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Everything posted by 7upMan

  1. STiFU, have you checked the latest c't on that stuff? They had an article, though it mainly was an overview over the existing techniques to create pseudo 3D on the fly.
  2. Ich habe Too Late übrigens schon fertig, ärgere mich derzeit noch mit dem Missions-Ladebildschirm herum. Der wird einfach nicht richtig angezeigt, entweder gezerrt oder gestaucht. Es ist zum k...!!!
  3. 7upMan


    Nice idea, by the way. You know, I loved the oil flasks in Thief 3. Maybe you guys could add banana peels with the same effect...
  4. Relay, dude, relax. You are seriously pissed off, and for no good reason, I'm afraid. Where do you live? In Europe, somewhere? Then hop on the next flight to Amsterdam. When you're there, I can tell you some locations where they sell some serious... stuff. It would really help you to chill up. Anyway, I just wanted to say this: AidaKeeley, yeah, it was me who put a link to that rabble robert256 said. I didn't mean to imply that you and robert256 are the same person, god no. You've got me completely wrong. What I did mean to say by doing this was, to show that robert256's trolling and your flaming were kinda on the same level. Now, everyone made his/her point clear, and to ride this thing to death (and beyond) is just diminishing you.
  5. Bikerdude, if you like you can count me in as a beta-tester. That cave definitely got me hooked!
  6. Well, I won't feed the troll anymore. Maybe he'll come to his senses when he's blown off some steam in the CommChat part of TTLG. AidaKeeley, hope to have you back soon. Your evil twin is really disgusting.
  7. What you are looking for is another forum like 4chan, where trolling seems to have been made into a form of art, so to say. I for one am really happy that this is not the case here. TDM would have no future if it were. I'm in favour of no. 3, if I may be so frank. I just don't like your intelligent responses. You hit me in the face physically? I'll call a policeman. In that I agree with you. You hit me in the face verbally? I'll call the forum moderator to, well, moderate. In both cases you call the right person to deal with this. Yes, you are right, it is very simple. Anyway, for me it's end of discussion. I have made my point, and I am happy to know that the general consensus is that we stay friendly and polite.
  8. Bikerdude, the point is from me. You expressed very well what I'm thinking about TTLG.com (and I probably need to stress the .com, because TTLG.de seems to be a really nice place).
  9. Bikerdude, interesting that you mentioned this behaviour. The reason why I avoid TTLG.com at all costs are posters like ZylonBane, who - if I remember correctly - was more or less kicked out here in seems to have been asked to leave the TDM forum in order to not litter the forum with his foul manners and bad language. AidaKeeley, I do regard you as a nice person, but I can't agree on what you are saying in this thread. To behave in a civil way should be without question, ever. If you are really pissed off about something another person said, you should discuss that in a PM. The only obvious exception to this rule are madmen like BulgarianTaffer, who foul-mouth TDM BECAUSE IT IS AGAINST TEH CAUSE!!!!!11111 God, that was so freaky, seeing him write that stuff and realizing that he was absolutely serious... Anyway, I'm really glad that the tone here in the TDM forum is very civil and friendly and everyone here behaves like a grown-up. Thank you, guys!
  10. Naja, ich wünschte, ich hätte mehr Zeit zur freien Verfügung. Dann wäre ein deutsches Interface von TDM denkbar. Mit dem französischen Übersetzer habe ich mich schonmal kurzgeschlossen und könnte auf Basis seiner Arbeit eine entsprechend angepasste Sprachdatei liefern. Ist eigentlich kein Ding, das zu machen, aber wirklich zeitintensiv. Jedenfalls brauche ich mal Eure Rückmeldungen, wie Ihr die Übersetzung von "Living Expenses" fandet. Es geht mir vor allem um solche Entscheidungen wie die, dass der Lord seine Angestellten in der dritten Person anredet: "Hole sie mir ein Glas Wein!". Sowas halt. Findet Ihr das atmosphärisch, oder reißt Euch das eher raus?
  11. Hi LEGION, hast Du schon die Übersetzung von "Living Expenses" von Sonosuke gespielt? Ich hatte das als "Der verborgene Segen" übersetzt. Wenn ja, wie hat Dir die Übersetzung gefallen? Im Moment sitze ich gelegentlich mal an "Too Late" von Nielsen. Ich lasse derzeit ein Eigenheim bauen, komme daher kaum dazu, mich wirklich ranzusetzen. Ich glaube aber, dass die Situation ab Juni besser aussieht, zumindest sieht es derzeit danach aus.
  12. As far as I know (and have read in computer magazines), the powerline data connection reaches only until the next electricity meter. Beyond that, there is no connection possible. Since homes and houses usually have their own electricity meter, you can rest assured that no one can sniff out our network by just wardriving your neighbourhood. But I didn't dive into this matter enough to know which powerline adaptor is the best. A quick check on my favourite computer magazine's website revealed that the Devolo Dlan 200 AVmini offers a bandwidth of 200 MBit/s over up to 300 meters. It costs 60 Euros, and 110 Euros for a pair of them. The same bandwidth is offered by the =380199&cHash=81b76d6d78"]Allnet ALL168203. It costs 110 Euros. The Levelone "Homeplug Pro Power Bridge" PLI-3310 offers AES encryption (128 Bit) and a "theoretical maximum of 200 MBit/s". It costs 150 Euros.
  13. Auf "Schriftstück" bin ich vorhin auch gekommen. Ich glaube, das ist ziemlich exakt das, was Readable meint. Meine Stimme hat der Begriff jedenfalls.
  14. I second that. Still, it's exciting to know what will be waiting for us in a few weeks time. *poke* Am I right about the weeks?
  15. Bikerdude, since you happen to be the only person here in the form who owns a HD5870, could you re-post your screenshots with 4xSS-AA enabled? I know your gc can handle this.
  16. "Lesbarer Text"? Just "Text" seems not enough, and "Lesetext" sounds a bit ... off. EDIT: How about "Ingame-Text"?
  17. There are several anti-viruses on the market that use 2 scanning engines. I used G-Data AVK for some time, until I got annoyed enough by that shitty company. Anyway, there is one huge downside to the increased security that those two-engine AVs offer: speed. Remember that every file the AVs check has to be checked with both engines. Unless you have a very powerful multicore CPU (which I didn't have at that time), you'll definitely experience a slowdown, especially when compared to one-engine AVs. In case you are not sure which vendor uses which scanning engine, check on the website or look for reviews online. Also, I think it is worth noting that while the engines themself may be different, the virus signatures are not. AV venors are known to just copy the signature updates off each other, so maybe that's what Serpentine meant. Speaking of whom, hey Serp, what EVE corp are you in, and what race?
  18. Well, I have my SpeedLink Medusa 5.1 headset attached to the Realtek onboard sound unit. I remember that the sound of the SoundBlaster Live was not noticably better than that of the Realtek solution I had at that time (Athlon XP, if I remember correctly), so I don't assume the sound quality should be that much different with current hardware. What I think is, maybe you mis-configured the Realtek HD Audio Manager? Besides, I can have Surround with the Realtek too, no problem at all. Anyway, the sound bug you're experiencing is really strange...
  19. Legion, you say you are using a dedicated sound card. Do you also have an onboard sound solution (like a Realtek chip)? In that case, it might be a good idea to take out your sound card (or just disable it in the Device Manager (Gerätemanager)) and have the onboard sound chip enabled (if it's not enabled yet, then you have to do so in the BIOS). Maybe this solves your problems. At least it's worth a try. And the sound quality isn't noticably worse.
  20. Okay, I'll post this question there. But I'd also like to know if there is interest for translations into other languages. More specifically, I know a trnalsator whom I could ask if he'd be willing to spend some time translating (or proof-reading) the Russian version. Is there interest in this, too?
  21. And this leads us to my main question: Is anyone interested in working with a German version of DarkRadiant? I still have to try to convert the file into something I can actually work with my TM software. I'd really hate to go through all this trouble if only one or two ppl ever worked with the localized version. So, hands up, who is really interested in this? The word "Joghurt" derives from the Turkish language, so you can't directly compare. Besides, Wiki says that Germans say "der Joghurt", while Swiss and Austrians use "das". But arguing about this is like pissing against the wind, I'd say.
  22. Oh, sorry, I didn't make myself clear: When you use a term from a different language that has no definied genders (like English) in German, you usually take the article the German term would have. To clarify: "the brush" would be "der Brush" because of the term "der Pinsel" it stands for. However, in this case it's not so clear, because brush can also be "die Bürste". Another example would be, say, "die CPU" (die zentrale Verarbeitungs-Einheit) or "der RAM" (der Zufallszugriffsspeicher). I just checked ttlg.de, and they use the article "der" for brush, as opposed to "die Brush" in the existing translationn of DarkRadiant. So, to change or not to change, that is the question.
  23. Word 2002 can't open the file, error message "Unknown web archive". The only way to get this working is to open the file in Notepad++ and to Copy&Paste the contents into Word. I guess this is due to the encoding being in UTF-8. Maybe later versions of Word don't have that issue, who knows. I'll check that later today with Word 2010 RC. Anyway, once I'm done with the file I'll give you a shout. Oh, and one thing: though I intend to stick with the existing translation, I noticed that "the brush" is "die Brush" in the previous German translation. Doesn't brush stand for "Pinsel" or something like that? What exactly is a brush? The Wiki isn't really helpful.
  24. "Error: Can not create output file 'uploads/temp_download/guest/darkradiant.po_20100417181835'. Check the permissions." What does that mean? Do I have to register, because a guest can't d/l a file?
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