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Everything posted by grayman

  1. What I've begun doing with 2.07+ is to have ambient_world covering the mission area, and a separate ambient_world1 that exactly matches ambient_world, but only covers the skybox. I don't know if it'll still be the case with 2.08+, but duzenko and I found that trying to cover both the mission area and the skybox with the same ambient entity led to problems debugging visportals with the r_showportals/1 console command. By splitting the work, visportals show up just fine.
  2. @demagogue, If you achieve your goal with the Werebeast, would I be able to use it for just "standing around"? I'd wanted to put it into WS6 as a museum exhibit. Not alive, just a statue. I couldn't figure out how to do that with what's currently available. thx
  3. A cloak of insanity has settled on me. If you like mazes, WS7 now has one. If you don't, well, ...
  4. Umm, I'm going to object to having the pk4 and the map named "heart". We already have "Heart of Lone Salvation". Its pk4 is named "heartv2" (and probably v1 was just named "heart") and its map file is named "heart". So, for people like me, who keep copies of *.map and *.script files for reference and debugging, I'm not going to be able to have 2 map and script files named "heart". It's either one or the other. I suggest that you re-release this with a different filename: perhaps "heartmattis" or something similar.
  5. Didn't it used to be that if you failed an objective and the mission ended, that if you brought up the Objectives screen, the failed objective would be marked with a red "X"? Or have I been smoking too much weed? In any case, if the "X" used to be there, it's no longer there in 2.07.
  6. It is true that simple pathfinding across moving platforms is limited to elevators. But this is based on the AI standing still and letting the elevator platform carry him to the destination floor. Probably not what you want. All AAS areas (defining the scope of pathfinding for an AI) is nailed down by dmap (AAS boundaries, reachability tables, traveling times, etc.); there's no functionality that lets you move the pathfinding info dynamically in-game. An alternative is to make your ship static and make everything else around it non-static. See "Swing" for example. People have worked on moving trains (though I don't remember a released mission with this design) where the scenery outside the static train moves backward, giving a sense of moving forward.
  7. I hope someone’s going to provide all this new data. As a mission author, I’m not inclined to put in the extra time to provide it for my missions. Is a player honestly going to decide whether to play a mission or not based on whether there’s a shop? Call me grumpy, but time is short, and there it is.
  8. I wanted to 'like' Dragofer's post too, but the buttons have gone away.
  9. There’s a ‘spiders and undead’ column already in the table on the missions page. That should help. Also a mission type entry.
  10. Removing TypeInfo removes the compilation error. A source search for r_legacyTangents finds nothing, so I can't follow this suggestion. Now, a fresh complete build of the binaries yields binaries that don't even get to the point where they display anything on the screen. A check of running applications shows no TDM. If someone could try a build of the latest binaries and show they create working exes, it would be appreciated. Then I can begin to narrow down what's going on at my end. If no one else can get the SVN binaries to run, then whoever's been making the latest source changes needs to review their work. SVN binaries should always run.
  11. Also getting this failure on the 32-bit build: 1>idlib.vcxproj -> E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\\build\Win32\Release\idLib.lib 2>------ Build started: Project: TypeInfo, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>Error: The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error
  12. Aaaaannnd ... While the 64-bit binary TheDarkModx64.exe builds after this morning's update, it crashes when attempting a dmap. Who needs what to debug this?
  13. I can't read the code block in my previous post, so here it is without the blocking: 2> Creating library E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.lib and object E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.exp 2>idLib.lib(Simd_SSE2.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class idCVarBool r_legacyTangents" (?r_legacyTangents@@3VidCVarBool@@A) 2>E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals 2>Done building project "typeinfo.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
  14. I updated my darkmod and darkmod_src repos this morning, and the first attempt at building a 64-bit Windows binary ran into the following error: 2> Creating library E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.lib and object E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.exp 2>idLib.lib(Simd_SSE2.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class idCVarBool r_legacyTangents" (?r_legacyTangents@@3VidCVarBool@@A) 2>E:\Trunk\darkmod_src\..\darkmod\TypeInfo.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals 2>Done building project "typeinfo.vcxproj" -- FAILED. Can anyone who's been working in this area please fix this? Thanks!
  15. Welcome to the forums and TDM, and thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.
  16. Clarification: AI normally can't see func_statics, but if they bump into one, they will make an attempt to walk around it. If the code can't work out a path around the obstacle, you'll see the AI treadmilling against the object. Monsterclip monsterclip monsterclip.
  17. Delete and recreate. Also try making them func_static, then try turning that into a model. If that doesn't work, and the architecture allows, try placing a 0.125-off patch over the affected surface, like a band-aid. This happens more frequently than one would think, and there's no known single solution (that I can remember).
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