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Everything posted by aidakeeley

  1. Sorry to interrupt, but just for a second... When you were young did you ever imagine that you'd unflinchingly start off a statement with something like that -- all the while with absolutely no hint of ironic or satirical intent?
  2. i really just wanted you're mod to come to fruition in an intelligent pieceful way. i don't have any idea what your talking about otherwise i was only joyous and excited about you're coming mod and all the wonderful improvements it will afford. i don't know what your interpretation was but it seems as if youv gotten the wrong idea.
  3. I wonder why Intel and AMD don't sell the CPUs at a higher clock rate and make more money themselves? Think about how much money they could make on the thousands of CPUs they sell if only they'd just knock the price up that bit on each one... I wonder why they don't do that. It's weird. Ain't it?
  4. The great thing about all this is this: So, soon enough we'll all be able to actually choose between the 2 systems and decide for ourselves! ! !!!
  5. Yeah, I'm liking the responses here (and need to make sure I've actually played all the Penumbras {and keep an eye on the new game, Amnesia}). But, I was wondering if there were any such full on mods -- I guess the term is "complete conversion", or something -- wherein it seems the sky is the limit. Again what inspired my question was seeing Springheel's ghost. While I can sort-of-maybe-might-could correlate it to a particular Thief-universe being, I can also see that it can and, (kind of) knowing Springheel, will be endowed with a different set of attributes. ...Than the other being. It's just that I have a feeling that this community, with the the already rich precursor to inspire it, will go beyond what I suspect is the level that other mods have taken themselves to. I mean it seems you can incorporate just about anything here. And not, as been joked about, just enhanced or amalgamated or supersonified rehashes. Beyond Zombies with chainsaw forearms. Beyond bigger bloody bullets for bigger bleedin' bazookas. I see you guys talking about all the attributes you have control over and it seems limitless what you can do. And, maybe that's not new, but I think the fact that it is in the hands of people who understand and appreciate the difference between Thief and HL is significant.
  6. What about "the jews"? I wonder how they will do this? FFS. "the jews" ... Aaaaaaaanyway, couple of my all-time favorites BrazilThe Unbelievable Truth
  7. As maybe I have mentioned, outside of the "adventure" genre, I don't really have whole lot of wide ranging interest in any other games beside Thief (& a very few other exceptions). So, what I'm wondering having seen the ghosts Springheel created (WIP), and, in general, anticipating all the potential I can imagine and do see documented as "up and coming" for 1.01... What other "Mods" (for/inspired-by what other games) have ever been so well done and so alive that they afforded such a "living" and lasting expandability? Has there ever been one like this? On the one hand -- there are some pretty huge fanbases out there for this and that FPS -- I would expect there has to have been. But on the other -- that of the realization that Thief and, by correlation, its fanbase are <<insert "elite"-ist adjective here>> -- I think maybe not. Sort of a loaded (and fawning) question, I know, but I really just think this community control is quite revolutionary and limitless. You have seized the means of production.
  8. Voted after the contest was over... because that's when I played it. I don't imagine that'll cause freak anyone out and I enjoyed the mission so, for posterity and such. Still have others to play (and vote on) as well.
  9. Very cool. And since you did it first (right?) you get to attribute the attributes of ghosts! What'll be their powers and weaknesses? Drift through matter? All matter? Impervious to? Harmed by?
  10. Aha! -Everything you said and everything it means is appreciated and welcome. Thanks a bunch.
  11. This is exactly what I'm talking about rectifying. I'm just coming at it from an entirely different viewpoint: I say get the progress distributed, those squashed bugs ridden!, give the naysayers less to say. Yeah, but why not then just wait until the next thing is implemented... and then the next... wait! almost got the ha..er..builders built... oh, wait a bit more, some new tweaks and that big old mission is right around the tomorrow... wait, this'll blow 'em all away... just one or two more... hey, we don't want to be underwhelming here, nothing exciting enough... wait... hold on... oh, boy this deserves at least a +.5 versioning!... if you'll just give it another week I'll have changes numbers 99 and 100!... My point is that the bugs that have been stomped so far are good-n-plenty, IMO. There is no shame in not amazing our socks off with every release. This I do completely understand. And I'm sorry for being and sounding impatient. If it is a matter of getting the tdm_update system ironed out, then that's the best thing that you guys can be doing, IMO. I'm glad that that is the focus. Because then hopefully the roll-outs will come often. Bada bing. Bada boom. Bada new AI models. Bada fixed that texture set. Bada crushed that bug. Bada ass!
  12. ... follow to more appropriate thread, please.
  13. I realize this may be easier said than done, but I'd still like to say it if only to maybe shift things a bit... With the tdm_update system in place, combined with established major, minor & micro-version nomenclature, there should be a paradigm shift in the way that updates are being rolled out. Each iteration doesn't need to be a massive-major-mega-monstrous-multifaceted enhancement or bug fixing package. The bugs that are fixed would seem to be enough to warrant a roll out now. For instance, the can't-drop-a-shouldered-body bug is really annoying (though, I think I've been able to defeat it by alt-tabbing, btw); the mending of it should not have to wait until the zombies can sleep, or smack someones head off (or moan appropriately ). The great thing about having this internet is that it's not necessary to "justify" each update with a list of changes 50 items long. And, also, the idea behind "beta" versions is to get the stuff out to the users who in their many ways and "manyness" can help in the testing of what might need testing. IOW, it seems that TDM as it is still a beta anyway, should be most certainly a "living" WIP; as it will hopefully always, even after an official "non-beta" is released, be a living WIP...
  14. I'm telling you 2009 was not the year to "win" anyway. 2010 will be the year of TDM (regardless of what moddb says, btw, but I still won't be surprised if TDM does make it into the top 5 in 2010). Of course the sooner you get 1.01 or 1.1 or whatever out, the more people will be able to enjoy the new smoothings and splunkings. Release! Release! (Tormato). Those who appreciate this kind of game will find it. What with Fidcal's (et. al?) promised epic of storytelling+ (which I personally anticipate as much as any game on the horizon - pro, indie, fan-mod, whatever), and the other ~40+ FMs to come this year... this will be TDM's Big Beyond-beta Burst-forthing Blitzkrieg Blow-up. year
  15. But isn't linux the greatestest thing ever?
  16. I knew it! Something (or someone) told me you weren't very responsible. Now I find out from your own admission that you aren't responsible at all.
  17. Perspective: MODDB Editor's Choice... Madonna is in The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame... Rush is not. Fuck The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
  18. I think it's already been determined and demonstrated that you can look into it; it's more a matter of can you put things into it; rattle them around; and then flip it over and have them plonk to the ground. ...or... um... er... nevermind.
  19. I went back in... My guys were level-headed, solid citizens. With "good heads on their shoulders" despite being royalist loyalists!
  20. I was just going off of this... not the same FM but... anyway I saw you'd come across a clue in that other thread; thought that had maybe resolved it, so I decided not to actually check by going into the mission, but I will now and report back.
  21. Wiki Says... 1119 Events Zhu Yu's book is the first to report the use of a magnetic compass for navigation at sea, although the first actual description of the magnetic compass is by another Chinese writer Shen Kuo in his Dream Pool Essays published in 1088. Knights Templar Founded by Hugh de Payns.A coupla kinda cool ones. Tangent: "Dream Pool Essays"... that's just wild. Must check it out a bit.
  22. Yeah, I like that last one especially, the Brewery. Lots of nice unique choices there (and in the others - don't recall a slope like that before): the wide, pretty well-lit streets; the outward-jutting angle on the upper floor; the sewer hatch; the aforementioned high torch. All looking good.
  23. No, I didin't see/experience that, that I noticed. But it obviously happened to you. And someone else. (Also, I think you screenshot is toooooo brightened or gammaed-up. I kind of can't really see what it is you are talking about {though I basically get it}) (Also? Only 95 in Jewels? You suck.) (Also? I'm just kidding about one of the comments above.)
  24. You... do see... what I was saying? There will never be any agreement on canon. There is already right here (amongst all this!) an escalating argument about voiceovers -- and this is between the few, the proud, the rare-breed: the TDM team. You think the community is going to be able to forge a consistent universe? ...... ... The best option of all IS options. So who ever is arguing for that, IMO, wins. Some think tying the VOs to difficulty sucks, some think they suck period, some like the opposite. Choice and flexibility is always the best... if you can (pragmatically) program it... I for instance, would usually like to but DON'T always play expert. You know why? Because "no kills" or " no knockouts" is often tied to these and I think that sucks. So there!
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