6. That's why in-game editors should not be removed.
  7. Fire I made uses multiple frames, but they are random fire pictures that quickly swap. In addition images quickly rotate and are always facing the player.
  8. Here's my (harsh) criticism: The buzzing sounds like an error in the wav file. Like Bikerdude I also thought for a moment that it's a glitch. The whole thing is too melodic. Especially last chord is too happy and resolving. It will be played in loop so it should pump up the tension. In Eric Brosius' work the background was usually filled with a constant low hum and musical elements are less frequent. The Moira's house is probably one of the most melodic tracks from Thief games. http://youtu.be/7PonG-KtH3Y I just read on wiki that Alexander Brandon composed the music for Deadly shadows, but people write everywhere that it was Brosius, it definitely sounds different.
  9. Nice. Here are similar clips from movies with music removed: http://youtu.be/kWcg3cITkTI http://youtu.be/Tj-GZJhfBmI
  10. Blender I don't know better free video editor for Windows.
  11. On a side note. Random head turning always looks fake. Can we tweak the animation curve's easing out?
  12. Seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2itwFJCgFQ&feature=youtu.be&t=4m33s Impressive part at 4:33.
  13. About AF. I had to write articulated figures for horse and a movable saddle, and while in game editor was buggy I can't imagine doing that in a text editor.
  14. I think the iridescence appeared after Obstorttet's changes to heatHazeWithMask.vfp in revision 13969. Here's comparison: Before: After:
  15. There's that iridescence as if RGB channels drifted apart. There was no such effect before.
  16. The fix is great, but you've added dispersion, which in my opinion is too strong.
  17. Polish vocalist and lyricist Katarzyna Nosowska: From 1996: From 2000:
  18. Could it be used to make cheap fog? As I remember current fog is pretty demanding.
  19. If you're talking about the stock TDM runners then they do match.
  20. Funny AI bug in Fen's latest video: and later at 19:08.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0xcPoH3plM I love this game.
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