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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. STiFU

    Items Pickup

    Practice picking junk up... But seriously, I know the system is not perfect yet, but you get used to it pretty fast.
  2. Ah, ok. Well that was exactly the way I planed the class FontReader to work until you said, we should keep the font-texture loading in the shaders module... There's a method for returning the information of a requested glpyh and a method that returns the corresponding texture for use in GL. It's just not all fleshed out yet and also, I don't know yet how all that stuff in GL works. So far I only coded directdraw, when it comes to graphics. If I can't use the VFS in Filechoosers, I'll just create lists allowing the user to choose files. One list each for .dat, .gui and .xd files. I just talked to my dear friend namespace about that book you recommended and he's got it at home in german, so I am going to borrow it.
  3. Sweet input, thanks. Especially the reference-to-const-thingy is the kind of valuable knowledge we weren't taught at the uni. This technique has also the advantage that no exceptions can be generated in a copy-constructor, I guess. I haven't looked into the VFS yet, so for now I was just thinking to load them this way. One thing at a time. I planned the VFS to be dealt with as soon as I setup the GUI for my module, because I'll need it then for the filechoosers. Including the font texture loading into the shaders module does make sense. Take your time, I am not in a hurry. I still have a lot of other tasks in this project and I am also working rather slow here, as you can probably tell by the complexity of my code...
  4. Ah yeah I see, that's a problem of course. But it should be possible to raise the brightness of a certain area of a texture properly somehow, without making it full-bright. Maybe you could use a blend-blend-stage with a white texture and an alphachannel, making the inner part semitransparent and a gradient to black at the grime-borders?
  5. Also, the team is aiming to attract more players and if incomplete buggy updates were pushed out the door, some people might get discouraged. So better get everything sorted and tested.
  6. By the way, whenever I add the imageloader to the list of dependencies in plugin.cpp the program collapses eventually with an unhandled exception. Maybe you could have a look at that, now that the code is online? I've also received an email after uploading to the svn saying Is this configuration intentional?
  7. Well, the stonewalls not bleaching argument shouldn't be valid here, as decals are supposed to be general purpose, so they might be as well be used on tapestry or wood. And those latter materials definitely leave a bright spot behind objects, especially on wood. I've seen it myself when moving furniture here and I live in a pretty old farmer's building. I'd say definitely brighten the inside...
  8. STiFU

    Items Pickup

    Yeah, I also noticed that one. Ishtvan has plans on fixing it eventually...
  9. Yeah I think so too, but I thought I'd ask what the commons around here are. Don't want anyone to get pissed because of anything I do... Hey, really nice of you, to give me so much support. Thanks! I always thought mine was pretty unique until I discovered that there is a character called Stifu in the french version of Dragon Ball and eventually more people started naming themselves like that, probably also because of "STFU". But well, I've been using this alias since 15 years now and I won't change it. I like it and many of my friends call me like that sometimes... Other than that also Stiff, Stiffson, Stiffmaster, Stiffzor, Stizzle...
  10. Ok thanks, I'll have a look at those later then. No need to reinvent the wheel!! Here is my new sourceforge account: username schtifu, public name STiFU (Damn it, username stifu already existed^^) Which branch should I use then? Also, do you generally commit after every work-period or just when a source file has significant changes?
  11. Yeah that'd be sweet. Then I won't need to backup the sourcefiles manually anymore... I didn't know though you guys already had a parser compatible with xdata. I thought, if you don't have a readable editor, you won't have such thing either. I was gonna parse it manually, but I'll look into that class later then.
  12. I'd suggest to use a more subtle and narrow grime combined with an alphamap so that the borders aren't brightened.
  13. I am currently writing the importer/exporter for xdata files and I need to know whether comments are supported and how they are declared. So far I didn't see any, but if I implement it without comment-support, my class would probably send a SyntaxErrorException.
  14. A leak in the skybox can also lead to weird pointfiles.
  15. Fidcal has also created one ore more T2 maps, I think.
  16. Moving decal meshes with pixelshaders and very small subtle particle emitters? That'd be my only idea. Maybe you could have a look at Crysis and its editor or some presentations about Crysis. Might find some valuable information.
  17. "Omnipotent"... Doesn't sound so cool though. But as I said, you don't have to call him "Allmächtiger" every time. Any god-like adjective will do.
  18. Ok nice. I got it working. Good thing printf() is still linked to the console and globalOutputStream() is also useful. One question about the VFS for later: Are all files loaded or are they filtered by file-extension? I am asking because I didn't find the readable-guis of TDM in the mediabrowser, nor the corresponding .dat-files for the fonts and I'll need those later.
  19. I experienced the same there. On expert he was standing there all the time and on normal he was moving around. Good thing there are so many ways into the place...
  20. Ah, tanks for the info. Yeah, the project was going to be turned into a module eventually, but I thought development might be easier if I start with a console application. I mostly prefer coded outputs instead of checking variables at breakpoints, although it's basically slower. I guess I will have to get used to the latter now... I'll try to setup my own empty module later then. Do I have to tell DR somewhere that it's supposed to load my module as well?
  21. Dark Mod uses many assets of Doom 3, which are probably not available in those games and there might be other technical reasons, why this wouldn't work...
  22. Implementing the Readable Editor: Status and notes Implemented: Don't allow typing of forbidden characters in inventory- and xdataname. Only allow typing of numbers in numPages-entry. Zero should be forbidden. While editing numPages, if you press escape, the old value will be restored. Changing the pagelayout will eventually hide the two right textviews and the headlines "Left" and "Right". Switching pagelayouts should not discard text. A newly created page will be initialized with the same gui as the page before. After entering an XData name, it will be checked whether that name is unique. If it's not a popup will ask the user whether the existing definition shall be imported. If it's not imported, another name is suggested (numbers appended). If a new XData definition is created an XData name should be suggested, like: readables/[MapName]/<enter name> Provide method for inserting a page before the current page. Further extension of the insert/delete feature for twosided readables. It should be possible to inser/delete single sides. Provide method for deleting a page. Comfort feature: If the current page is an end of the readable (beginning or end) and the user clicks the switch-page-button of the "end-direction", a little pullup-menu could be shown, asking whether a page shall be inserted. Tools: "Show last Import summary" Tools: "Show duplicated Definitions" Tools: "Show gui definition summary" Derive pagelayout from entity. Greedy approach: Check whether entity name contains "book". Make sure XDataName is set properly before saving. New XData is now stored in the [mod_path]/xdata/ directory. The GUI-browser will only list definitions that match the page-layout. Hand-typed gui-definitions should be checked, whether they match the pagelayout. Changing page-layout in the gui-browser should change pagelayout on the ReadableEditorDialog and preview accordingly. Choosing a different GUI will update the preview. Optimally while the gui-chooser dialog is still opened. Limit gui manager filevisitor to the readables folder. It just takes too long to parse all definitions and we don't gain anything from it. XData-Browser previews the selected XData definition. Fix issue with crash upon previewing certain readables in the XData browser. Add loading definitions screen. Maybe add options to the DR preferences menu in which the user can specify in which folder xdata definitions are supposed to be stored. Tweak the preview: Cropping and gray background. Postponed to future releases: Notify the user when he typed a character that is not available in the font. Option to check syntax of a specified file. Option to duplicate and freeze preview or a general translator's dialog. If the end of a page is reached in the preview, the editor should automatically jump to the next textView field. Reducing page count via the spinbutton, should not delete the content directly so that the user can revert, if necessary. Original Post: I want to create a readable editor editor for DR. Up until now, I have only coded in medium- to small-sized projects, so I will probably need some help along the road. I am really interested to do this currently, because I guess it will teach me a lot... Invaluable experience, you know? For now, I have created a new project in the Visual Studio solution called "dm.readable" and pasted the include- and libraryfolders from one of the other dm-plugins. DR compiles fine, so I am basically good to go. Right now, the project is a console application, which should make the initial developing phase a little easier for me. Decoding the .dat files already works fine, but I need a little help figuring out how to load the font textures. I read everything DR-coding-related in the wiki and so I decided to include iimage.h and use the inline function GlobalImageLoader to request an Imageloader for TGA: ImageLoaderPtr LoaderTGA = GlobalImageLoader("TGA"); But when I build and run this, I get an error saying "Assertion failed: _registry, file c:\dark_radiant_svn\include\ imodule.h, line 271". So I'll probably need to figure out how to initialize the image module and how this whole module-thingy in general works. I am going to look into that later, because I'll have to start learning now, but if someone can point me into the right direction here, that'd be swell!! I also tried including "ImageFileLoader.h", but I'd have to add another includefolder for this and I don't know if I am supposed to do that. I should only use the includefolder for Modules, right?
  23. Then you didn't climb to every place, as you can find some water arrows somehwere...
  24. Wenn ihr eh in 'ne andere Sprache wollt könnt ihrs auch englisch lassen!! Diese angeblich aus dem Ruhrpott stammenden Übersetzungen für Wemmser sind mir allerdings eher neu. Man gebraucht "Wemmser" seltenst und es hat auch eigentlich keine konkrete Bedeutung, so wie ich das sehe! (Abgesehen von Hammer) Beispiel: "Na was geht, du alter Wemmser"
  25. Sure is! "Filter All Brushes" would be necessary, unless the grid was an overlay in one of the editor-rendermodes, visible through all geometry. I prefer to have a look at the orthoviews to see how I am oriented though.
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