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Sir Taffsalot

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Status Updates posted by Sir Taffsalot

  1. Just got back into playing T2 FMs after a long break. Better Off Dead is friggin awesome and Shadow Plans has an awesome city mission with some cool Thieves Highway in it. Haven't even Started Black Frog yet. Gonna wait til the Easter Holiday in 2 weeks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pusianka


      Pardon me, what is a "city hub"?

    3. Melan


      pusianka: the city segments from Thief: Deadly Shadows. They are hubs instead of regular missions because you revisit them again and again.

    4. Bikerdude


      I beta tested both of those maps :-)

  2. What does CSG merge do? I assumed it did the oppisite of CSG subtract and merge selected brushes. That doesn't seem to be the case.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      OK . Thanks for clearing that up.

    3. ungoliant


      sometimes it is hard to tell if concave, so here is the test: if you can draw a line from any point to any point, and intersect the edges of the prospective merged brush more than twice, it is convex. concave can only intersect 2 edges. Example: try this principle on pac-man. easily possible to intersect 4 edges.

    4. Bikerdude


      He knopws now as I showed how to do it when he was around my place on Saturday.

  3. "Just 10 more minutes on Darkradiant" I said to myself. 3 hours later...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sotha


      Aww man! I got that yesterday. Came home from my sports, decided to do 30min of work on my WIP. Accidentally tripled that. Got only 6 hrs of sleep.

    3. fllood


      yap :-) got that few hrs sleep this night as well. just wanted to adjust a few spline nurbs for some minutes and ended setting up a complete additional curve hours later ,-)

    4. Xarg


      wanted to add another ai... ended up fleshing out a whole building almost, getting started on another, the second ai ended up being an afterthought.

  4. What's considered as a healthy FPS? I'm on 60 atm. At what point should I start getting concerned?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melan


      I have low standards. 15 is pretty fine.

    3. Xarg


      Hrm, I had Shogun 2 open while testing my map, and the fps was no different. Wonder how many different games I'll need open before I notice anything.

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I seem to be getting around 30 FPS for the part of my map that has the most models and entities in it. Hopefully that's as low as it will drop.

  5. I look upon the AI with resentment as I see them sit around the fire place I just built in DR as I slowly freeze to death here in the UK

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MoroseTroll


      Uvarovo town, Tambov region, European part of Russia.

    3. Diego


      I envy all of you. It's 35 Celcius here. I hate summer!

    4. MoroseTroll


      @Diego: You shouldn't envy us, believe me :).

  6. Is a 24 page readable a bit too long?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Thanks for the offer but I'm a bit confused. Why would there be pictures in someones journal? While it would be a very nice touch wouldn't that be somewhat emmersion breaking?

    3. GameDevGoro


      Well, like others have already pointed out. Keep the entire 24 pages, as long as you do not force the player to read it. If it's just for flavor, like TES game readables. It's all gravy, man. :)

    4. nbohr1more


      It's your call but the pictures would represent the player's imagination as they read the journal. So it would be a 3rd person experience of sorts... But so are expository cut scenes...

  7. Turnip Suprise! The suprise being there's nothing in it but turnips

    1. Sotha


      Uh oh, looks like things took a turn(ip) for the better. Rutabaga casserole is delicious.

  8. Is thinking of buying a Les Paul over the weekend

    1. Bikerdude


      oooh thats a very nice guitar, but is it a replica or old skewl version..?

    2. nbohr1more


      As good a time as any to buy one with the poor economy driving down prices. Get a volume pedal and compressor pedal (watch that feedback)...

  9. Is going to try and iron man RTTC V2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha


      I still hope we had a save counter in the mission ending statistics to increase Iron Man bragging value. =)

    3. Glyph Seeker

      Glyph Seeker

      It will be interesting to see how much harder it is with new tougher AI!

    4. Bikerdude


      LOL good luck SirTaf

  10. I miss the brown borders dividing up the sub forums. This great big block of grey looks ugly.

    1. modetwo


      Back in the days it was actually dark-red. Let's call it evolution :-P

  11. What better way to in to the Halloween spirit than a play through of Rose Cottage

  12. Thanks fllood. I listen to lots of ministry when mapping

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