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Everything posted by snatcher

  1. I appreciate this very much. The mission remains 100% genuine and now there's room for other initiatives. Thanks @kingsal, thanks @nbohr1more.
  2. How about limiting player's actions with setImmobilization() or similar tricks while wearing a helmet? That way you organically let users know they must stay put while wearing a disguise. Also, you should perhaps think in ranks. You can go your merry way wearing a City Watch helmet unless you stumble across an elite guard...
  3. You should visit us and share your insights more often, @Melchior
  4. The Modpack and the Unofficial Patch are supposed to work out of the box: plug and play. Casual and even advanced players wouldn't know what to do with the Wearable disguises or the Augmentation mod the way things are today. This is a neat mod @MirceaKitsune, congratulations. I am rooting to see it implemented in a map! The mod however is overpowered, and it feels like having notarget on. There must be limitations and/or penalties. I suggest: 1) While wearing a helmet players must act like a guard: (creep or) walk in stand up position. The moment you jump or crouch, run, raise a weapon, grab an item... your are fully exposed. 2) Each helmet is functional for limited time. The longer you use it the more suspicious you become and at some point the helmet is of no use. Perhaps helmets can be "recharged" somehow, I don't know, but you get the idea. PS: Considering the number of mirrors per map and the fact that there are no player reflections (glass, water...) I wouldn't worry much about the head, to be honest.
  5. @kingsal Thanks for the interest. In Hazard Pay you included "script/tdm_user_addons.script" to load @Dragofer's Stealth Statistic Tool and that prevents players from using this file to load additional add-ons. script/tdm_user_addons.script #include "script/tdm_statistic_message.script" void user_addon_init() { statistic_message_init(); } "script/tdm_user_addons.script" comes with a useful "user_addon_init()" that gets called automatically but unfortunately we don't have an equivalent in "script/tdm_custom_scripts.script" so we cannot use "script/tdm_custom_scripts.script" and we must think something else. Unless it is decided to do without the add-on, I propose we make use the map's own script "maps/hazard_night.script" since it comes with a "main()" that gets called by the game automatically, as explained in the Wiki: #include "script/tdm_statistic_message.script" void main() { statistic_message_init(); // rest of your code } Once we do this we can safely delete "script/tdm_user_addons.script". In addition to all this I suggest deleting "script/tdm_frobactions.script" since it is not doing anything other than preventing other mods from working. ----------------------------------------------- Summing up: Replace "maps/hazard_night.script" with the one attached to this post (*). Delete "script/tdm_user_addons.script" Delete "script/tdm_frobactions.script" (*) For this exercise I downloaded a fresh copy of Hazard Pay from the built-in downloader. Happy to discuss further. hazard.zip
  6. Here's one from Iris: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1s9odtnti325wf/Iris_qconsole_202310311826.zip/file
  7. I made High Expectations crash in my fresh virgin 2.12 so I don't think the version of the mission matters BUT it turned out I didn't have the latest version of the mission in TDM 2.11 because of the weird versioning thing going on with the built-in downloader. So I deleted the mission and downloaded the version offered by the downloaded and managed to get a new crash: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9nuvomhqkucup0t/qconsole_202310311733.zip/file
  8. Sorry, I don't do videos. The crash is triggered at a very specific moment, always when starting fire. You miss that moment and the game won't crash, I understand. Lieutenant 2: High Expectations is the best testbed. Spawn some broadheads and start doing any of the below in any order you want (but very fast): Raise broadheads and pretend to fire (press fire and quickly abort) Switch to Water arrows and pretend to fire Lower Bow Raise Blackjack Switch to Bow and pretend to fire ... It eventually crashes here.
  9. No dumb questions from you. I get the game to crash with and without mods but I don't use mods for these tests. I did manage to crash a fresh virgin 2.12 pretty easily. My TDM 2.11 isn't fresh but I make sure no modifications are present during the tests.
  10. Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kllcm82v92w751h/qconsole_202310311032.zip/file
  11. Indeed. I added some print outs to tdm_suicide.script and the very last thing I get in the log before the crash is: *** AFTER sys.wait( time_to_live ): idStaticEntity_atdm:attachment_aimer_7 *** AFTER activateTargets(self): idStaticEntity_atdm:attachment_aimer_7 Code:
  12. Sorry for being cryptic, that didn't work very well. It's the lockpicks. Yeah but what if the player has the setting off? Mappers can display tips already although I am not sure how intuitive or easy implementing messages is.
  13. Seems true. I set logfile 2 in the console and I changed all =0 to =1 in darkmod.ini: fm/xxx/qconsole.log shows nothing relevant that I can detect. I can make it crash with and without the aimer.
  14. Shouldn't I set, in addition, something like what stgatilov suggested in the past? Set "logfile 2" so that all console text is recorded. Reproduce the crash. Find qconsole.log in the FM directory and post it here.
  15. Where, please? I can't find anything neither in the root nor in the fm folder.
  16. Sorry it's a new install and I didn't change yet any of the log settings you recommended. Darkmod.log:
  17. I just managed to make 2.12 dev16829-10455 crash.
  18. I launched two different instances of beta 14, one with and one without internet and both worked without issues, messages or complaints. AngelLoader does what it is supposed to do very efficiently. It is lightning fast and it comes with the right set of settings to set it up as per my liking: dark theme, tabs instead of icons (two games only), and sorting (true alphabetical). A welcome addition to the TDM world. Thank you very much.
  19. I can't find beta 14, other than the source.
  20. Let's agree to disagree. Software crash and thunders strike but this isn't the point because I already accepted failure as part of the deal. Games like The Dark Mod are at their peak when the stakes are high and psychologically, there's a big difference between no-save and no-load modes. Anyone that likes this game should at least try once: pick a small mission and see how far you get without saving. The longer you venture into the mission the higher the stakes, the costlier the risks. Your comfort zone soon goes out of the window and you start thinking twice... will I pull this off?. Training and experience will certainly make a difference but you cannot do this on your own and you start valuing each and every skill, tool and trick at your disposal. You know you will fail, the question is when. Now, does anything change if I save every now and then?
  21. I don't know because I use dev/beta for occasional testing only. I stick to official for serious quality time. should I enable anything? (and how, please )
  22. I do. A couple months back I tried to see if I could see anything @stgatilov couldn't see but I always ended up in the same (similar) place:
  23. Windows only over here. Darkmod.cfg: Darkmod.ini: Darkmod.log:
  24. I don't know half of the story so neither do I. I am just trying to help by putting some elements on the table for you to evaluate. Comics could be a good source of inspiration.
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