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Everything posted by wesp5

  1. I believe this is already implemented only it must be set by the mission creators and many never bothered to do so.
  2. You can just manually edit the missions.tdminfo file and set the mission to completed there.
  3. I thought the intention was to make the voices sound just more random and not completely different. In that case it could be applied to older missions as well to get rid of the all guards talk the same effect.
  4. Using a special spawnarg would only work on new missions which suddenly might sound different than the hundreds that were already released. I like the idea, but if this is going to be made, it should work for every mission in the same way!
  5. Now I only need a new mission to test this on. Anything in the works?
  6. Sounds good, but I guess for us veterans it will become annoying fast to get the tips with each new vision. I recommend to either give the option to turn it off or globally save somewhere that a tip has been shown.
  7. Nice! So when are these tips displayed? The first time you do something overall or the first time you do it in every mission?
  8. I don't like the idea of missing out on stuff just as a penalty for playing at an easier difficulty...
  9. This should be fixed for existing missions too, has somebody already made a bugtracker so the core team is aware of it?
  10. About marking the loop spots, here is a screenshot of a magical trap from the Bloodlines Prelude mod I helped with. It is lighted and moving which it doesn't need in TDM, but it could be a cool side effect that guards can see the spots and wait for the player to appear which would make it less powerful and would force the player to think where to place the spot!
  11. That is a very important point! The light gem right now is what the player can judge themselves about the lighting.
  12. I haven't tested that aspect, but do you get some kind of visible or audible feedback if the start location isn't working?
  13. Sounds good to me, but you need to mark the jump position somehow. Like with a magical circle on the ground?
  14. Oh, I thought you meant some kind of mechanism to change only the line that is wrong without changing the whole file. Because I don't know how to do that! As far as I know the game needs all lines for a specific speaker to be in one file.
  15. My problem is that I don't know how subs work in the first place. I know they somehow only store differences between two files, but how do you get those into the complete file that the game uses?
  16. Currently the patch doesn't use an installer so I wouldn't know how to make subs files work. I never even used one before so unless TDM supports this natively and somebody explains to me how this is done, I have no idea ;)! It would certainly make my work easier as right now I always have to manually update some files each time a new TDM version is released...
  17. No, they can just ask me and I will provide it. One modder already did and it is easier than offering multiple versions of the patch (I know how complicated this can get from my Bloodlines patch). About the fantasy aspect, I thought so as well, but there are two maps where Bridgeport and another city are located in southern France surrounded by Latin and French city names and it looks so fake. Was this ever discussed and made canon by the developer team or was this just random art?
  18. Thanks for the report, I just fixed this and uploaded the new version to the ModDB!
  19. Because I am a sucker for plot holes and inconsistencies ;). I believe there is one Europe map that shows Bridgeport to be in southern France which just doesn't fit with some missions and the whole feeling that it should be a British city. So I just removed the name on there. On the other hand there is a small map inside the game in which only the local area around Bridgeport is shown and I added names of other cities to this map according to how they were mentioned in missions.
  20. As has been said, this could be some kind of magic like the fire arrows :)!
  21. Maybe there is a variable which determines the sorting? I tried everything in the file but nothing worked.
  22. Well, to be honest I wasn't really aware that it existed until I fixed something in my patch. I always use the hot keys :)!
  23. As for the cpp file, I feared as much so we need to wait what the core team thinks about your idea. As for the inventory sorting, it seems to be similarily hard-coded, because whatever I do, the weapons are always listed first in the inventory grid. I would like to have the Blow, Whistle and Numbers tools in the first line so people are more aware that they exist :)!
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