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thebigh last won the day on February 7

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  1. Starting a playthrough of the whole Dark Mod, from oldest mission to newest. I've knocked over the first few already and about to start Living Expenses. Only ~170 missions to go!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. jaxa


      I'd like to hear approximately how many hours this takes, when you complete/quit. I guess you're logging the time at the end of each mission for your mini reviews.

      We're talking about hundreds of hours.

    3. thebigh


      Well, yeah, it's gonna take me a while. I haven't been keeping detailed stats on how long they take me, but obviously replays of missions I've done before are faster than they were on my first playthrough. And once again I've gotten thoroughly bogged down on Lord Dufford's. But I think this time I'm close to cracking it. Then on to Heart of Lone Salvation!

    4. Jetrell


      I don't think anyone has attempted to do what you're doing? It's such a great opportunity to collect an array of interesting data which others could use as a resource. I think this project deserves its own thread.

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