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ezze last won the day on January 11 2014

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  1. Well... partially. That editor guy did act as an asshole, I cite his edit comment: "Sorry, not notable - feel free to show that it IS notable (burden is on you now, not on me). (TW))" Instead of editing the wiki page and writing this log he could just type --the dark mod-- in google to see how notable the mod is. In order to add the missing citations. Even if he never heard of it before. Instead he acted as an arrogant freak with the approach "If I do not know, then it is not true". On the other hand under the plethora of evidences he give up.
  2. Usually avoid AI and blackjack. Since it is not really applicable with undead in those mission is more avoid and destroy.
  3. Minimal necessary for objectives. I personally find frustrating looking for the last 100 golds when all other objectives has been done... Personally I would put look objectives as bonuses.
  4. Hi everyone, I sporadically followed this thread and I felt a descent to madness (I vaguely recall stuff like non-free jumping, same key for dashing and jumping, no support whatsoever for modding...) however now the game is out! It is bad as it seemed?
  5. Is the collision bug fixed?
  6. Bah, it turns out there might be legal problems (check quakeone forum). In this nonsense world I simply give up. I HATE IT.
  7. Not enough unfortunately, people do not care about basics... I happened to me, when I saw gog selling DRM-free copies I was SO HAPPY...
  8. ezze

    Prey-like portals

    Yes, I see. Still we cannot have overlapping rooms without real portals like the clip linked in the first post.
  9. ezze

    Prey-like portals

    Perhaps I did not play the map enough, but I do not remember portals... Are there?
  10. ezze

    Prey-like portals

    yep, great map. Perhaps the author should write an how-to about the nice effects used in the elevator for example.
  11. You might also check the Internet, This site has some photos, this temple is quite nice for example. You might also play Serious Sam FE In this weekend I might play around with textures again, but if no-one is actually making a FM is like a broken pencil... pointless.
  12. Until I read this thread I thought tdm standalone was made with dhewm3... At very least because it compile cleanly in 64 bits systems.
  13. ezze

    Prey-like portals

    You are forgetting the difficult part... AI. Perhaps the vision and pathfinding can adapted with ease, but possibly not. I disagree about particles, the player should not be able to distinguish between a teleporter and a normal hallway.
  14. ezze

    Prey-like portals

    Or places where common sense cannot apply. An unlimited stair for example, or a stair that goes up and you arrive in the same place that going down. Or a door like this one that actually bring you somewhere...
  15. I am fairly sure that egyptian-like temples are word heritage. I guess in TDM it would be some kind of lost civilization.
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