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Professor Paul1290

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Status Replies posted by Professor Paul1290

  1. Wow, adult responsibilities suck. Every evening when I've completed all The Tasks That Must Be Done, I'm left with less than 30min of personal time. Any more than that saps my sleep time, which isn't really an option in my new job. If some member of this community has some spare time, please put it in a box and mail it to me. I'll put it to good use. Thank you!

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      If your "Tasks That Must Be Done" take that long then you might need to consider optimizing your schedule.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. If we have re-capture & the random anti-spammer question on the forum registration form how come we keep getting spam bots?

  3. Mapper tip: When you have an area you have no idea what it should contain, fill it with crates, barrels and junk. Call it "storage." Problem solved.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      You know, it wouldn't surprise me if that's how some "storage" rooms or "closets" come about in real life. It is a space that doesn't care quite as much what it's shaped like after all.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Live with the flow, Baby http://mir.cr/XQVH23EV

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I almost stopped at ep 3, but now I'm glad I didn't. So far episodes after 3 each seem to have a rather different feel from the last, while 1-3 seem rather homogeneous by comparison.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Whiskey, like the Get-out-of-jail-free card, are best used sparingly. When utilized in circumstances most gloomy, the effects are marvellous. Like vacation in a bottle.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I enjoy whisky (or whiskey) from time to time.

      That said, personally I avoid drinking on gloomy days as alcohol tends to make them more gloomy for me instead of less.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Holy crap batman! Its like some sort of spam-bomb went off in the off-topic forum... Why isn't there a restriction on the number of topics you can create as a new user?

  7. Finally getting around to playing Dishonored, and I think I can see where Thief4 got a lot of their ideas....

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I almost wish. If Thi4f was copying off of Dishonored they'd let you jump, lean, and climb whenever you wanted to!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Papers, Please!: The nightmare of slowly but surely suffocating under bureaucratic paperwork you have to deal with under increasingly desperate circumstances. Masterful intense, bleak, and surprisingly realistic.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      This game is orders of magnitude more fun than it initially seems. I definitely recommend trying it if you're in the mood for something strange and amusing.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ever been playing a game, and the NPCs in a "public" level flip out and start attacking eachother, even when they're not supposed to? I saw that today and it was funny as hell. Oddly enough they still did not attack me.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I remember one time I was going through the "mole people" tunnels in vanilla Deus Ex, and somehow one of the passive NSF must have gotten hurt by the cat that wanders the area. Suddenly all the NSF in the tunnel were running around chasing and firing at the one cat, and having a lot of trouble killing it because their "marksmanship" was never intended to hit cat-sized targets!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. So how many people have closed any online accounts who's servers are in the US..? Ive nuked all but one of mine and even then I only us that one for emails to send/receive from websites I use.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      At the same time I understand why people would take action against something they disagree with and I want to encourage that, especially in this case since I agree with them. Unfortunately, also at the same time experience has taught me that a lot of well intentioned causes are about as competent at thinking strategically as monkeys banging on typewriters. Because of that, for better or worse, I'm inevitably going to be slower and more skeptical than my peers about adopting such changes.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. So how many people have closed any online accounts who's servers are in the US..? Ive nuked all but one of mine and even then I only us that one for emails to send/receive from websites I use.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I guess to put it in a semi-selfish and callous but honest way, if I only dealt with people/goods/services that I trust that would be very restricting in a lot of ways. I don't like being spied on, but at the same time the services I use are beneficial to me in more than just social ways, so there is some unfortunate cost-benefit analysis that inevitably gets involved.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. So how many people have closed any online accounts who's servers are in the US..? Ive nuked all but one of mine and even then I only us that one for emails to send/receive from websites I use.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      No, but by default the way I use any such site/service assumes they do not offer privacy.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. I kind of like the "Burglar" challenge in the Dishonored DLC, especially the "Expert" version. No blinking, no x-ray vision, no fancy stuff in general ("Back in my day..."). By the way, I got 26th on the leaderboard on my first run. XD

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      What's funny is I did that run while I was rather tipsy.

      I wonder what my 100% sober run will be like. XD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Trailer is done, enjoy!

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I guess to explain further, I kept getting "the AI in this game sucks, he couldn't see you even though you were right there" comments until I put notes on all the previous videos that I had the gamma higher than normal.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Trailer is done, enjoy!

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I actually stopped turning up the gamma so much in my videos after I got several comments from random viewers (not on youtube) that they were too bright and they couldn't tell I was hidden by shadows because the shadows were so washed out. I turned the gamma back down for this trailer and my latest Let's Play and so far I haven't had anyone else mention that either video was too bright or dark so far.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      The most "thief like" thing about it is the level design. A lot of areas in Dishonored really do feel like they came out of Thief or a really well done Thief or TDM FM except with a different setting/theme.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. One of these days I will successfully iron man The Swing.

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      Makes me wonder if I'll make it through Swing in one go if/when I decide to record it. I've been getting kind of lucky so far. XD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I agree to some extent. Flash really is rather buggy, slow, and finicky. However, I will say I'm dissappointed that there doesn't seem to be complete alternative to it yet, or at least not one that has gained enough popularity and acceptance. Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to feel like a some of the online content that and creativity delivered through flash that used to make the Internet fun is dying with flash rather than moving to newer tech. I guess in a way I want fl...

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      The problem is flash's "replacements" have yet to really take up all of it's functionality or become widespread enough. Like I said, I like the idea of moving away from flash, but not if it kills or significantly cripples certain types of content before an effective replacement really comes into play.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. I agree to some extent. Flash really is rather buggy, slow, and finicky. However, I will say I'm dissappointed that there doesn't seem to be complete alternative to it yet, or at least not one that has gained enough popularity and acceptance. Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to feel like a some of the online content that and creativity delivered through flash that used to make the Internet fun is dying with flash rather than moving to newer tech. I guess in a way I want fl...

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      To finish, I want flash dead, but perhaps not in the way that seems to be happening now.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. I've just gotten a shiny new PC, and should be badass enough to record some good TDM gameplay. I'll have to set aside some time between work, school, and other stuff, but we'll see. :D

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      I suppose I could once I get TDM re-installed and Fraps working.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. I've just gotten a shiny new PC, and should be badass enough to record some good TDM gameplay. I'll have to set aside some time between work, school, and other stuff, but we'll see. :D

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290


      Maybe. I might try to do some recording this weekend depending on how things turn out.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. I've just gotten a shiny new PC, and should be badass enough to record some good TDM gameplay. I'll have to set aside some time between work, school, and other stuff, but we'll see. :D

    1. Professor Paul1290

      Professor Paul1290

      Some brief specs:

      Intel Core i7-3770 Quad-Core 3.4Ghz,

      16GB Kingston RAM,

      EVGA Geforce GTX 570

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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