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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. Okay... I have a grate floor consisting of many thin bars built from bruses. I have grouped these together and made them into a func_static, but there is still a huge amount of tris on some bars. As each beam lays 90 degrees over the "supporting beams" they create their own tris I guess and it's perfectly normal. But it doesn't seem so performance saving...
  2. Ah, nice, Tels! But this I don't get completely. I guess I'm tired or something I guess the engine would need to render the light ten times either way? So there is a difference between render one huge wall ten times (once per light), than ten small sections once each? (I imagine them all being in the field of view at the same time...) Or is it rendering the whole wall, even if I only see a small portion of it? I guess the rendering gets more and more intricate per "rendering session"? Like it's exponential (x^2 and so on). With one light there is no problem, then two, it's okay, but as the rending process for that huge wall gets more and more time/engine consuming per each addition light, if you add an eleventh, your computer will spit you in the face? And also 5. Should patches be converted into func_static?
  3. Okay, but I guess that the released version is the one that counts in the contest itself? I shall release a new version of the level (Betrayal, the good edition ) at a later stage... But now when I got the attention of a "triangle-calculation-graphics-guy". Please answer these questions 1. When I add ANYTHING decorative to a wall, may it be trims down the floor, against the wall, beams, supporting beams, custom paintings, a brush-made hanger, ANYTHING consisting of brushes on a wall - Shall it be converted to func_static and have caulc to ALL unvisible surfaces? Caulk on the backside and on all surfaces "inside" the construction. 2. Shall I convert "intricate" stuff like railings, beams, staircases and such into func_statics (and caulk as above)? 3. Is func_statics allways better than brushwork? As an extreme example: Would it be beneficial to make a whole mission with just caulced brushes with thin slices of func_statics as "wallpaper" on the "inside" where the player is (ie NOT in the void). So the player sees ONLY func statics, and the caulk just for sealing. 4. Is it beneficial to cluster lots of func_statics into one? Say, if I have a row of supporting beams down an alley, shall I convert the whole bunch into one func_static or shall it be separated? I'm into my "main" mission now (which I left when starting on Betrayal) and I want to do it right this time
  4. As I understand: Player-clip - Stops player but allows AI Monster-clip - Stops AI but allows player Clip - Stops both It sais both monster_clip and player_clip in the shader definition for clip. I've building a wall where the player shall be unable to mantle and the areas beyond is decoration. I guess this should be filled with monster_clip, but as the player also should be unable to get there, may I use a clip-brush to do both in one? And also: How high needs the monster_clipping be? Is it enough with a tower that the AI is unable to reach or do I need to take it to the ceiling?
  5. I'll add this one outside spoilers because it's a bug on my behalf: At the grand finale of the editing I copied a lot of the mine complex and the chest_key got the name chest_key2 but the chest still is used_by chest_key. The actual key and chest is the one in the room with the half collapsed roof and a haunt, in the mines. There is a chest and a lantern there. So that key is not working. But the chest IS pickable. I'll add this to the to-do list for this mission...
  6. Is missing monsterclip crippling the performance that much? I believe all empty areas that are unreachable for AI is monsterclipped...
  7. Well, well, I believe I set to high demands on myself...after all it's the first map I release. I am now in full work with my "main" map that I deserted for this contest...It certainly will have unique elements!
  8. Yes, but I don't think there is many places besides the archery range that has overlapping lighting...Whatever...I just want to forget that mission by now
  9. Nooooooo, no more talk about the lighting Please tell me how I can make it better. Do you mean I should have more intricate geometry around the lightsources to produce more shadows? Should I remove shadows? I believe the lightning is one thing in my map that cripples the Low-end gang
  10. Yes, really nice mission in all aspects, the little I've played. This might very well take the cake
  11. Okay, lession learned; More aggressive clues onto how to regain essential equipment... Back to my ordinary map and try to make that one more playable... @nbohr1more: I wasn't blaming the low-enders for whining, I just meant that if someone makes a place really cool and it requires much lightning, I don't think they should cut down too much on the niceness just to make low-enders have full FPS But my map is a disaster in the aspect of flow and FPS it seems, so back to school for me
  12. Naaw, I don't think my map is solely for the newer systems. Maybe I'll (or somebody else) can visportal it better and/or change some lighting...exactly where is the FPS-drops at its worst?
  13. This was the first entry in the contest I have played and it's a really nice mission! I cannot find anything bad about the mission except frobbing some things out of the chests was quite hard on some occations. The framerate dropped at some occations and by this I mean they went around 30 which I believe is acceptable. Missions shall absolutely be adjusted to make old-computer-folks enjoy them also, but we cannot hold on too much to the old machines. The evolving in computer games will get higher and higher and if you don't keep up you will get behind and I don't think it's totally fair to minimize effects in a mission just so somebody with a 12 year or even older rig can play it acceptable...My computer is about 3-4 years old or something and I don't have any problems with any game... EDIT:
  14. In the beta-version In the final version
  15. But if you will insist on playing the older version
  16. Ahh, Fidcal, the mission I PM:ed you a while ago is the betatest-version. Put that in the trashbin and download the one in this thread. I started to sweat when you mentioned "mine key" and that the mint door is locked.
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