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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. I also just read that there seems to be some kind of NDA, which is probably why you don't read much about the process after being greenlit. Well, i at least hope you guys can get the full game on Steam, and people don't just pull the updater there, and have to install it themselves, or have any other of the advantages of Steam. Anything else would be quite a bummer, because it'd kind of defeat the point of being on Steam. More popularity, yes, maybe, although i have no idea how free greenlit games are being marketed within Steam (i figure people only get recommendations based on their purchases, or the games they were interested in, and TDM might pop up then).
  2. Well, a quick Google search brought up this: https://partner.steamgames.com/ Ah, stupid me, i see now that it seems like you really have to be registered, and greenlit first to be able to access it. Well, that's weird. Thought they'd be interested in people informing themselves before they Greenlight.
  3. Is there no info on the net whatsoever? I would have thought at least the one or the other developer would have shared his experience, or how things work. Or bloggers, or games sites, or mags. Anyway.
  4. I'm a bit surprised that you guys greenlit TDM, without having the slightest info about how Steam works, or how, or if you'll have to modify TDM to make it work with it. Are those infos not available at all for developers? A bit puzzled here, because it looks like you greenlit, and now you're wondering about how stuff is working on Steam. No offense. BTW, it would be pretty bad if you only desitributed the updater via Steam, because people are used to be able to install games easily through Steam, and, by doing that, it would only complicate matters for the people you want to reach through Steam.
  5. Oh, yeah, totally forgot that the soundtrack is pretty much the best out of all Fallout games too.
  6. Regarding the game world, FO 4 clearly beats both predecessors, don't think there's 2 opinions on that (and if there are, i really question the nay-sayers judgement...). Gameplay wise, i guess it's a matter of taste, they left some stuff out, while adding a lot of other stuff, which is of course in the eye of the beholder, whether you'd call the different things an improvement or not (IMO, it mostly is). BUT, the characters in FO 4 are also a clear improvement, compared to part 3. I liked New Vegas much too though. Dunno. Guess you'd have to test it, i'm sure it won't be long until you can get it for cheap anyway. What i'd criticize about part 4 are the very generic faction quests. Really, that's something that doesn't have to be. After the 3rd exactly same mission, you'll be bored, the latest. Also, some of the crafting stuff is pretty pointless, and also too bloated, for example, the cooking. You'll find better items and drugs in terms of effects anyway, than any of the stuff you cook will give you. Also, i'm not sure if building in some "build and conquer" style strategy stuff like the settlements is a good idea. Frankly, i was quite annoyed by it in the beginning, but, got used to it later in the game. Still not sure i like it though. But, if you don't join the Minutemen, i guess you'll hardly care less anyway. So, tl;dr, Fallout 4 is a clear improvement of part 3 for me, in most regards. Although part 3 is still a good game in its own rights. I prefer the story in part 3, but i definitely enjoyed the game world in part 4 more, and also most of the gameplay. New Vegas is pretty awesome too, but, i think i'd still prefer part 4, simply because it was such a fun for me to explore the game world of part 4.
  7. Doesn't Far Harbour bring new quests also? Why miss those?
  8. If you think about it, that's no wonder. A gigantic game world, with loads of NPC's, which interact with each other in ways which can literally break a gazillion of things. IMO, you gotta take Bethesda's games for what they are. I don't know many other games which have such a level of complexity, and still work without gamebreaking issues. OK, so Bikerdude had a potentially gamebreaking issue here, but, considering Far Harbour is a popular DLC for a very popular game, i figure that he ran into an issue not everyone has with Far Harbour really. At least i can't recall anyone i know reporting a similar issue, and i know some people playing Fallout 4 with Far Harbour. Anyway, i hope you can fix it. Just wanted to point out that there is a price to pay for such a complexity, and that at least i am not surprised that there are issues. I always experienced issues in any of the Bethesda games, but, fortunately, nothing game breaking so far. I'm in the process of finishing Fallout 4 ATM, without DLC's, but, i'm planning to get those as well at some point, so, hoping they can nail out the one or the other bug too. Not sure if they will though.
  9. Just finished the mission, it was working as expected now. Great little mission, very atmospheric, and a nice mission to start off for new players. I also liked that Nice showcase for new players all in all. I'm off to re-play St. Lucia now.
  10. If you hadn't used the term "apparently", and tried to back up your claims with at least some facts, it wouldn't have looked like a conspiracy theory so much. Seriously, relax, TDM WILL be greenlit, no matter if you make up negative stories about Steam now or not.
  11. There are enough free games on Steam. The pure fact that developers release at Steam is advertising for them, because people are surely more affectionated to browse, and buy stuff at Steam then.
  12. Rank #1 is pretty impressive, especially considering that everyone and his cow are going Greenlight with their games now, obviously because Steam has announced that they want to raise the cash threshold to get a game Greenlit.
  13. I don't think there is a copyright on "credits", considering how many sci-fi style games have that currency. If it was for that, TDM also couldn't have water arrows, rope arrows, and what not either. Kind of universal, i would guess.
  14. Alrighty, thanks. I'll take a look at Dark Radiant the next days, and see if i can get my head around it then. BTW, not really related to the mapping itself, but, i like those intro vids, where there are graphics from the mission, and the camera slowly moves over them, while a voice gives an overview, or background of the mission (just like in the Thief games). Is that what you'd call "scripted" stuff, or can you even do that in Dark Radiant.
  15. Just wondering, but, how often do people actually use custom assets? I saw some repeating stuff in most missions, but, i also saw some things which were just used for that one specific mission. As i'm not too much of an artist, i probably would have a hard time creating textures, create 3D models, or whatever is needed, if you want to do custom things. Do assets get added with new missions created by the "official mappers", say the guys who do the campaign and stuff?
  16. If this gets remotely as good as TDM, then this is gonna be awesome.
  17. Oh, yeah, i actually wanted to mention that, lol. I took the candle from the other small desk, right from the wardrobe, and used it to "scratch" the ring from the desk, because i thought it might be too far away to frob it. First i pushed the ring even further into the desk, but it finally worked, and when it fell to the ground, i realized, it wasn't frobabble at all. I tried the same with the journal, but, that didn't work at all. Edit: I see now that NightStalker tried the same thing.
  18. No, i only saved after i opened the desk. I just loaded it again, and both items are still unfrobbable. Here is the savegame if it helps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Z4o7FE5cmyWGJoa3ZqMC1wdXM/view?usp=sharing
  19. If uploading my savegame in any way helps you track down the problem, just let me know. Not a big deal anyway, i was like half an hour into the mission or so.
  20. I have the issue with the unfrobbable journal and ring too BTW, meh. Mission was awesome until that.
  21. FWIW, i've never been bothered by the ambient music in either part of the Thief games, or, in TDM.
  22. The TDS soundtrack is for me the best of all Thief parts. I can only double to take that as inspiration. BTW, the city parts had ambient parts too, as far as i remember? Here's a vid of the whole soundtrack, and the different city quarters have tracks too:
  23. Downloaded the Updater from here now, from the mirror "darkmod.taaaki.za.net": http://www.thedarkmod.com/download-the-mod/ The download up in the description is still version 0.65. The one on the mirror i stated is already version 0.66. Updater works now as expected.
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