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  1. great ...i will check out those tutorials i tend to use xsi for doing the polygon modeling and then texture in max as the normal map setup in xsi is a pain. i just this moment finished playing a little bit of doom on my new system and noticed some very strange lighting effects from the normal maps ..half of the models were shaded very dark .. a strange line right down the center of the faces. i just updated my nvidia driver. guess i will have to sort this out first!
  2. Guest


    I was just wondering is TYROT working on both mods now? Or did he leave The Dark Mod for Phobos... cuz if he did that would be a real pity... His work is pretty damn awesome. And I personally think that Dark Mod is a higher quality mod than Doom 3: Phobos...
  3. Just noticed something funny. When I run the Doom 3 editor in GUI mode, the window title says Quak IV GUI editor.
  4. that's exactly what i was hoping for - being a great fan of sneaky action and really not much of a shooter guy anymore. it's strange: i used to love all these fpss but nowadays those super linear shooters just don't do much for me anymore. half-life 2 left me disappointed (man, they really went out of their way to make sure you don't come up with your own strategy and do ANYTHING that wasn't pre-planned by them) and doom 3 i didn't actually finish because i got so bored halfway through. on the other hand i love the thief games naturally (i know it might be considered blasphemic but i also had a great time with t:ds), as well as deus ex (first one, mind you - second one was a -badly executed- slap in the face), the gothic series and -the most recent edition to my my all-time favorites- vampire:bloodlines. okay enough rambling from me. i just wish there were more games that give you a great amount of freedom in how you approach a goal - that's why i wanna give modding a try. kind regards gleeful
  5. Renzatic


    I wouldn't put yourself down like that, out of all the Doom 3 mods I'm interested in you guys have the best looking maps out of them all. They're swanky good. And yeah...he's working for us both. The guy loves to have alot to do.
  6. Is Quake IV gonna be using the Doom 3 engine? When's it coming out BTW? I heard the story goes back to the Strogg enemies of Quake 2.
  7. Then you're the kind of person the Doom modding community needs. We don't need anymore CS-type of mods, rather what we need are good mods that are of top quality. We'll leave the popularity part till the mod is released
  8. wow, that was fast! i was a bit worried that your tools might be restricted to "Dark Mod content", but if i understood you correctly i will be able to pretty much combine the dark mod with all kinds of content made for doom 3, right? now i'm looking forward to your mod even more. kind regards gleeful
  9. Yup, it'll be about as easy as modifying any currently existing game assets. If you wanna add new textures, models, weapons, enemies, or whatever else, you'll just plug em into the mod in much the same way you would Doom 3.
  10. One of the worlds 10 best Vanilla Doom players comes from Finland.
  11. Guest

    You've Caught My Eye...

    I just stumbled upon this site tonight. Nice. I think its great to see another mod being inspired by the greatest game ever made: Thief. Keep up the good work, I garuntee I'll be DLing this the day it's released. I read in the FAQ that there isn't any multiplayer plans for this mod. I'm an avid thievery player... and I implore you to reconsider. Focus on the editor and campaign first of couse, but after that if you still have life in you it would be great to get another sneaky multiplayer game going. Either way though, I support your efforts. I don't even own Doom 3... but I'll buy it just for this mod if you'll put it out for me. Thanks a million times over!
  12. Macsen


    Doom 3: Hell on Earth seems very similar to the expansion pack 'Ressurection of Evil' being created by Id or one of its affiliates, so maybe that was part of their decision to shut down production.
  13. For example, Thief Deadly Shadows was a total converson of the Unreal engine. Fortunatley we don't have to rewrite the renderer though. The Doom renderer suits our purposes vey well.
  14. A total conversion means that you create an entirely new game based on a particular engine. Thief and Doom 3 are both first person, and that is about as much similarity as it will get. Everything else will be coded by us or converted in such a way that is suits the new game mechanics. The difference between a TC and a mod is primarly the scope. A mod extends on the existing game while a TC creates an entirely new game in all regards. This is basically the same thing that game companies are doing when they are licensing an engine. As for the tools. This is not THAT clear right now. Many things can already be done with the existing tools, because they are much more flexible then I thought. Of course we are still pretty much in the beginning, so we have to feel our way through. The first priority is to get the core game mechanics to working. This includes the lightgem, sound propagation, improving the AI, extending objective conditions and all these things. Once we have the core gameplay working, we can focus on making this things a more or less smoot ride for others to use our assets to create thief style maps. Thjis could mean that we just need to write a howto and explain how to set up i.e. frobable objects, or it could mean that we need to write a third party editor in order to setup things that are not supported by the D3 editors directly. Of course the ideal solution is to write plugins for the editor, which is possible, but I'm not sure if we have the tools for this, as Id didn't release everything. So I know that plugins can be written, because Id uses this as well, but if the interface is not available, we can not do it.
  15. Sorry if I'm being pestering, but as a software developer, I'm interested in the details. What exactly is a "total conversion". I could either take that as putting a new interface on existing editor engine or it could be your way of saying you're writing a whole new editor. Are you writing code against the Doom 3 engine's API? Or are you working with the editor API? Is the editor open source so that you can make changes to it?
  16. Thanks for dropping in. Essentially what we're doing is making a total conversion of the Doom 3 editor. When we are finished it will provide FM authors with the tools they need to construct missions. It's likely going to be another year before we see the toolset released, but hang in there.
  17. Renzatic


    The Doom 3 community is faltering a bit, but is far from dead. I've seen interest in a game dry up and watch a community die, this one is still going strong...if not a bit stunned at the moment. In the end it's gonna be Quake 4 that draws all the attention to the engine. D3 has piqued a bit of interest, but it'll be Quake that brings all the hardcore Id modders to the scene.
  18. New Horizon


    Yeah, Sledge was saying the very same thing about the big Doom 3 mods last week. They're all pulling out. I don't know if they feel it's just too much work or what. At any rate, I'm not going anywhere.
  19. oDDity


    What other big mods are there for doom now anway? They seem to be dropping like flies. Look's like we'll be the only one that ever get released
  20. The arms stay in the same relative positon to the camera wherever you look, just like with any doom weapon. When you're not holding anything you'll see no arms at all.
  21. Just have the arms attached to camera I think, like Doom and the early Thiefs, otherwise it requires to have a whole body for the first person animations reather than just arms, and we get into the whole area of body awareness.
  22. This is something I think we can consider before the initial release. The bow is a weapon, just like the blackjack, just like the sword. In Doom 3, you can see what weapon you're using at the bottom of the screen. You don't need an icon because you can SEE it. If a player doesn't like this, they can turn View Weapons off. And they will see NO weapons. I don't see why we need to make a special exception for the Bow, just because T2 did. It's inconsistant and doesn't lend itself well to customising your HUD. But as always, we shouldn't be talking about things SOLEY in terms of realism - rather, Gameplay first, realisim second. In this case, we're talking about interface optimisations. This is something I don't think we can consider before the initial release, but I'm mentioning it anyway. You can make it so that everything is selected the same way. Deux Ex did it. Deus Ex was made by Looking Glass after T2, and I think the interface is a general improvement over T2's. In Deus Ex, you have less keys to fiddle with, because there is no distinction between "items" and "weapons", and you have a "HUD Item Belt". You have way less keys to worry about, because you simply select an item with item up, item down, then you see it, and you press fire to use it. It could be a MedPack, or a gun. Makes no difference. The use key is reserved for interacting with fixed game world objects, like switches. No need to put your current item away. To manage all your items, you have an item belt, which is always on screen, has 10 slots each with a corresponding number key, and you can put anything in any slot via the inventory screen. Item up and item down only moves through these 10 items. This is better than T2 because; All the items I can cycle through are all on screen, so I know how many clicks I'm going to have to go through to get what I want I know exactly which number key to press to get what I want instantly. I dont have to cycle through stuff I'm not currently interested in, including certain weapons. And in our mod, a hard core user could turn off the belt display, already knowing what they've got in each slot. I only think there is a distinction in T2 between weapons and items because they don't have an interface like Deus Ex does. Obviously making a Deus Ex type interface is more work, but it proportionately more useful to the player, I think. Eg. in the (heavily GIF compressed) top screen shot, I dragged the medpack into slot 6. In the bottom screen shot, I pressed 6 on the keyboard, or scrolled the mousewheel over to slot six, and he's holding it out in front of him, ready to drop it or use it.
  23. Nope, the Doom 3 editor is packed in with the game itself..you access it by making a shortcut and adding a couple of strings on the command line. Or if you wanna go with something a little different you can get GTKradiant from www.qeradiant.com, they've recently added realtime lighting in the editor, so I might switch to it myself once they get a stable build up and running. And grabbing it from Wal-Mart gives you the advantage of not paying cash and finding out that someone embossed their name on the CD's with a screwdriver. Unless it's a rare or older title I usually go for the brand new untouched copy.
  24. Id has never been too keen on contests in the past and it doesn't look like they'll be changing their stance anytime soon. It would be damn nice to win a licensed commercial release of the Doom 3 engine..valued at a cool million. It'd be the woot moment to end all woot moments.
  25. I hope you're not serious Vad. :lol: It's a total conversion of the Doom 3 engine into a stealth based platform. Everything has to be designed from the ground up. AI, Sound propagation, Textures, Models, Voice Sets...etc, etc. This can not be pulled together in a few months.
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