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Everything posted by wesp5

  1. The Frob Outline is already in the core game but not accessible without console commands, so I added it as option in the Unofficial Patch.
  2. As far as I know Blow only works on small flames that mostly can be extinguished by Frob in my patch anyway. Actually the fact that the core developers wouldn't include pinching out oil lamps compared to candles, which is rather illogical to me but was always excused by not breaking existing missions, was the main reason I made the patch in the first place!
  3. I changed blinking frequency to 0.015 now but I can't see a difference. I have another question though: is it possible to have the new tools or skills listed on the inventory page right after Unarmed? I have no idea how sorting is determined there and while changing their category to "weapons" works, it also creates duplicate entries on the inventory page...
  4. The topic says it all, the error goes away when Bloom is disabled, otherwise it looks like this in the training mission for basically all items you can take:
  5. I have numbered your suggestions because I find it hard to multiquote here. As for calling blow and whistle tools and not skills, this was just done to not confuse the player with another inventory class. Also what would the Numbers scroll be? 1) Is there an advantage of your method vs mine? If the result is the same, nothing needs to be changed. 2) I don't know what you mean with blinking being out of sync. Should all loot blink in the same rhythm? 3) It removes the need for slow matches and flints which mission authors might provide for their stories. 4) This is what it looked when I copied it from you, but I had to rename it to avoid duplicate definitions!
  6. About the chest sounds, I wasn't aware the Modpack does change them too. Would it make sense for the patch to use your way or would it produce another duplicate script? I can set the blinking to another frequency, but are you sure this is not due to the game trying to apply two blinking scripts at the same time? It looks fine if I only use the patch. Your blow skill is just a last resort for mission unique lights that can't be extinguished by my frob script. Also my version does not include free relighting so it is inferior to yours ;)!
  7. I wasn't aware that you changed the whistle so I am probably using an old version which I like pretty much. I just renamed the internals in the vain hope that our mods can be mixed that way, but there are too many other overlapping definitions. P.S.: I looked closer into it and it seems there was only one other overlap which I fixed by renaming, so now the patch and your modpack can be merged with each other ! As you use x_ as prefix your features will override mine though ...
  8. I just noticed that the sounds of hitting something with the blackjack or the sword seem not to be audible to NPCs. On the other hand hitting something with an arrow does, as fas as I know. Is this intended to avoid punishing the player for e. g. a missed hit during knock out or is this an oversight that should be fixed?
  9. I made a small update including the fixed fonts by Geep and also brought Snatcher's Whistle back, because a) I noticed that hitting something with blackjack or sword has not the same effect and b) the name now doesn't look bad anymore because of the font fix .
  10. Will this be included into the core game and if not, may I use it in my Unofficial Patch until it is?
  11. This sounds like an easier solution because it needs no breaking glass models or particles. Still it needs all electrical lights to be switchable though and I don't know if this is set globally or in the missions...
  12. While I really like new things in TDM, I fear that as long as these ideas are not part of the core mod, only very mission authors will use them...
  13. What is the problem with bugtracker 5600? Does the player start without a bow now?
  14. Yes, if you turned too fast, you could see the textures pop in. Most Unreal engine games still do this when you start...
  15. In my opinion this again strays a little too far from the original game, but it should certainly go into your modpack!
  16. Snatcher, so is this part of your modpack already or will it be integrated when most items have been named?
  17. I agree! I never even noticed that there was a title there. I will include this in my patch until it's included in core...
  18. No, just modified darkmod.txt files with < and > added to mission name so the A and The sorting doesn't work!
  19. I think this is being discussed for the core game and maybe some day it is included. For now if you want some order, just download the Unofficial Patch and only copy the fms folder in the archive into your TDM directory to get a better listing!
  20. It's good to know that somebody is taking care of this in the long run, thanks :)!
  21. I don't really know what this is about, but I will use the occasion to remind everybody that there is a surplus pixel at the lower left side of the capital W character. People speculated this might come from another character nearby in a font table but I don't see how V could have a pixel at that position....
  22. Oh, I just removed whistle and peek doors, because I never use them and the latter has some consistency problems when doing it on doors without a key hole ;). Both are still in Snatcher's Modpack though :)!
  23. I completely agree, what I wanted to say was that there is no need for a huge overlap between our works! BTW, did you ever test what happens if both are installed at the same time?
  24. I made a small update today removing two modpack skills that were indeed not regular features of the original game, namely Whistle and Peek Door. The real reason though was that I never really use any of them! If I want to alert a guard, I can always hit something with my blackjack and I almost forgot about the peering through a keyhole feature before I noticed that it works with handles without a keyhole e.g. in the current mission I beta test. I kept the numbers scroll, because this basically gives you access to something the game already has only any time, and the Blow skill, as a last resort if mission creator use uncommon flames, again like in the current beta. Also this way there is a bigger distinction between Snatcher's modpack with all the cool new stuff and my patch!
  25. While this might be true, a loud noise alerting everybody nearby would be a great compensation to this. On the other hand, even extinguishing oil-lamps never made it into the core game, so good luck with this ;)!
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