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Everything posted by Vadrosaul

  1. So could a mapper circle spots on their maps where they would like loot to be randomized, and possibly have control over the list of random loot objects in a certain spot, so as to avoid, for instance, a gold fire poker appearing as silverware on the dinner table? EDIT: On second thought, what Tels mentioned sounds unimportant to the extreme.
  2. "In a world where cheesy booming voices are overused in sneak peek videos"
  3. I hear that alot, but simply put this is just a tease, just to tell us a third game is coming. It could have been white text on black background that says 'Deus Ex 3 is coming', but they like to sex things up with bombastic marketing
  4. The game should lead with PC development and stick to the hybrid genre and not go the extremely streamlined route that Bioshock did. Console centricity had a lot to do with that. Cyberpunk-related boards are abuzz as to who/what/how Deus Ex 3 is written. The game holds the shining candle of gaming greatness in regards to sociopolitical commentary. I say they should proceed from the original and forget IW even exists, and choose the JCD/Helios ending, since it can offer a different, philosophical narrative dealing with the transhumanist nature of mankind under the auspices of a seemingly benevolent AI. Throw in Morpheus as an untapped, but likely fitting foil and let the player screw their forehead in frustration trying to choose within the greyness the sides represent. A lot of the time it’s about choosing the lesser of two evils. How about choosing between the ambiguous intentions of two goods? The road to hell is paved with good intentions On the simpler side of things: - I would like to see JCD return along with some other familiar faces from the original. - I would like to see Warren S. involved to whatever degree he can manage, even though it’s not his project (someone from Eidos Montreal should be in constant contact with him, at least to gather thoughts, criticisms and inspirations). - I would like the same design philosophy from the first game, and a fitting engine chosen. - I would like to be blown away by the art design like I was in Bx. Sometimes less is more in cyber-dystopias, but sometimes more is dazzling. - I would like choices to side with whatever factions to cause major branches in the story’s progression (ie. side with UNATCO/MJ12, NSF) - I would like the player character to be able to take charge, have their own impetus for the fate of the world. - More influence from Bruce Sterling works, less from Billy Gibson whose been done to death. - Don't fuck this up like the last iteration.
  5. These things happen. My brother's wife just had one too. Life just doesn't take sometimes and you try again. Have you ever considered adopting a baby? Someone else has already done the work, why bother putting your wife through 9 months of aggravation....
  6. If we're talking Windows, I simply removed qttask process by running MSCONFIG and going to the Startup tab. It never appears in the process list anymore.
  7. I played the demo, after having an avid interest in the title for the past year. However, the demo was quite a letdown. It still feels as if the product is in early Beta stages, either that or there was a series of poor development choices for the various facets, including UI, graphics texture blocks, volumetrics, ambience, color tones, etc… The game needs a serious dose of analysis, then streamlining what’s important. It just feels too much of a disconnected mismash. From the demo, I could see the potential for a good game, but in its current state it is covered in too much shit. Terribly bland textures, repetitive gameplay styles, weak sound effects/ambience/music, cookie-cutter voicework, pitiful mission assignments, bland all around. I’ve noticed the defensive odour of fanbois from the demo is particularly musky. They can’t defend the state of the game with anything beyond a blind, almost apathetic acceptance. Anyways, if there is a large gamer populous that feel fine buying HGL based on what they witnessed in demo or beta, then I can’t fault Flagship for not providing even the slightest polish in the experience. Gamers like that don’t value their money anyways, so why waste time infusing value into the product. That seems to be a popular modus operandii of developers/publishers these days. With my time at a premium, and me itching for an RPG after too many FPS clones, it was either HGL or Witcher. Suffice to say the Poles showed a lot more care for their product and its execution. Honestly though it was more a matter of HGL & Flagship constantly shooting themselves in the foot via the game and their doubletalk.
  8. Vadrosaul

    To Orbweaver

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the difference between blunt and diplomatic
  9. Anything you could impart about your experiences would be appreciated. Dining, light shopping, transportation (taxi experiences), technology, weather, things to look for, things to avoid, nuances, the mentality of the cityfolk, perception of foreigners, taboos, etc… I don’t need worry about apartment, the job requires about a third of a month spent there, and the company would be supplying accommodation. As long as there’s ubiquitous Net access I’ll be set
  10. Does anyone here speak and/or write Korean, or any Oriental language for that matter? A job opportunity has come up in Seoul, so I may take up trying the language in a night course starting in February. It’s not a prerequisite, but still am I wondering if anyone has any first-hand knowledge on Korea/n.
  11. I'm no programmer, but to get this idea to work, would it not be a simple reversal of properties & variables assigned to moss arrows?
  12. Where are the girls parents the whole time? It seems they had an inkling that their daughter was distraught, so why didn’t they cut her back on her Internet usage. The ‘net is no place for someone who has a chip on their shoulder or wears their heart on their sleeve, especially for minors who on-average take the Internet way too seriously & don’t build up proper social interaction & thicken their skin.
  13. Vadrosaul

    Beowulf 3D

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'm on the fence for Beowulf considering the tale is told in movie form so bloody often, however Zemeckis has an excellent track record (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Cast Away). I'm confused though I thought the Dark Mod isn’t Thief
  14. I would imagine the chess match part may not be as good as it could be between the two blokes considering that in-between moves they are pounding away at each others craniums.
  15. Can't fault Yahoo completely when the blogger should have had the common sense to realize the backlash posting pro-democratic blogs would entail. Putting them on the spot like that, expecting them to uphold the human rights of their own country in a foreign place, disregarding the rules of those they do business with, it's the equivalent of disciplining a neighbors hellraising children. Sure the kids need a dose of it, but don't expect your ass to not get bitten since it's not your place to judge.
  16. Between this and the Witcher, the other RPG release that came out in the Halloween period, there is no contest. The metascores don't lie, the Witcher hands down
  17. Was Constantine's mansion the level with the Gullivers Travels sections?
  18. You forgot the 'yeah' between 'huh' and 'what is it good for?'
  19. I think that what was the best about Quake 3 was the engine's pervasive use in numerous other quality titles, not just FPS ones either.
  20. I like woo in small doses, hence why I didn't say 'rearing its "ugly" head'. In my experience, too many FM's involving woo feel as if they included zombies and craymen for the sake of having them, and not to enhance a narrative or the levels atmosphere. My fav level, Cragscleft, had the right balance of woo, applied to a section of the level that made its inclusion believable in context.
  21. Do rope arrow shafts splinter if they are bent too hard? For instance, using your crates as an example, if a crate falls after being pulled down from a high shelf, and the side with the rope arrow falls face to the ground, shouldn't the shaft break in half? Is there collision detection like that?
  22. That was my thought too. Soon we'll have fans implementing Portal-style game mechanics into Dark Mod FM's. Too much woo rearing its head. First the insectoids, next magical portals
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