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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. Another necro: (brought about because of the Open Source discussions) 1) Maybe it's just placebo but it seems that UE3's "Virtual Displacement Mapping" has an affect on Silhouettes? 2) Is there any reason why Doom 3 only seems to be able to do this with POM or Displacement Mapping? 3) Are the silhouettes cleaned up in a deferred render pass (meaning... does deferred rendering change the way that Parallax Maps work)? 4) When Id Tech 4 goes Open Source could the model poly-count be lowered and replaced with "UE3 style" parallax mapping? 5) Or is UE3 really using POM but the deferred render process makes it less expensive... but the same question (4) about the base models applies (presuming a deferred render approach is added to the engine by someone... see the "doom3world GPL Wish List" thread)?
  2. Too close to Chicken-Choker? (Somebody had to say it?) (my apologies )
  3. Gandalf did recruit Bilbo as a "Thief"... Man I'd love to see a LotR off-shoot of this mod or a bunch of FMS inspired by it! Imagine playing "Escape from the Shire"... ...or sneaking into Mordor... Hobbits have to sneak around so it's a great game-play match!
  4. That reminds me of the most cruel April Fools ever: iCade
  5. Graphics Card? I thought particle effects are more CPU bound due to draw calls (but then again, I think everything is CPU bound )...
  6. I'm not saying I don't like reading arguments I just prefer the arguments to be between us "rubes" as Biker put it (but that was a compelling exchange... not that I'll encourage more of it...)
  7. Yeah. I know. David Letterman just dug himself a grave so he can pre-emptively rollover inside it.
  8. Perhaps this should go into the main Off-Topic Sticky thread but I think a list of inflammatory topics should be listed so that the newbs don't anger or demoralize the community: Here is my silly take on this (obviously a more serious list should be compiled)... Top 10 Inflammatory Topics: 10) Aidakeeley's Musings 9) TDS Best Game Evar! 8) TDM in the daytime? 7) TDM with a Gun! \m/ 6) Rope Arrows Suck! 5) Blackjacking Sucks! 4) TDM on Nvidia, The Way it's Meant to be Played 3) TDM in a Tropical setting with Guns \m/ 2) TDM in WWII, stealing from war victims! 1) TDM ultra gore and murder mod with guns on the ARMA II engine! (Screen-Shots of Medieval assets plopped into the engine (eg proof) included)!
  9. ...for advanced FPS folk some are VERY sensitive to even the tiniest dead-zone or "strange" acceleration curves. This is why some PC ports are infuriating to these folk (the dead-zone and mouse acceleration is built in...). I suspect that 90% of the players out there would be OK with that device if it has such subtle issues (unless those folks were all lying )... What a shame about that trackball idea... Someone should get into their time-machine and make Microsoft include that controller with all their consoles...
  10. 75% already! You are industrious! (Looks nice BTW)
  11. "New Engine" threads are just plain demoralizing. I get myself into enough trouble speculating about ways to improve Id tech 4 so it doesn't beat my dinosaur CPU to a pulp. I knew this was all silliness but I also know that games don't run forever and that if Zenimax says no to Open Source that as MANY years pass eventually Windows wont run the game. So I brought up the slightly less-silly idea of Greebo, Tels, et al. sitting in their nursing-home rocking chairs and stroking their gray beards wishing they could play something like TDM on Windows 22 and deciding to help the new batch of modders finish their TDM-alike mod. As an ignorant swine, I posted a screen-shot that shows something akin to the TDM environment and for that I drew much wrath. But such is the fate of fools. If I were smart I could've posted the code for a custom AI script from Crytek's Sandbox editor (if it allows such a thing ) and the Devs would've seen some glimmer of insight instead of a screen-shot slobbering mouth-breather who doesn't appreciate intellectual game-play (and the years of work they've done). I wouldn't be in the forum or post so often if I didn't think this mod was the best thing ever but I also understand how these guys can be defensive because of how many outright flippant threads about this subject were hurled at them even before the damn mod was released.
  12. Run the tdm_update.exe and more files should appear (presuming you are running Windows).
  13. I'll probably catch hell for this but... "Prisoner of Azkaban" (HP3) has lots of moody sneak around scenes... Heck the Time-Turner sequence is essentially a filmed example of "ghosting a mission".
  14. That is a comfort to hear. I will use this to keep my pessimism in check.
  15. What a coincidence! I was just thinking about how Heart of Lone Salvation reminds me of Eyes Wide Shut and how funny it would be to have that "infamous deleted scene" in an FMS
  16. Thanks for the further empirical evidence MD. I am very paranoid so I always expect that an infection is in the system but I have no real symptoms except if NHAT 3/3 is the ultimate canary in the coalmine for that type of thing (FMS as rootkit detector?) (I'll be scanning my PC for weeks due to my OCD... Thanks alot! )
  17. From the wiki: I think I've seen your name on ttlg (not a regular there)... Welcome to TDM BTW!
  18. TDS? 1) Cat Squishing? 2) "Keep your enemies closer..." ? 3) Traitor? ???
  19. Oh... I don't like this at all... You guys need to get back to yelling at me for my foolish speculations...
  20. nomipmaps seems to be a flag that says "Don't generate mipmaps" nomipmap doesn't come up in any searches so that one may be invalid? http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/ForceHighQuality_%28Material_stage_keyword%29
  21. Biker you'd better not look at this if you're trying to save some pennies: PS3 Keyboard and Mouse
  22. So far I've seen that map load times appear to be related to how the video driver tries to optimize or pre-process data before it hits the video card... I believe that this factor is entirely up to the video card vendors... (just from anecdotal evidence at Rage3d forums regarding load times...) (plus... bigger maps = bigger load times )
  23. There's another insult to injury factor here: Dual Analog control mechanics. If you've played Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube, you will note that they designed the play mechanic so the player is stationary while shooting. This makes the game very playable with console controllers and is an appropriate design. However, many console 3rd person or FPS games use one analog stick as a WASD and the other as a poorly controlled mouse. When I played the new Ghostbusters game on a friend's Xbox360 I was dying for a mouse because of the loose sloppy feel of dual analog controls. For this game an RE4 approach would've been better but I believe that Ghostbusters' control system was setup to mirror the many "would-be" PC FPS games that have this same sloppy system... because Microsoft can't get enough REAL console game developers and has to steal potential PC games and kluge them into console games. (...and has been doing so since the first Xbox). So we have these crappy hybrids that serve neither market well :angry: ...
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