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Everything posted by wesp5

  1. Melan left TDM because you changed a map of his although you reverted everything and apologized? Now you leave! Are you all divas or what ?
  2. I have been testing Destined's changes for the last few days and as I wrote, if a guard attacks it's still loading time if you can't fight with the sword which I can't. What annoyed me before and what is now fixed is that you couldn't blackjack guards that were completely unaware of you just because some "awareness flag" was set...
  3. I think as long as you maintain the main mission download list it's in your hand to only put missions on there that a legit.
  4. A thief shouldn't need to use a sword, at least I never do . Also as I wrote, once you are attacked your blackjacking doesn't come through and you die...
  5. As for the elite guard, do you know any missions where those are around so I can test if they still are immune until you have checked that yourself? As for the sword, if an alerted guard attacks you with his weapon and you try to fight him with the blackjack you will be killed even with the new setting! It makes blackjacking alerted guards from behind possible or while they draw their weapon, but once they fight you, you will not get through, so the sword is still your only defence in that case. As for the holy water grenade, this was just something I remembered. It looks like too much effort for a last resort gimmick...
  6. My addons are on ModDB and I think I'll merge them into some kind of Unofficial Patch instead of releasing lots of smaller ones. I might add some info to the readme how to disable certain features if you don't like them. Maybe there is more stuff that can be added this way although it will not be allowed into the core game? I remember throwing holy water as a last resort for example. Destined, can this be done as easily?
  7. I found similar lines in tdm_ai_guard_citywatch, tdm_ai_guard_citywatch_elite, tdm_ai_guard_generic, tdm_ai_guard_moor and tdm_ai_guard_thug. The latter was probably the one I encountered in the mission! Do you know which of these are the guards with the full helmet that should always be immune? Also should we do something about the sword that is supposed to be worse off now? Shouldn't this knock out any guard as well if hit on the head?
  8. Well, I tested it on some random mission ("Down by the riverside") and already the first thug I met couldn't be blackjacked once alerted! So I'll change this for all def files with such an immune line (six altogether) and will see how that goes . P.S.: I just played the beginning of that mission with all guard immunities removed and it works wonderfully! It feels much more realistic without people becoming magically ininvicible once they are alerted. It's still dangerous to blackjack anyone attacking you though, as you can easily loose much health until you hit home, but at least you have a fighting chance now. Many thanks, Destined!
  9. I think I will start with that one first because it looks easier to do and I need to test how much the gameplay is affected. Maybe it's already enough and the other isn't needed at all! I found the def file, but what are all the other guard types? Does this not affect any of these too?
  10. I don't really have issues with the hitbox size, at least I can't remember , but what I like to have for a patch is: 1) normal helmeted guards are not immune to blackjacking from behind regardless of their alertness state 2) all guards are front and side immune to blackjacking only once the weapon has completely been drawn
  11. I would like that too or better even the way I suggested it in my own post. This makes us already three people here if that is enough to consider it! Otherwise, Destined, can you please give me info and help about how to add such a different KO immunity to my exstinguishable oil-lamps patch?
  12. Would it be possible to add a blackjacking slider there with options for helmeted guards e.g. like: hard (alerted > invincible) medium (alerted > not invincible from behind) easy (alerted > not invincible at all) As for the overall difficulty, I agree with chakkman. It might be easy for you developers playing the game all the time, but for an occassional player like myself, it's annoying each time I come back to TDM how random it seems! How about guards will only become invincible once their weapon is completely drawn, not before?
  13. By the way, will they ever sheath their swords again and if so, how long would that take. Otherwise waiting would make no sense at all...
  14. Exactly. I have the impression all guards are alert much earlier than they have their swords out resulting in you hitting them on the head without result without really knowning why! Unless you know about the alert states. Also in my opinion being alert or not can not help against someone hitting you on the head from behind! They can't see it coming, so why should they suddenly be invincible? I always hated that about TDM black jacking. Was this the same in the Thief games? In my opinion, blackjacking from behind should always work regardless of alertness state, the special helmets excluded of course...
  15. Is there a particular reason for this? Because either guards with open helmets should always behave like those without or they shouldn't! Having them different in different alarm states is illogical. Like either you can blackjack an open helmet or you can't.
  16. If that is so easy, it should be added to the next TDM version!
  17. I never use leaning at all in any game, TDM included. So it would be better if the global Frob distance or angle could be improved...
  18. +1 for fixing. What's an easter egg for old time veterans looks like a stupid bug to new players !
  19. BTW, has the wooden chest opening sound being the same as the wooden door opening sound been fixed in the prefabs yet?
  20. I like both of these ideas! Also the old suggestion that throwing a whole flask at an undead should kill it. But as far as I know the TDM team never changed anything affecting global gameplay as much as these changes would do ...
  21. I agree. While I think the basic idea of (((0))) is fine, it should not be bigger than the current lightgem. Just small ( ) added to the side...
  22. I completely agree with that! Is it possible to only use one lockpick if lockpicking is set to easy or automatic or is there no way to overrule the mission info? As for the light gem, I like it a bit more than shrouding but I can live with both. And I think the (((o))) design idea would be great to add a sound meter to it!
  23. Then something is indeed wrong there and the holy water arrows are making too little damage to revenants...
  24. Of course. But to get new publicity people have to recognize that TDM is different, because just being on Steam nowadays does not mean a game is good anymore!
  25. I don't think this would matter as much as some people thiink, since there are too many really bad games on Steam nowadays, especially some mod turned into standalone games like the recently released HL2 mod "Hunt Down The Freeman"...
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