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The Black Arrow

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Everything posted by The Black Arrow

  1. Last I saw the news about medicine, cataracts can be treated. But I bet it is also very expensive, such is "good life", huh? I don't get what makes him a super hero or a hero. Just because a person has a "good heart" (figuratively speaking) doesn't mean he's a hero, he's just a person who's kind, that's it. Still, this is very typical for a family, so I'm completely unimpressed. Of course a loving family will try its best to make a family member have fun and such, especially when it is proven he will have a miserable life afterwards. Now, excuse my "assholism" if you want to call it like that, but I still wanted to give my broken thought.
  2. I'll be the nihilist in this community then I'll say now, I wasn't in this community for too much, but I find the reason of how there are low "bad people" or so is because we're a very small community or we simply don't smell like fish for the baiters. Still, it's better you people than total manfools. Good to meet you all.
  3. Well, those are some clever thieves you got there. Seems reasonable about the moss arrows. Another thing, I wanted to log in the wiki, but I can't seem to log in or create an account, do I use the same account I use in the forums? Don't think so, didn't work either.
  4. Just as I thought, they were an Inventor's Guild invention. Thanks but...This still doesn't explain about the Moss arrow. The Noisemaker arrows, simply, by the Inventor's Guild again.
  5. Played the first The Witcher, loved it a lot. It was like a complete overhaul or a very different module of Neverwinter Nights (Thing is, The Witcher 1 was made on a heavily modified NWN engine, nice one!) Played the 2nd The Witcher...I can talk so badly about this game, I'll get easily tired. I don't really like it. It was good, yeah, but it wasn't as good as the first Witcher. The storyline was short, I can't be as-neutral-as-possible at all unlike in the first Witcher, there were not so many interesting creatures and that, creatures, there weren't many either! I like to go hunt and fight some creepy-looking enemies or so, but noooo, Witcher 2 denies that, huh? I just hope this one will be a lot better than the other two. Also, they better make it compatible with low-end machines (Mine used to be an envious-for-the-unlucky one during 2008)
  6. Sounds more like one of those funky Steampunk-or-something movies where the ruler is an Emperor and he only wishes people to be happy...For himself to be happy. You know what I mean?
  7. I wonder... In Thief, the elemental arrows are formed up near "elemental places", such as the Water Arrows being formed near watery areas such as fountains, fire arrows being formed up near torches, etc. They were all formed up into what it is called "Elemental Crystals". But what about The Dark Mod? Are they magical? Mechanical? Elemental just like in Thief? I was wondering about this because I'm having plans of making "Elemental Crystals", as an alternative to arrows, since I saw some places full of water arrows and/or fire arrows in which the arrows didn't seem to fit well.
  8. I wonder, would real-time animation capturing be possible? Not in terms of people, money, gear and all that, but software capabilities and such.
  9. The picture Airship Ballet put? It's from "Silent Hill 3", the girl's name is Heather.
  10. Yes, I actually had that in my mind after I saw this new female head as well.
  11. TTLG are too austere, I don't really care much though, I'm pretty much a stoic but not purely so. More cynic than stoic though. I bet you like it more simply because it is a lot smaller, but still, glad you like it I know some signatures are useful. There are some members that have links that lead to FAQs, Tutorials, etc. Sometimes even missions.
  12. I know a forum whose signature size max was 250x80. Either it seems reasonable enough, or I just don't mind at all. I can make anything on any space.
  13. You are right, I always tend to forget that the Doom3 Engine was made on OpenGL, not DirectX. Looks interesting, I'm gonna try the 3rd one. Thanks a lot.
  14. Thief 3, it uses a DX8 engine that UT2004 engine, albeit heavily modified (and glitchier than the default/vanilla UT2004 one), but it was very impressive. The textures looked blurry, but they had some very nice bump mapping. The models were like a combination of trying to make it smooth and blocky, which somehow worked and it sure was nice. The lightning is too obvious to mention, it was great indeed. But the gameplay itself could have been better, as in less buggy and glitchy. Garrett's movements are twitchy, blackjacking is only possible if Garrett has his Blackjack ready to strike, the knife is completely useless in comparison to the sword, etc. I know it is stereotypically rare to see a thief with a sword, but Garrett is not just a thief, he also raids strange places like tombs, sunken cities and the like, so a sword is more useful than a dagger. I still wonder which engine is actually better, Doom3 Engine or UT2004 Engine? I'm gonna guess Doom 3, it always seemed to be more stable than the other.
  15. http://mrhaandi.blog...injectsmaa.html Don't know if anyone knows about this tool, it is somehow similar to FXAA but SMAA works like a 4xMSAA (Or even 8x) without any blurring, unlike FXAA. In my thoughts, FXAA is utterly worthless in comparison to SMAA. And yes, most the times, SMAA has no FPS drop at all. So I since I have some FPS drops with TDM's Anti-Aliasing, I wanted to try out SMAA, but it doesn't seem to work. Did anyone get it to work?
  16. I'll make sure to check it out, thanks.
  17. Alright, I removed that shadow, it did get a lot of space. I even changed the format from .PNG to .JPG. It's fine now? It's an old sig, I always wanted my signatures to have high quality and such, but now I'm not that much of a show-off anymore. Which is kind of contradictory. By the way, is anyone willing to teach me how to make models in Blender? I'm trying to make an arrow that looks like the Fire Arrow in this mod, but it's not for this mod, it's for personal use for now.
  18. The image isn't "immense", it even looks alright on 1024x786.
  19. How come you guessed my "lifestyle"? Are you a visionary? No, I'm not an elitist. Elitists are always the worst. Things should be fixed without turning them into an oppressive method. Thanks, nice to meet you too! Seems that I never tried nor completed any of your maps, should give it a try. We'll see if we can make a symbiosis. I've made some for a game called "Orcs Must Die! 2", I'll make a showcase thread, just don't know in which category I should put it. Sometimes I agree about Karras, heh. Thanks, I'll see how much time I can spare and not waste I actually do have some experience of mapping, but it's only on 2D games and such, no 3D. I heard Dark Mod's editor is actually rather easy to learn, so yeah, perhaps I will give it more than a try.
  20. Hehe, you almost remind me of Desther from Neverwinter Nights. Life without enemies is a life without enjoyment. Yes, it's true. I also sadly make mistakes, I won't make excuses why, but at least I do not speak in a very broken English that seems like a monkey or The Three Stooges wrote it...Or a lot worse than that. I actually don't have any "maternal language". Was never born to be a man of culture. Don't make "efforts" to fix everyone's grammar and spelling. Seems useless, why would a normal human listen to a human who's correcting him?
  21. Thank you, it's great to know that no matter what talent you have, you're still useful. And yeah, I understand you, I have the same degree as well, I easily get frustated when I see objectives or/and readables with lots of grammar/spelling mistakes. Never knew he was called "Benny the Guard", what a funny name! I would like to hear the TDM version of him though, and would still like to make more bumbler voice sets I think I should also mention to everybody that I got a friend who goes by the nickname as "Welder of Hephaestus", he's more dedicated to his industrial job (As a big-time welder, obviously) than games and such, but he still surfs in the internet from time to time. He has a YouTube channel, he used to make some funny videos about the Thief series games since he also likes it just like I do, I should give you the YouTube channel here; http://www.youtube.com/user/69Days69 I'll try to tell this Welder of Hephaestus to play TDM and make some "Let's Play", since he does them better than I do despite having no voice.
  22. Hey there, I thought posting in here would be the most appropriate, since I indeed to want to help somehow. I have little experience in map editing, I only did on some games and most of them were 2D or simple 3D. Nothing too impressive. Though I am rather very imaginative and probably creative myself (I'd blame it on OCD), so I have many ideas for maps. If there is any good mapper who feels like doing something without thinking of what to do, I might help him/her. And I do mean it, I DO have some plans already that I would love to give it to some great mappers out there. On a side note, my most favourite "Stealth game" maps are those that make you explore on strange places, such as the first Thief's "Barricaded Quarter". Now, I have some texture editing skills. I'd say they're not masterful or even expert, but they're still above basic. I know the basics such as Diffuse Map, Normal Map and Specular Map. I once worked with Emissive Maps, I like to make things glow in the dark. I actually had some work published myself. One of the best texture examples I can give is at how I made a model who had two eyes to have one eye WITHOUT changing the model itself. It was simply doing the Diffuse Map and editing the Normal map. Textures are not the only thing I can make, I can also make some graphical stuff like the avatar and signature you can see on me. I've checked the textures of TDM thoroughly, and I gotta say, that's one of the most beautiful bump maps I have ever seen in a mod. I don't have a microphone, but I would love to make voices for the Revenants, Pagans and black-coloured Thieves. Maybe even Guards. Any of you remember that very funny voice from all the three Thief series games? I'm talking about the one that appears in Thief 1's 2nd mission, "Lord Bafford's Mansion", he's a main-gate guard and he's the one who starts talking about some bears, who the ridicules the other guard by saying "Ooohh the blood, it just turns my poor tummy!". Well, if you do remember that voice, I don't think I will ever be able to reproduce it but I could still try to. Just need a microphone... By the way, I'm rather picky about "languages", that is, I care a lot about grammar and spelling that I hope everyone uses it correctly. Something I'll probably never expect. Still, if you make mistakes, then I REALLY HOPE you don't mind me poking you and telling you how to fix it, or just to fix it. Well, in short and as a resume; I'm bad with maps but good with map ideas, I have a good experience and skill for textures and I am eager to make some voice acting IF I had a microphone. Also, I'm nitpicky. There is actually a problem about all this; Time. I don't really have much time, I'd rather dedicate it to my own personal use most the times, which I apparently sometimes even waste it on making textures. But yeah, it's normal I guess, because of school and work, so I'm sure you understand. Nice to meet you all, fanatics, savages and poor tummies.
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