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Everything posted by stgatilov

  1. Unless you are using Windowed mode, TDM locks its resolution to the native resolution of your desktop. If you want to reduce resolution for better performance, try adjust Render Scale slider instead. E.g. setting it to 0.5 would result in internal rendering resolution 960 x 540, i.e. 4x less pixels to render.
  2. You can start by copying your 2.05, and running tdm_installer on top of that. It should install 2.09 with much less traffic and time wasted, compared to a typical "clean install".
  3. Some clarification for players: the .cmd files are not suitable for playing! If you try, your HDD will be filled with trace data very fast, and the game will probably crash after some time. If "_apitrace_record3.cmd" is the only script which shows you the menu, then you should be able to play by setting the following in "darkmod.cfg" (and starting TheDarkModx64.exe as usual): seta r_glCoreProfile "0" Note that my .cmd scripts automatically delete darkmod.cfg when you run them. I have attached one more script to try. _autoexec4.cfg _apitrace_record4.cmd
  4. The numerous debug options I added had no effect, unfortunately. I can replay the recorded traces perfectly well on my machine. Looking at the traces of @id3839315, the traces 2 and 3 are equal. The same OpenGL instructions are executed, with input data of same size, and they produce same results. The only difference is the run 3 uses compatibility profile, while run 2 uses core profile. As the result, run 3 works (well, at least menu works), while run 2 does not. Either we use some deprecated functionality, or the AMD driver has different code path for compatibility profile...
  5. Oh yeah, this little game-breaking switch! We discussed recently if we should remove it in order to make FMs must stable, but the team decided to leave it. I guess someone have to fix the FM then...
  6. I have written PM to @kyyrma. I guess we should wait a week in case the message reaches to him.
  7. I guess I need some ideas about proper fixes (@Dragofer or @kingsal ? ). I wonder if @kyyrma is still here to fix it himself. Is it possible to make the lockpicks nonsolid when they are teleported, or disable their physics in some way?
  8. Regarding CoS2, it's better to ask @Bienie if this is a bug or not. As for "Breaking Out The Fence", I think it is a map problem. Three sets of lockpicks are spread over the map (atdm_playertools_lockpick_triangle_# and atdm_playertools_lockpick_snake_#). When you pick any of them, hidden objective "obj15" is fullfilled, which triggers "atdm_teleport_10" entity. This entity teleports all lockpicks to some weird place at "4296 -3954 -3". Now it seems that some of the lockpicks collide after teleport. As the result, atdm_playertools_lockpick_triangle_1 starts gaining velocity in insane way. When it hits 1e+19, float overflows, resulting in NaN numbers. Due to that simple collision queries start traversing the whole map --- that's the slowdown you see.
  9. Well, if driver update fixed all problems, then I guess there is nothing left to investigate Thank you for report anyway!
  10. I'd like to ask @Dragofer,s advice here, since he has apparently used this "effect_frob" too. When "effect_frob" response is triggered, or when ".frob()" method is called from the script: is it normal that player may apply lockpick/key he currently has selected to the frob target? Would it be OK if I disable this "use-by-frobbing" behavior for the cases when frob originates from a script/stim-response?
  11. Thank you for testing! Better revert back to release209 and continue playing with this feature disabled. We will release "hotfix" for 2.09 later.
  12. @Zeen, I have published version "test_release209_5542" with this problem fixed (only in Windows build). One can update to this version in tdm_installer, and check that it does not crash. Set "tdm_force_savegame_load 1" in order to load existing savegame (saves are compatible with 2.09, but the game will complain). I do not recommend leaving this version for playing though! Just check that the issue is gone, then revert back to release209.
  13. Here is the entity definition which generates response: // entity 868 { "classname" "atdm:mover_lever" "name" "PlugLever" "frobbox_size" "15" "interruptable" "0" "model" "PlugLever" "move_time" "0.7" "origin" "76.875 5432 233" "rotate" "0 0 0" "sr_class_1" "R" "sr_effect_1_1" "effect_frob" "sr_effect_1_1_arg1" "WaterUpBut" "sr_state_1" "1" "sr_type_1" "1000" "target" "BathPlug" "target2" "DrainOnlyWhenOpen" "translate" "0 0 -29" "trigger_on_close" "1" "trigger_on_open" "1" "trigger_when_opened" "0" And here is one which generates the stim: // entity 869 { "classname" "atdm:mover_lever" "name" "PouringWater" "frobable" "0" "model" "PouringWater" "noShadows" "1" "origin" "76.875 5456.13 337.937" "rotate" "0 0 0" "snd_move" "noSound" "sr_class_1" "S" "sr_radius_1" "32" "sr_state_1" "1" "sr_time_interval_1" "1000" "sr_type_1" "1000" "target" "WaterPouringSound" "translate" "0 0 -110"
  14. > TheDarkModx64.exe!idPlayer::PerformFrob(EImpulseState impulseState, idEntity * target) Line 11496 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idClass::ProcessEventArgPtr(const idEventDef * ev, __int64 * data) Line 1047 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idInterpreter::CallEvent(const function_t * func, int argsize) Line 819 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idInterpreter::Execute() Line 1092 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idThread::Execute() Line 872 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idClass::ProcessEventArgPtr(const idEventDef * ev, __int64 * data) Line 1047 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idEvent::ServiceEvents() Line 598 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idGameLocal::RunFrame(const usercmd_t * clientCmds, int timestepMs) Line 3393 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idSessionLocal::RunGameTic(int timestepMs) Line 3072 C++ [Inline Frame] TheDarkModx64.exe!idSessionLocal::RunGameTics() Line 3114 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!idSessionLocal::FrontendThreadFunction() Line 3160 C++ [Inline Frame] TheDarkModx64.exe!idSessionLocal::StartFrontendThread::__l2::<lambda_6b7828b12cf509cf76fb3406570c8cd1>::operator()(void *) Line 3254 C++ TheDarkModx64.exe!<lambda_6b7828b12cf509cf76fb3406570c8cd1>::<lambda_invoker_cdecl>(void * x) Line 3256 C++ Call stack is above. Basically, stim-response script calls idEntity::Event_Frob on target entity WaterUpBut. It redirects to idPlayer::PerformFrob, where idEntity* highlightedEntity = m_FrobEntity.GetEntity(); is NULL. But later this pointer is used in if ( (item != NULL) && item->UseOnFrob() && highlightedEntity->CanBeUsedBy(item, true)), because some inventory item with "use on frob" is selected by player. I assume in this FM and in this state the corresponding stim-response is generated repeatedly for some reason. So as soon as player decides to select key or lockpick, the game crashes on next event. The main question is: if it is possible to generate a "frob" from game script, is it valid to take gameplay settings into account? It means that FMs using this frob event will behave differently depending on gameplay settings, which is often very bad and can break mission.
  15. Quick workaround: Go to Settings \ Gameplay \ General. Set Use-by-frobbing to Disabled. Load the game and continue playing. Note that with this setting disabled, you have to hit Enter on keyboard to apply keys and lockpicks to doors/locks. I have checked that I can successfully lockpick something, but I can't be sure the game will work properly. Also, please keep this crash-save around: most likely I'll ask you to test the fix when it is available.
  16. From my very brief knowledge about the issue, I would say this problem happens because AI sitting was designed to be too smart. Smart things tend to inevitably break with some probability. I'm not sure it is fully fixable for existing FMs.
  17. Ok, I'll try to get some more information, but that would need more complicated steps from you. 1) Run tdm_installer without any custom checks, and make sure it installs release209 properly. Do not use test/dev versions for this! 2) Delete "currentfm.txt" file in TDM installation directory (if it exists). 3) Download apitrace from this link. It is a 7z archive with a folder inside. Unpack the contents of the folder into "C:\apitrace". Make sure that path "C:\apitrace\bin\apitrace.exe" indeed points to the executable! 4) Download attached zip file. Unpack its contents into the root of your TDM installation directory. Make sure you see files like "_apitrace_record1.cmd" in the same directory where you see "TheDarkModx64.exe". 5) Action time Run "_apitrace_record1.cmd". It will start TDM game, and after a bit of time you will hear music. Now press Ctrl+Alt+Tilde (~) to open console. Type "condump 1" and hit Enter. Then exit game by pressing Alt+F4. Note that you'll have to do it blind, so verify that both "1.txt" and "res1.trace" have been created in TDM directory. 6) Repeat point 5, but now run "_apitrace_record2.cmd" and execute "condump 2". 7) Repeat point 5, but now run "_apitrace_record3.cmd" and execute "condump 3". 8|) Take files "1.txt", "2.txt", "3.txt", "res1.trace", "res2.trace", "res3.trace" in TDM installation directory, and pack them all into 7z/zip archive. Upload the archive somewhere and share it for download. P.S. And if you start seeing the menu instead of black screen in any of the runs, of course report it 209_blackmenu_apitrace.zip
  18. @id3839315 or @Jedi_Wannabe, did you try setting seta r_useBindlessTextures "0" on release209 version? Note that you need 2.09 release, not some dev. build ! UPDATE: Or no, this can't work, since this extension is reported to be missing =(
  19. I have packaged two new versions: test15973-8793 and test15973-8795. Would be great to see which work/fail.
  20. When you have some version which does not work, did you try "r_useNewBackend 0" ? Basically, find seta r_useNewBackend "1" in darkmod.cfg, replace it with seta r_useNewBackend "0", then try to run TDM.
  21. Try to Right+Click and Open in New Tab. Or copy the link and paste it into browser. Perhaps that's because of https://www.ghacks.net/2020/10/08/chrome-is-blocking-downloads-here-is-why/ Which is rather stupid, because this is a static file, and there is absolutely no reason to serve it over https. No additional security is gained this way. @taaaki / @Springheel: Could you please replace http:// with https:// in all URLs on the Downloads page?
  22. Could you please test the next version: "test15973-8787" ?
  23. By the way, you can in principle play version 2.08 for now: most of FMs should work fine in it. Perhaps having two installations would be more convenient in this case (just be sure to not confuse one for another). I'm afraid the best idea I have is to send you bisecting over development versions (just like in the other thread nearby). When you check "Get Custom Version" in tdm_installer, you will see a lot of versions, and you can install any of them. I'm interested in the versions under folder dev/2.09 (like dev16010-8948): they are listed in order of increasing age. Normally, they should work fine up to some point, and then fail after that point. Could you please find the first one which fails for you?
  24. The new version to test is: "test15973-8797" Now it is not the last in the list Also note that it has the same first number, but different second number. UPDATE: Note that this build has broken stencil shadows. Shadow maps should work well. Given that you don't see main menu in bad builds, it should not be a problem for you.
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