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Everything posted by Serpentine

  1. If someone wants to convert all of the required textures, feel free. And doing it automagically will look terrible, so don't even bother suggesting it. But personally - I don't see the point.
  2. I don't use TortSVN, however it seems that you hold down shift and right-click the file, there should be an option for "Delete (keep local)",
  3. Google's results seems to suggest it's a common OCR concatenation of 'anzi tal' in Italian sources. So my completely blind shot : an Italian speaker annoyed the census guy enough to just fill the form in himself, explaining that he was born 'here'.
  4. @Spring - Do we still need materials/springheels_characters.mtr?
  5. I think it uses a projection - I seem to remember a 3 and 5 pointed texture... mmm.
  6. Awesome! I've left a note in our contacts thread, so someone should get hold of you in a little bit!
  7. Yeah I've already done the ladders etc like that. Just finishing checking the material file changes are correct, then I'll throw it into SVN. I'm not changing the clip from red/green, but I did tone down the red, and add a slight black border on the text (The version of the clips on this page reflects these changes)
  8. I think that's to try stop the light from shadowing too far up walls - i.e light from the center going outwards to walls would mean that the holders are cast to the walls, where normally they would only be visible under it. My guess
  9. Hmm, looks works pretty well; a screenshot (from Blackheart) And the current full set (Also includes some for DR):
  10. Nah, tried that - things start to look like an explosion in a tartan factory. But I think we can get away with changing the whole colour - clip is that purple colour, so brown+purple = stone/rock etc, green+purple = veg... Anyhoo lemme go sort that out and I'll see what it looks like.
  11. Sure, I assume you mean for the TDM types, i.e wood and such?
  12. Nah, just looking for the actual 'names' and material names of other editor images (i.e ones which are commonly used for water, portal skies etc). Which could be added to that basic set (those are the ones specified in TDM/d3 source - for the most part).Just trying to keep the set as close to the current ones as possible.
  13. They're already done, that's what the script does - files are created and named correctly. Just need to pop them into the folder and it's all done. The large image is just an overview which it makes at the same time. And yeah, the Hexen ones are not on the cards. Updated the script with a new font (included), as well as as converted the data to a dictionary, making is very easy to edit - See here Pretty much just need to add the weather and various other more TDM specific abstract ones.
  14. Because the code was already written and I want something which can be used to keep the images up-to-date and allow adjustments to be made if a mapper wants it - this in not entirely about TDM itself. Since I was moving and updating the materials themselves, no wasted time since it was just copy/paste and doodling some numbers... also the Hexen versions look nothing like the d3 ones, and have a lot of aliasing (but thanks for the offer d4 ). btw, d4 - I'd look at anything using black/flat and a few other images, they are most likely things that are meant to use the internal images (i,e _black, _flat) - might find other mistakes with those materials. Lastly, I watched an ep of Lone Gunmen - since I'm all out of X-Files. So check the atlas image at the top of the post, changed some things - think they look a fair bit better, way more readable. Font issue addressed.
  15. Font can be changed, however PIL's font handing is incredishit. So sometimes 'bad things happen'. I will see what I can do to make them nicer, consolab might look quite a bit better, chunkier. As for colours, the images are gpl3 for the most part. But most of them are terribly small and crap. I want uniformity and an easy way to keep things updated. I intend to keep them close to the old ones, don't worry - once again.
  16. Yeah, I tried to keep these as close to the current ones, but things like the visportal and triggers - the VP texture we currently use is kinda wtf, and my attempt is not exactly amazing. I've always just hated the trigger textures brown! At the same time, it's also nice if people can customize their editor if they feel the need - specially people with colour blindness and similar.
  17. Why hello there editor. Since we're going to be replacing these images, I thought I'd try to get a feel for what people that work with them all the day feel. At the moment there are a lot of editor images which are non-specific and somewhat crap. I've ripped apart my material generator script to try to make this easy for people to edit/adjust, In the hopes that we can make better images - and most importantly - allow them to be automatically generated so that in the future they're always up-to-date. While the script is more or less done in regards to what I set out up - it may be of value for editors who have trouble with colorblindness or just want to make some other changes. The script produces both the actual images (correctly named and placed in a folder, so that you can replace things easily), as well as an atlas of the individual images, like this (this has been reduced to 256 colour, so they actually look better ): Want to help? The script does not know about all of the textual editor images - Help by adding them. It's not all that hard, just open the script in an editor and look at the defined materials. If you come up with new patterns or schemes which stay within the expectation of existing mappers, let me know! A few of the materials I'm not too sure about, so check over them. Script - Includes some fonts. To use the script you'll need Python and Python Imaging Library. Once run the images will be output to a directory, in the same directory that you rand the script from. [updated 1 April 2012]
  18. Tels, I havent really looked into the translation stuff, so just go easy on me. But would it not be easier if we adapted the built in map/gui localization to take the place of this script? (I'm assuming they do very similar work). It looks pretty clean, and I imagine having it in the engine would help everyone quite a bit. If so, I'd be happy to translate the script if needed.
  19. You can pretty much use anything to model, so long as the model geometry and uv co-ords are able to be read by assimp, it can be exported to ASE for use in TDM. So if you're not comfy with Blender/3DS, chances are whatever else you find will be good enough.
  20. If you have the option 'Surface format optimization' anywhere in the driver options - disable that.
  21. @Baddcog - My bad! I don't really see models unless there are problems I'd say that atm we're actually in one of our most active phases - I know people can't really see it, but behind the scenes each of us is off on their own mission, but there's no real pressure unless there are problems - if people need to take time off, I'd rather they not feel they need to justify it or anything. So things might take a bit longer, but everyone is happy with their work - and thats what matters at the end of the day! Modding is a good feeling, you just get into a zone and work away in peace mmmm. That and I'm house-sitting and this house is crazy big and very quiet.
  22. Serpentine

    Spring RTS

    I spent a good bit of time working on Spring and various related bit in its very early days, but there were some questionable choices being made and poisonous people, when I ran short of time I quietly just backed out thinking it was going nowhere. So I'm always surprised when it comes up (quite often!). Going to give Zero-K a go a bit later, seems interesting. If you ever spot Supreme Commander + Expansion on special (the exp improved a _lot_ of things), give it a go. Not SupCom 2, that's terrible like everything else SE touch. Anyway SupCom has a strangely fun and interesting SP campaign, I'd say the most enjoyable since Red Alert (1). MP can be really good, but you need friends or to play ladder... not too sure that's for everyone.
  23. Taaaki installed D3 + ROE and then TDM - perfectly. TDM crashed on launch. Took ages to work out what was wrong, but we never really resolved it... if ROE was not installed, it worked perfectly. I think it's something to do with the CDKey crap, so it miiiight be resolved in 1.08, but I have no idea what the true cause is.
  24. @nbohr1more - Can you edit the thedarkmod.com front page? - I'm sure we can get a nice little update out of this thread @BD - Sounds good, don't need them all, just ummm - find a few that look good. @Team folks - Update news every 2 odd months, maybe throw in a map/upcoming content post every month? (not really an interview, just a short taster from the author, I'd be happy to sort that out and edit).
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