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Everything posted by i30817

  1. Could you attempt some modifier symbols to control elevation? This kind of roguelike map was probably never used for 3d enviroments, so i suspect you're doing original work (at least in games). Since rogue-likes are only 2d, they don't need it, but i think that a 2d version of the 'floor' and maybe the 'ceiling' can probably express extrusions for the walls. Even ladders? The possibility to override the 'pieces' default mapping in the map definition file would probably also be nice, if you don't already have it. Pit traps with slanting walls and spears at the bottom, pit traps with lava, pit traps with crushing ceilings, etc.
  2. There is also a bug with the resolution of your desktop not being restored on exit (it actually 'restores' the wrong 16:9 resolution for me).
  3. My current bash file: #!/bin/bash GAME=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") cd ~ ln -sfn "$GAME/doom3" ".doom3" cd "$GAME/doom3/darkmod" chmod 755 ./thedarkmod.x86 ./thedarkmod.x86 +set sys_videoRam 512 +set s_alsa_pcm plughw:0 +set s_driver alsa
  4. WTF? So you still needed a symlink in /usr/local/games/doom3 ? I just symlinked a folder in my home to ~/.doom3, but again, i didn't play much and had that visual artifact anyway (on the current exe, before i used wine, just because of this clusterfuck). Since the launcher is not used anymore i doubt it's needed. Oh, yeah, when i tried it the sound was utterly fucked up, but i'm pretty sure that's just pulseaudio latency acting up and can be avoided with pasuspender -s=alsa ./thedarkmod.x86 +set sys_videoRam 512 The video ram is because there was a bug in ati's/or doom3 video card detection and the joker was giving 64 mb.
  5. The first was wrong, and you probably fixed it by now, since the second exec hadn't it but: /home/john/.doom3/darkmod/bellows.pk4 /usr/local/games/doom3/darkmod this probably meant that you had two copies of the mod for installed (or even two copies of doom3 maybe). I also had lots of warnings (i won't try it right now, because i have no acceleration at all beyond the pathetic open source driver)
  6. What i'm mostly looking for is that the it's a option to have the filestructure set up exactly like the windows install. So that the mod can be moved/executed across operating systems, and computers and i can unzip a archive of Doom3 in ~ whatever and install/run darkmod like that (i do own the game, don't worry). I really dislike the linux lsb for being 'my way or the highway'. I don't object to it in system programs, but not on games.
  7. Driver problems likely. Which are you using? glxinfo output, even after 'installing' a driver you need a additional config command with ati. The crash is probably something badly wrong on the new jpg code or the compile options. Myself am waiting for the new driver from ati for ubuntu (it's package is triaged and waiting for release), but i found before: The torches flames had a transparency problem: edges (large area around actually) were all black, (but not rectangular, flicked according the the stage of the anim).
  8. Multicore 'optimizations' can actually slow things down trololololol. It depends if a method is hot and for how long it is hot and if the data has no 'previous data dependencies' and if it doesn't take longer to 'join it up' for a usable state than doing it in one core. In games it's very hard to do without changing algorithms (or in general) because the hot areas are only hot for very small amounts of time/small amounts of data and cache locality is vastly more important. But wtf i know, knock yourself out. Just remember to profile the same thing before and after.
  9. The image code was messed with recently no?
  10. The exec changed name - it no longer uses doom3.exe so Ati's crap hacks for it no longer apply. Whoever had the idea of creating game specific 'optimizations' should have been shot
  11. Yeah, and then it'd fail at runtime whenever i moved the game to another computer, with say, 256 mb instead of 512. This is one of those bugs that would be nice to fix on the source now.
  12. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1048142 Updating the drivers broke them... oh Ati... fix released but waiting for it before testing again to see if the transparency problem goes away.
  13. Ok, got it to run, but ... not well. Reminded me why i only played this in wine. Anyway, torches have a non-transparency problem (black nimbus) confirm/deny? Updating drivers now (Ati). No sound even with pasuspender. Fucks with the resolution after getting out (the resolution is my desktop 16:9, 1366x768, which, btw, is the only way to set the game (same resolution as desktop) if you don't want the menu to look like ass due to some kind of filtering.) But when it exits is suddenly turns into another 16:9 : 1026X600. Unsatisfactory, may need a bash file bashing. How do you turn off the default 'mission started' popup? Highly annoying since i had the attack button disabled edit: ah! seta tdm_player_wait_until_ready "0"
  14. Lol wut "guessing video ram ( use +set sys_videoRam to force ) .. guess failed, return default low-end VRAM setting ( 64MB VRAM )" http://forums.thedar...to-64-mb-linux/ Another non-portable command in the sh file (besides pasuspender)... sigh.
  15. So, is this supposed to use the 'darkmod folder to search the 'base' directory or what? I'm pretty sure that if i moved the doom3/base dir to the darkmod folder things would start without the data needing to be in the harebrained 'defaults paths' (the home dir or somewhere unwritable like /usr/something/somewhere. due to this: WARNING: using hardcoded default base path no 'base' directory in exe path /home/i30817/Desktop/The Dark Mod/doom3/darkmod, skipping But should i do it? I never played doom3 and never will anyway, despise shooters. I assume the plan is to not use that dir eventually anyway when the mod goes fully self bootstrapping and that dir's contents will not be needed anymore - but i find it strange it is looking for the dir from where the exec was called and not from where the exec *is*. (as you'll see if you try to run it from the folder above, where it where it finds 'base' but fails to find 'darkmod' folder and searches for it in '~/.doom3') I assume this is because in standard linux things are not mobile and in windows, things are run from the dir anyway, since shortcuts in explorer take the care to cd to the dir before running. But i find it strange that it seems the mod is prepared to run things like that and yet there was no new instructions if it is possible. fuck it, going to make the bash file make a renewing symlink in .doom3.
  16. Well, it installed the update for me. When trying to run: ...5 aas types game initialized. -------------------------------------- Parsing material files terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::filesystem2::basic_filesystem_error<boost::filesystem2::basic_path<std::string, boost::filesystem2::path_traits> > > >' what(): boost::filesystem::basic_directory_iterator constructor: No such file or directory: "/home/i30817/.doom3/darkmod/fms/" Aborted (core dumped) The game really really wants to run with things in ~/.doom3. A symlink there will probably work and i'm going to try it.
  17. I'm trying the windows updater in wine in the hope the final file tree is the same, you can see my problems after updating in the impressions thread (probably not the best place for it, bit of a party pooper, maybe the posts should be moved). Will tell you if i have problems. I have a 64 bit machine though, if it makes a difference.
  18. Right, finished update, some other bugs with attempting to run it from a windows installation in linux (which i'm aware might not be supported, but i just hate the way doom3 vomits all over the file tree) - no ~/.doom3: if run in a console in the darkmod folder (where the exec is): It at least seems to be trying to deal with 'non-hardcoded base paths', but unless the folder structure is not doom3/darkmod anymore, it's not looking correctly yet (also by the way, a common error when programing this stuff is looking where the exe was invoked, not where the exe *is* (and in this case, searching for the base dir one folder above), which are different things, requiring different apis). So i got tricky and invoked the exec from "The Dark Mod" as darkmod/thedarkmod.86 This got further, but spit out lots of warnings and crashed anyway: Going to try the windows update then. Also the line 'found DLL in pak file: /home/i30817/Desktop/The Dark Mod/doom3/darkmod/tdm_game02.pk4/gamex86.so, extracting to darkmod path' looks slightly worrying, considering the dll was updated? Though maybe that is the update.
  19. TDM has the right difficulty for a jaded thief player... if you want to be coddled, just buy dishonoured and likely thief 4, or whatever they're calling it now.
  20. Yeah, but i think that can be avoided, with fancy bash scripting. Just letting you know.
  21. Slight problem with the native linux version of the updater (previously i used windows version in wine, but now that this has a standalone executable which i _hope_ can handle a default version of doom3 in a single folder instead of the frankenstein LSB mess it turns in if installed natively) going for full native so i thought it best to use the linux update; Obviously, going to retry without the spaces.
  22. Yeah, github and distributed VCS in general work like that, all forks, all merges, especially github makes it very easy (launchpad makes it very easy to do a ubuntu build bot and it's another very useful tool - you can even do a mirror for github projects). To be honest, it got me to contribute a few code snippets to some easy projects.
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